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Air Quality

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I seen on TV this morning a story on Carbon Monoxide test ran inside ice rinks in the USA.


The tests had alarming results with high amounts of carbon monoxide, caused by the ice rink's


power equipment, small and large. On both of my trips to Chonqing, I was sick everyday,


from the poor air quality. I wonder what the Chongqing monoxide readings would be, scarey


for sure.

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I spent 3 winters in Nanning and was sick most of the winters. You will not see any air quality figures but when your eyes are watering then you know. Since I have been back in the states for 15 months and no colds for me "Knock on wood". My wife has been back to Nanning visting her son for 2 months and has been sick most of the time. Not the place to live for me. Traffic Cops life expectancy is 42 years so that should tell you something. I think living close to the South China Sea has the best air quality or perhaps in the mountains. I guess everyone is different but it ain't for me.

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What Carbon Monoxide. Seriously you might not want to know. Google carbon monoxide meters they make pocket models that have a digital readout if you really want to know. Some are cheap and some are expensive. I don't know if the ones made in America will read high enough.

We old country boys suffer the most when we go to China I think. We are just not use to it.



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I think Beijing is the worst place in China, when I am in Chongqing it feels like almost clean air compared to Beijing.


Beijing has the lowest suicide rate in China also, I think it is because jumping out windows doesnt work, the air is so thick that your falling speed is the same as if you had on parachute.

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You got that right Don. On my last trip to the in-laws about 2 AM I woke up to the most terrible factory produced fumes that I have ever smelled in my life. It lasted exactly 30 minutes. The in-laws said that they thought that it was some kind of metal galvanizing plant close by and that they only made what ever it was that they make for 30 minutes at a time and only very early in the mornings. I swear that if it had lasted any longer than 30 minuted I think that I would have died. I tried to filter it through 4 layers of the quilt on the bed and it did nothing against whatever it was.


You might also be right about smokers too. I am not a smoker and never have been. I guess that is one of the reasons that I have such a terrible time with the air quality when I go to China.



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I read a study some years ago that smokers better tolerate carbon monoxide since their bodies develop a tolerance to it.


As far as China air quality, I'd be far more worried about the other nasty stuff in it - like heavy metals.




Ya know what Don, that explains something. Years ago I would go to China and other countries and have no problems. Since I had quit smoking, I went to China twice and both times got nasty sinus infections. Thanks for clearing that up.


So before I go the next time I need to start smoking again if I don't wanna get sick?

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My first year living in China I was in Hefei, capital of Anhui Province. The air quality was a horror and I can safely say that I maybe saw the sun maybe a grand total of five times. It was always obscured by a thick haze of pollution. At street level the fumes from the motorbikes was a constant source of irritation to my lungs. I had chronic bronchitis after being there less than a month. One of my most vivid memories involves Li and I eating at the Holiday Inn, which had a revolving restaurant on the 29th floor. Often, as we ate, we noticed we were above the pollution cloud and could catch a bit of sunlight, but could not see the ground. I understand the air is much improved there now, but still has a long way to go.


After that first year we moved down to Shantou, which is on the northeast coast of Guangdong, near the Fujian border and on the Taiwan Straits. The street level pollution was pretty bad, again due to the hordes of motorbikes, but overall, the air was much cleaner. The locals stated this was due to the consistent sea breeze.

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Those big cities in Chinertucky,is there actually ANY oxygen in any of them?


I liked Scott's example of the jumper.


OUr small city (2.3 million) is filthy fom the polution but we live on the outskirts of he city proper and on the western side of the city so we can get a lung full of oxygen once in awhile.


Beijing....I always felt like my face was right next to a car's exhaust pipe.


tsap seui

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