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I'm yellow people


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Living in Montana is not helping her :) partial joke because while I love Montana I know it is "white people" country and there seems to be engrained racism there.


Montana Democratic Governor Brian Schweitzer told the Ohio Democratic Party recently that Montanans are “white, racist rednecks.”:


“All over Montana, you can walk into a bar, a café or even a school or a courthouse and just listen for a while as people talk to each other,” Schweitzer explained, shortly after noting 93 percent of his state’s population is classified as Caucasian. “And you will hear somebody, before very long, say something outrageously racist about the people who’ve lived in Montana for 10,000 years.”


Having a thick skin is mandatory. Just my ten cents, go griz go cats


I'm yellow people...

Lao po is feeling the press of discrimination; some real and some not.
I struggling to keep her positive.

Living in a remote location is not helping her........

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I went through similar circumstances with my first wife who is from Japan. We lived in a small city in Idaho where there are very few Asians. Her being a big city Tokyo girl trying to fit in was bad enough but the worst thing I think was how people would stare at her. They just weren't accustomed to meeting Asians. We ended up moving to Eugene Oregon where she felt much more comfortable. Another big issue for her was not being able to find familiar foods nearby. The nearest Japanese market was 30 miles away with very poor selection of foods. Compared to where you are Griz it was the big city. I think your wife has done very well to adjust as well as she has.

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I am a Chinese girl, and this is my 3rd year living in Mississippi since I came to America. I feel very loved by friends, co-workers, and my husband's family ( my husband is white ), even random people I met in Grocery store or restaurant are very nice.


This is also my 3rd year working for a state government agency in America, I am the only Asian in this agency, I realize that I do get a lot of attention because I am foreign, but I don't feel discriminated at all, instead, they think Asians are really smart and pretty :)


I am sorry for your wife's situation, help her make some local Chinese friends, and of course meet some of your friends, help her to know that it is not her problem/being Asian, we are all human beings, unique and different, but it doesn't make some are better than others.


I would like to talk to your wife, if I can be any help, or just a friend to talk to.



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Sorry ot hear that Griz. My wife would probably be at her wits end if she felt discriminated against....plus living in a rural area.


We live in a rural area, 2 miles outside of the little town of Bedford, PA which has maybe 2,500 people on a weekend day when city folks come out to gawk and walk around the shops. I realize that is probably a lot of people compared to your area, but Wenyan has taken to rural life pretty well, especialy now that I got her ot go to a small writers group I've gone to every 2 weeks for a long time now. The women there have really taken her under their wings and take her out to shop some, and in her time here she is meeting more Chinese women in Altoona, Pa where I drop her off at a mall while I go to VA hospital appointments.. That's filled in some of the blanks that I couldn't with all the things I try and help make her life more full with.


Your wife has been here longer than mine and like Carl says, she's done really well....but what the hell is with this descrimination crap? That burns me up to hear that about your wife. This place in Pa is redneck central but dang, they've never shown any descrimination towards her. That's a tough row to hoe for anybody. I feel for you both with that sort of nonsense.


Tell you the truth, I'd flat out pick up and leave an area that had stupid cavemen that were giving my wife a problem. America is too big and too beautiful to live with idiots. Just my opinion, buddy.

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I seem to remember how her adjustment in a non-Asian environment was an early concern of yours, Griz. The stares and comments that Ruby posts makes me think of how us Americans feel when/if we decide to live in China... not so very different in that seeing and reacting to someone so different.

Now, if your wife is feeling the press of discrimination as you state and that people are out and out treating her rudely, I would seriously consider moving, as Carl did. You know as well as anyone that you're not going to change bigotry.

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Please-all move to Hawaii - we're 60+ percent Asian - and when my wife arrived she asked where all the Americans were! I splained it to her! We - so called - White people (or half Red in my case) are the minority and there is of course local slang for our bleached out race - "Haole".....not a nice reference to the Race!


You can find most of us Old Haole's at the Dermatologist getting the cancer removed from our white/red skin - it's called a "Haole Overhaul"!!!


BTW - this co-existance is one of the reasons we're building a house in Hawaii - so our "mixed blood" children will be with all the other mixed children! (I think it also works in California)

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Collin County Texas (immediately North of Dallas) is 11.5% Asian (2011 data) and seems to be growing. A very active Chinese Chamber of Commerce, newspapers, etc ...


Food is a major factor in settling in at least it was in our case. We have many choices of Chinese, "Asian", Indian markets to choose.

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Do you have any update, Griz? How are things going at this point?


Like others, I wouldn't want to put up with open bigotry and/or discrimination. Down here in Tennerbama, folks are famous for racism but it is not nearly as bad as it used to be. We live in a very small town in the rural south, so you might expect a few problems. We have been here ten years this month and we haven't had even one incident of a racial type. Is Montana your home, Griz? Do you have family ties in that area? If not, you might want to consider other alternatives.

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