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Medical Exam for Zvisa

Fu Lai

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One of the requirements for me to get a Zvisa to teach in China is I have to take a medical exam beforehand (of course after I arrive there I have to take a second medical exam for the work and residency papers). I asked and it is mandatory. The Chinese consulate provides the form the doctor fills out here.

Does anyone have any more info on the exam or how I can do it cheaply? From what I understand it could cost hundreds of dollars. :yikes:

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Well doing some search it sounds like a pain for cost.


To get my Z visa I had to have the full medical exam done in NZ - very, very expensive. I brought all my results with me and the school accepted it, same school as KCannuck - so maybe it is just luck of the draw. I would have been really irate if I'd had to fork out more cash for the thing...there were two of us doing it so it was a real fortune.


And a warning for anyone getting a Z visa medical done in NZ - if you tell the blood test people what it's for, you have to pay full price...no discounts at all so lots and lots of $100s for all the blood tests that need doing. All up, it was around about $700NZ.



Also NZ info, since it sounds like you may not make a trek all the way back to the states to do this.



Then here it sounds like they may do a health check upon entry to China.

Upon entering China, the foreign employee has to go to the entry and exit inspection and quarantine center to do a health check. After the employee obtains the health certificate, the employer has to go to the related Administrative Center for Employment of Foreigners to apply for a work permit. If the foreign employee is hired in China and is required to go back to their home country to apply for a Z visa, the individual is advised to get the health check prior to returning to the home country for the visa application.

MORE: http://www.china-bri...t-in-china.html

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I completed my medical exam last week in Beijing. It cost me 610 RMB, and was a fairly painless and quick experience, although I had to travel out to the NW 5th ring road, which wasn't fun, but the medical exam itself was quick, efficient, and they ran a nice operation there.


I do hate needles however, and when I got the blood taken, my lady friend said I became white as a ghost, and I had to sit down for a few before continuing. Thankfully, there's a really nice restaurant across the street, and after completing the process, we had dumplings and those Korean rice bowls (石锅拌饭).


As I never had a medical done before (for visa purposes), much less recently, I had to pay the 610 RMB for the full medical. HOWEVER, on the documentation I saw at the hospital, if you have had a medical done recently (I think it was within the past 6 months), for visa purposes, and you still have one of the original reports given to you (I was given 2), you can transfer the results and receive a new medical for just a couple hundred RMB, as opposed to 610 RMB - I forget the exact price, as I just glanced over that portion as it did not apply to me.


I'm in the process of applying for a Z visa, which will then lead to my residence/work permit, if everything goes smoothly.............

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well doing some search it sounds like a pain for cost.


To get my Z visa I had to have the full medical exam done in NZ - very, very expensive... All up, it was around about $700NZ.


Yes I finished the medical exam here and it was around $700! :sosad: Dr. exam, blood tests, xray, picture and travel expenses. Over half a month's pay! The Zvisa is $200 and the plane ticket is around $800 one way. That sucks up the 12000RMB they give me for travel expenses AFTER the one year contract is done and no money for the ticket back.

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