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Response from GZ...

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same as i wrote in another thread about my latest contact with GZ.....what is the deal? how are they saying March already when there aren't many interviews to speak of for February, as far as we have all heard...only been a couple!!!?!?!


I sent an email most recently on Jan 1 and got a quick response on Jan 2, it said,


>Thanks for your email.

>Our interview schedule is already full for January 2004. Mr. Du's interview

>will probably occur in the month of February. An Appointment Package will be sent to him once >the date is set.


I thought this was a rather kind response from them, a little more personal.....however, this is only after i wrote them one telling them that they do not answer my questions, but instead continue to send me the same canned response and often even get my fiance's name and gender (as well as mine) incorrect. i asked them to ACTUALLY read the email and answer the questions i ask and not to continue to send me the same one over and over.


most of my responses have been written by someone that obviously doesn't speak english as their first language, but after my lengthy request for a real answer all of the english in the last two responses has been so kind and correct!!


anyway, still no date, but at least they gave me a time frame sort of....dont know if it is necessarily good news though, no time frames have been followed or fulfilled thus far, why would they start doing it now!?!?!


anyway, this is my most recent response, but i am about to write them again now....we will see what this one will say?!??!

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Short and sweet....


>Based on our current schedule we will schedule the applicant for an

>interview in February or March.




Not exactly what I was wanting to hear.



Did they happen to mention February or March of THIS year?


I know...not funny.



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Did they happen to mention February or March of THIS year?


I know...not funny.



WOW! You know, I've seen Sonny's face turn exactly that same color of red when he's hungry and crying. Really!! :D

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I believe it should be at Feburary 1st or 2nd.  I give it a big hope for it.!

I really hope that's right. That would be perfect. I have a flight returning on Feb 7. Even if I have to change that flight by a couple of days I'd be happy. The thought of leaving my family ONE MORE TIME to return and pick them up a month or so later, it's literally killing me.

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i dont know GZ truly understand what i would give to be with my jacob for valentines day!


i need something to look forward to at this point. just knowing the interview will be scheduled isn't helping!


i need to know when it will be!

i need to know when i can at least expect to see him again.


i hope we all hear from them sooN!!!!

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Okay, now I'm making myself a pain it the patootie. The first message I used the little drop down topic menu saying "When will I receive my appointment letter?" That seemed to generate a canned response so I wrote again using the "other" topic and sent the exact same email. I got this...



>Please note that the case is under processing now. Once we complete it, we

>will notify her.


>Guangzhou IV


I have no idea what "under processing" means. It seems our case has been under processing for almost 12 months now.

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now that is strange! under processing? mine never tells me that they are actually "doing" anything! i even asked if there was some process going on and they simply tell me no, nothingis going on, they are just waiting until the interview can be scheduled. i asked what was going on that made it not able to be scheduled now or what had to happen before it could be scheduled and of course didn't get such a detailed response to actually answer those questions, but they do just tell me that basically all the processing is finished they just need to put it on the calendar or whatever!! they also said, "it will probably be in February"

go figure!!


by the way, i always choose "other" even though most of my requested information does fall under the other heading, when will i receieve my appointment letter........

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