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well, i started to plan to get her here in july 2003, so i began to send the form to tsc around dec,2002. well, i constantly called them to ask my visa case everyweek, then i finally found out that we need to send my evidence in april. however, i didn't know that until then. i send what they want as soon as possible, however, 2 months later, i still haven't heard anything from them. i called called and called, my phone bill was 400$ every months.

well, i didn't have a way but turn for help. well, there was a nice senate lady who was willing to help me.she found out that they have already lost my package.!!i just can't believe that!!! well i have to send it again. however, about 3 weeks later, they suddenly told the senate that they lost my birth certificate and pass port pics. well, because of their mistakes all the time, i finally got the approval later in november. they told me that it would take them 2-4 weeks to finish the security check, however, i didn't trust them yet. right now, they are still doing it!!!!

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Welcome. I hope you find this forum helpful in many ways. At times, it can be a good place to vent your frustrations. Other times it is a good place to share information about the INS process.


What a tremendous Story.


I just have to wonder about a story like yours. I realize that the INS deals with millions of cases to evaluate every year, but unfortunately, it is all too common to hear of cases being lost or misplaced.


Apparently in California in spring 2002, some INS workers were even actively destroying files.


Unfortunately, one hardly hears any apology for they pain that they caused you for the extra few months of delay, almost as if their having lost the file was more your fault than theirs. Texas Service Center has been known to be slow, but you have experienced about an extra half a year delay.


NVC has been taking about 2 months to finish with the packets, although sometimes it is quicker.


Your application will then be sent to China. It can take 4 to 40 days to arrive at the GZ consulate in China.


You will then have about 3-5 more months before the interview and the visa is finished in China. Perhaps someone will take pity on you and try to rush the case since it is already so far overdue.


Unfortunately, your July 2003 will more likely be July 2004….. But, the wait should be well worth it…..


After a slow start, I hope you can get a speedy finish to your paperwork. We will all be rooting for you!!!!

:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

----- Clifford ------



Look into a discount phone service.

Domestic rates are dirt cheap, and it is supposed to even be reasonable to call CHINA!!!


A couple of the cheapest services that have been mentioned on the forum are:




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well, i started to plan to get her here in july 2003, so i began to send the form to tsc around dec,2002. well, i constantly called them to ask my visa case everyweek, then i finally found out that we need to send my evidence in april. however, i didn't know that until then. i send what they want as soon as possible, however, 2 months later, i still haven't heard anything from them. i called called and called, my phone bill was 400$ every months.

well, i didn't have a way but turn for help. well, there was a nice senate lady who was willing to help me.she found out that they have already lost my package.!!i just can't believe that!!! well  i have to send it again. however, about 3 weeks later, they suddenly told the senate that they lost my birth certificate and pass port pics. well, because of their mistakes all the time, i finally got the approval later in november. they told me that it would take them 2-4 weeks to finish the security check, however, i didn't trust them yet. right now, they are still doing it!!!!

Sorry to hear about your plight with TSC. I also went through TSC, and I know a couple of people who had the same problem with lost petitions. One petition even got "lost" between TSC and NVC. It took me about 6 months to get out of TSC.


My experience has been that the TSC is the worst part of the process. Others may think that NVC or GZ is worse, but, so far, things have moved fairly smoothly, if not quickly, after the petition left TSC.


I spent a little over 30 days at NVC, a very good time. Others have waited much longer, so don't believe the 2-4 weeks. Namechecks for Chinese (and Russian) fiancees take quite a long time, but be patient and persistent. Call NVC once a week, talk to a live person and inquire about the status of your case. One day, you will hear that the case has been cleared and your files have been sent to GZ. Be sure to get the GUZ # from NVC.


Good luck, and welcome to Candle.

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I can understand your feelings.. It took me between 2 and 4 weeks to compile, check and re-check my I-129F before I sent it off to the TSC. Originally, I was under the impression that the whole process would take between 60 to 90 days. Boy was I wrong. My paperwork wasn't lost, but it did spend about 5 months at the TSC.


It sounds like there was some misunderstanding surrounding what you should send with your original petition. Here's what I included:

1. I-129F Petition with continuation sheets for questions #B.16, #B.17, #B.19 and a clarification concerning mailing address versus residential address.

2. G-325A forms for my fiancee and myself along with a G-325A continuation for my fiancee.

3. (2) ADIT photographs of both my fiancee and myself.

4. Photocopy of my exact original birth certificate.

5. Photocopy of my U.S. Passport identification page.

6. Affidavit of bona fide intentions to marry within 90 days of my fiancee’s arrival in the United States.

7. FC-029 “Copy Certification” form signed and dated.

8. Copies and photocopies of proof of relationship and meeting including photographs of the two of us together, flight boarding passes, a bus boarding pass, correspondence in the form of e-mail and letters, passport stamps, phone bills and credit card bills for the flight and hotel.


The whole thing was about 64 pages (which I understand is just short of the average length).


While waiting for the TSC, I kept one eye on their status website and called them about once a week.


I spent only one or two months at the NVC. The whole time I was reading horror stories of people having been stuck there for 4 and 6 months. I called them about once a week (usually Friday mornings, around 9:00a).


I couldn't tell you how difficult its been. Its been a very long wait. But, be patient, be thorough and be persistent and you should win through.


For the nay-sayers that would say you shouldn't call them, I would say that I'm pretty confident that the people who answer the phone are not the same as the people who process forms and paperwork. If calling them really bothered them, they would stop answering the phone (the TSC finally stopped answering any calls about 3/4 of the way through my wait).


Good luck, efrazier. You aren't alone. You always have people our there of whom you can ask questions. I found that many of my quesetions concerning the TSC and NVC portion were answered at Stephen Palik's website.

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My experience has been that the TSC is the worst part of the process.  Others may think that NVC or GZ is worse, but, so far, things have moved fairly smoothly, if not quickly, after the petition left TSC.

Well in my case the TSC was about 5 months, now at the NVC it is 3 months and counting! Good luck to all.



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Sorry to hear your case:(

You should have come here earlier, so you would have get a Congressman to check for you earlier.

It's still not late.

One thing though, buy calling cards to call China. Long distance phone bill is too much.

Like where I live, 16 bucks will allow me talk to 800 minutes. hehe, much better.

If both of you have broadband connection, use MSN voice and webcam to chat. It's unlimited. The quality is pretty good as well.

Good luck.

Save all your phone bills, letters, pictures and emails along with internet chats.

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