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It is time

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WE MADE IT :D . Everything went real smoth for POE. I will give many details probably tomorrow. I am still trying to get her un-packed and situated. She is having a blast so far.


Look for detials coming soon :P .





That is good news Robert. Enjoy this time with her.


Cant wait to hear your screw ups. Misery loves company. :blink:

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WE MADE IT :D . Everything went real smoth for POE. I will give many details probably tomorrow. I am still trying to get her un-packed and situated. She is having a blast so far.


Look for detials coming soon :P .





That is good news Robert. Enjoy this time with her.


Cant wait to hear your screw ups. Misery loves company. :ph34r:



Maybe he won't realize how miserable he is. ;-)


Congrats on the good news by the way Robert.

Your wife is very capable and brave.

You guys will do great together.

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