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Hock, Spit, Splash, Drip

Guest ExChinaExpat

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Sorry to bring (...it's the preceding hoooock.)


This bothers me when a woman does it...


Jessi, the ONLY think, other than Pudong airport the bitch of the whole public transportaion system over there - in fact it is not even part of their public tranport.... anyway, what bothers me the MOST about Chinese is the loud damned talking on the cell phone in public. It hurts my ears. If on a train especially, or a bus, so I start bitchin just incase they get the idea. You can't even carry on your own conversation with some idiot yelling in his phone. I got on one guys case in a train obviously trying to make a deal, some salesman. He kept glancing at me but kept on selling. Maybe it was a good time to Hock on his shoe. Piss on him.


However, looking at it from Tsappers point of view I have been known to make load noises and boast and say all kinds of stupid things when in public places over there. No one cares, even when they know what I am saying. Lots of freedom. I haven;t seen all the piss, just lougies all over the sadewalks, and people don't look ant step right in them. I avoid.


To a much lesser extent:

...there is the constant toasting at dinners, but yes a mans world in China because many don't give a %$^& about women.

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Guest ExChinaExpat


Sorry to bring (...it's the preceding hoooock.)


This bothers me when a woman does it...


Jessi, the ONLY think, other than Pudong airport the bitch of the whole public transportaion system over there - in fact it is not even part of their public tranport.... anyway, what bothers me the MOST about Chinese is the loud damned talking on the cell phone in public. It hurts my ears. If on a train especially, or a bus, so I start bitchin just incase they get the idea. You can't even carry on your own conversation with some idiot yelling in his phone. I got on one guys case in a train obviously trying to make a deal, some salesman. He kept glancing at me but kept on selling. Maybe it was a good time to Hock on his shoe. Piss on him.



Loud talking. Yeah, you bet that's annoying. Especially on a late night train. The trains are nice but they do not dim the lights. You can try to get a wink or two in until some putz starts shouting, "Wei? Wei? Wei?" On one trip, I had just returned from a long flight, and had to manage my way to the train station, get a ticket, and board the train. I was dog tired. Despite the cabin lights I managed to doze off, only to be startled awake by the shouting of "Wei? Wei? Wei?"


I turned around, looked the dork in the eye and loudly said, "Wei, nege tou!" Which in a nasty way pretty much means, is that all you know how to say is Wei?


The other passengers laughed and looked at me with surprise. The man went to a more private place to complete his phone call, but it's rare as most will simply ignore you and shout on.

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Hope this isn't too far OT.


My pet peeve: why do the Chinese exiting escalators or walking sidewalks always take one step off, stop and look around in a blind stare? Oblivious to the fact that the people behind them are being fed right into them. Recently at HKIA I actually saw a pile up of 8 people tripped up and on the ground because of this. Here on the mainland, they also seem to clump together motionless and looking around, plugging up the entrance to these people movers, too.


Drives me nuts!


That, and smoking cigars in packed elevators while yelling into a cell phone, not more than 1 foot away from me.

Edited by Steve in USA (see edit history)
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Hocking and spitting are some of the biggest complaints I've heard from ex-pats. Personally I never really noticed it in China but then I've never lived there. What I find interesting is I have yet to hear anyone here complaining of their wives doing it. Who's doing all this spitting anyway? Just the men? If so I've never seen my brother in law or any of my wife's male relatives doing it. Now the public toilet thing I can relate to. Especially bus or train stations. Yuck! disgusting.

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Guest ExChinaExpat

Hocking and spitting are some of the biggest complaints I've heard from ex-pats. Personally I never really noticed it in China but then I've never lived there. What I find interesting is I have yet to hear anyone here complaining of their wives doing it. Who's doing all this spitting anyway? Just the men? If so I've never seen my brother in law or any of my wife's male relatives doing it. Now the public toilet thing I can relate to. Especially bus or train stations. Yuck! disgusting.


Women, men, kids all spit, but it does seem the more educated people don't do it. If you go to a train or bus station, you'll hear a lot of it going on around you. Standing taking a piss with people on either side of you hocking one up and spitting in the pot or trough.


When I first arrived in Nanjing to work five years ago, I was sitting in a cubicle area. All manner of burping and spitting going on. One guy in particular hocking it up all day long and letting it go in the trash.

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Sorry to bring (...it's the preceding hoooock.)


This bothers me when a woman does it...


Jessi, the ONLY think, other than Pudong airport the bitch of the whole public transportaion system over there - in fact it is not even part of their public tranport.... anyway, what bothers me the MOST about Chinese is the loud damned talking on the cell phone in public. It hurts my ears. If on a train especially, or a bus, so I start bitchin just incase they get the idea. You can't even carry on your own conversation with some idiot yelling in his phone. I got on one guys case in a train obviously trying to make a deal, some salesman. He kept glancing at me but kept on selling. Maybe it was a good time to Hock on his shoe. Piss on him.



Loud talking. Yeah, you bet that's annoying. Especially on a late night train. The trains are nice but they do not dim the lights. You can try to get a wink or two in until some putz starts shouting, "Wei? Wei? Wei?" On one trip, I had just returned from a long flight, and had to manage my way to the train station, get a ticket, and board the train. I was dog tired. Despite the cabin lights I managed to doze off, only to be startled awake by the shouting of "Wei? Wei? Wei?"


I turned around, looked the dork in the eye and loudly said, "Wei, nege tou!" Which in a nasty way pretty much means, is that all you know how to say is Wei?


The other passengers laughed and looked at me with surprise. The man went to a more private place to complete his phone call, but it's rare as most will simply ignore you and shout on.


This by far is my biggest pet peave as well - the loud talking on phones or in general in public places, be it the subway, bus, etc.


The example that stands out most in my mind was I flew to Bangkok on a flight with mostly foreigners (ie: non-Chinese people), and it was a nice quiet flight, people were polite, and I actually got a rest in. On my flight out of Bangkok to Beijing, it was a flight with mostly Chinese people on board. The difference was night and day - pandemonium. People were yelling across aisles, screaming into their phones, not being polite to the stewardesses, etc. But it really was the loud talking on phones right before takeoff and after landing, and in-flight screaming across aisles to family and friends - I almost couldn't take it. hahaha

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I have to pipe in here and say all this stuff bugs me a little... spitting, ultrawet bathrooms, yelling into mobile phones, stopping and just standing in front of doors / escalators / elevators and pretty much bottling up others everywhere ... but my girl has helped me just ignore it. She says these people (especially the older ones) are not removed far from the "country" where anything goes, so whenever I start to say something she just blurts out "country" and I get my mind back. She also says most of these folks (especially the under 30 crowd) are single kids so they were pampered so much, especially the boys, that they never really had to think of anyone but themselves. I've found the more educated the people are, the less they endanger others with unsanitary behavior.

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This discussion about spitting and hocking up loogies brings back a vivid memory of my first few weeks teaching in China. I had given my writing students an in class exercise which required them to produce a short essay. I was walking up and down the aisles kind of keeping an eye on what they were doing and how they were doing. Just as I was coming up a middle aisle, one young lady turned her head to the left and lowering her chin slightly, she let fly. I was, unfortunately, unable to avoid the flight path of this phlegmatic projectile and it landed on my new sports shoe with a loud splat. I was somewhat startled to say the least, but I felt even worse for the poor girl. She turned every shade of red imaginable and could not look me in the eye. I just kept walking, stepped out in the hallway and, shaking my foot with great vigor, dispatched the quivering blob from my shoe onto the concrete floor. From that point on, anytime I was walking down the hall or the street and I heard someone clear their throat or make a sound akin to an old Dodge on a cold morning, I gave them a wide berth.

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I like them big blubbery green and brown hockers that lie there on the restaurant's beautiful marble floor, vibratin' as they wait for a victim to rip a shoe off of if they step on it. Yeah baby, I love hockin', spitin', maniacs shoutin' in their phones, you name it Chinartucky is my kinda town. A man has freedom in Chinartucky.


Tarnation, I have to wait until after dark here in America to take a piss in my own front yard without gittin' locked up for decent exposure. In Chinartucky I can act like a dawg just let out of the house after 12 hours.....and nobody cares. Even downtown with 200,000 people walkin' around.


China, I loves it. It's their country and I really git a kick out of watching them be Chinese. At first my wife was a little embarrassed at all the goin' ons but now she laughs like a hyena right along beside me. A guy rares back in his dining room chair, loudly clears the phelgm outta his throat with a mightly roar, and blows a huge quiverin' clam out in the middle of the isle....and like two kids, one of whom just loudly farted in a crowded elevator we are off to the races laughing hysterically. There ain't no controlin' our glee. We take our dinner napkins and grade the performace, size, and texture of the clam.


tsap seui


I kin write my name on downtown building walls with the best of the Li's and Zhang's but try my best, I can only hock up puny spit. It's downright embarassin'. I reckon the fresh clean sweet smellin' air rat cheer in the rural mountains has robbed me of the phelgm to cook up a decent sized floor oyster when I'm in Chinartucky. I'm like a lil' dawg havin' to stay on the porch and watch the big dawgs havin' all the fun.

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