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A HUGH thank you to chilton747

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My dad had a birthday onin a couple of weeks. Most my brother and sister and most of their kids and spouses will be in his home then, as well as my daughter. Pops has cancer and the chemo is kicking his ass, as well, the tumor went from 3 inches to 1 1/2 inch with chemo, then jumped back to more than 3 inches on his last PET scan.


I just got a new computer and 10 days ago got onto MSN with lil' rabbit, she wants to sing Happy Birthday to my dad and he has no computer, nor desires one. We've checked and none of us can get a rogue wireless connection around him so, I didn't know how the heck to get it set up, short of applying for a trial period with someone in his area......until....I ran the problem by cuzin' Chawls....the cornputer man, probably the smartest redneck in his neck of the owods and mine too.


This is my first post using the solution Chawls ran by me.


Verizon Wireless USB modem, or whatever it's called.


I bought this little stick that fits into one of my USB ports for $53 dollars, with a $50 rebate.


My plan is for $35 a month, there is another plan for $60 per month but I started out at the bottom.


Now, thanks to Chawls, my wife will get to see her family, sing happy birthday to my dad, and share in the visit with my dad. He may never get to see her in person, but this will do.


Thanks bubba, you shore helped me out on this one.


If this works out on my trial runs, I will probably get rid of the landline and $62 bucks a month for the DHL....plus I can show her the sights like you did Jane of the Jungle before she got her visa.


Hot DAYUMMM....I'm joining the 21st centry more and more... and enjoying most of it. :D


tsap seui

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Aw shucks cuzzin Tsap Bawb Johnson it weren't nuttin. I know all about having a long wait and all the things you want her to see. That thar mobile internet thing sure worked wonders fer us and she got to see the things here in America that before I could only tell her about.

I'm shore your father's birthday will be a very memorable event and he will be thrilled to see Lil Rabbit sing for him. :)


That gizmo you got works pretty guud so enjoy.

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Excellent idea, what a coup!


Yep, I guess you could call this a "coup de tai tai" or something. :lol:


I am thrilled about the prospects, for both daddy-o's birthday and the millions of other ideas that we can do.


Colonel Amaro of the U.S. Marines has a funny idea....go to Wal-Fart hold my computer up, tell everyone to "SMILE, Yer on Chinese CANDID CAMERA".


Maybe I can get a blue flashing light, set up a card table, take a megaphone and tell the lucky shoppers that "I have the person in charge of all the Chinese made goods in the store online" :lol: That oughta start a riot!!!!!

Oh my Gawd, all that jiggling flab rushing at me to tell her the Chinese is "takin' our dadgum jobs." :o I perish the thought, I might git runned over by a big butted woman...IIIIEEEEEE


Chawls realizes that I am probably the worlds dumbest computer redneck alive....I realize most of you guys already new all this stuff, but to me, it's all brand new....I go into the Verizon store and am like "GAWLEEEE Sargent Carter, would'ja just lookeeee here at all these here gadjets.


I gotta leave Tuesday for Ohio to work on another house and now I kin take my cornputer with me.....shucks, all the stuff I kin show lil' rabbit....I'll jes bolt the laptop to the hood and let her see sum of America.



And here all I thought all cornputers wuz good fer was for wild uninhibited online sexual adventures....why these dern thangs can do all sorts of other stuff. Who wudda thunk it? :D


tsap seui

I really like being a kid ;)

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I took some pictures while in a Wally-World in Xiamen during one of their festival buying frenzys a few years back. I got some cute little kids all dressed up, the long check out lines and a giant pile of Liu¡¯lian. The home folks loved them. ZZ

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  • 2 weeks later...

I also have one of them USB Modems, handy to jump on the net in places without WIFI of in places that charge for WIFI.

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