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I will also PM you, but remember GZ will not let anyone inquire status of a case unless you are the petitioner or benificiary.

Don't worry, I don't plan on looking up your cases, I'd kind of see that as an invasion of privacy. I just want to be able to send real numbers to my congressperson (instead of names) so that he will see that I am talking about real cases..

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Ok, take 2...


I called the DoS again today after doing some thinking and compiling some data. Again, I spoke with the nicest person in the world (I'm seriously considering sending her a cake when this is over and done-with). Here's what happend..


I called the DoS at 1:00p. After being on hold for 50 minutes, I spoke with Carla. I told Carla that the last two times I called, I spoke with this other person. She immediately forwarded me and I got the other person's voicemail. I left a message letting her know what was going on, my concerns and my questions. About 15 minutes later she called me back and we spoke for about 15-20 minutes.


I made it clear that my goal here was to determine the status of my case. I wasn't calling to blame anyone or put anyone on the spot. GZ has e-mailed me to tell me that the NVC still has my case and I have verified (both personally and via the DoS) that the NVC sent my case on 8/7/2003 (the 8/8 shipment).


I explained to her that I have a chart (thank your robhon) that says that at least 16 cases have received their P3 already and they left the NVC on or after the date that mine was shipped. She told me that GZ is handling cases in order. So, I started quoting dates. She stopped me and wanted to see the chart. BTW, they know of candle, way to go PJ! :lol:.. So, I gave her the address for the chart. She was actually surprised as the dates match what they have internally as far as overall timelines and status go (way to go robhon). I was then told that they handle the cases on a box by box order. I told her that there is at least one person who's case was in our box that has received his/her P3. She told me that if that were the case, we should receive our's soon. I pointed out that this individual received his P3 on 10/25 (someone from 001). That pretty much drained her of reasons or excuses.


Where do I stand? Well, I'm still stuck waiting. I plan on having this exact same discussion with GZ early next week, though I doubt I will get any results. I'm still going to spend the weekend writing a letter to DeMint. I know he can't get much more information than I have, but at least I can have it on my record that I made an attempt via every avenue. I'm going to give GZ another month or so, then start researching and moving on my contingency plans.

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I am sure some of the old timers on this site will remember this from last year but here it is again for all the new people waiting....


On June 28, 2002, I received an e-mail from GZ stating that they had not received my case from the Vermont SC. I promptly called my Congressman. On 7/1/02, he submitted a Congressional Inquiry. On 7/5/02, he received a response from GZ, saying that the packet had been in fact received, and the P3 was mailed out on June 29, 2002.


Now I really found it strange that on 6/28/02, GZ had no record of my case but when they got the CI all of a sudden they found it processed it and sent it on all in less then 24 hours!!! Even though 6/29/02, was a Saturday and at that time GZ did not work on Saturdays. What do you think???


Bottom line if you believe you have been waiting longer then you feel you should have been, contact your Congressman. About the only good about politicians is if they send an inquiry GZ, will find your file...


If I had never contacted my Congressman there would have been no telling how long I may have waited. By the way we never did receive the P-3 GZ, claimed they sent out, but we had the forms we needed to send back to GZ ready and waiting.


I suspect some of you may be right as far as some files being missplaced. However, I am sure this is not intentional they are just handling so many cases some are bound to be missplaced.






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Ok, take 2...


I called the DoS again today after doing some thinking and compiling some data.  Again, I spoke with the nicest person in the world (I'm seriously considering sending her a cake when this is over and done-with).  Here's what happend..


I called the DoS at 1:00p.  After being on hold for 50 minutes, I spoke with Carla.  I told Carla that the last two times I called, I spoke with this other person.  She immediately forwarded me and I got the other person's voicemail.  I left a message letting her know what was going on, my concerns and my questions.  About 15 minutes later she called me back and we spoke for about 15-20 minutes.


I made it clear that my goal here was to determine the status of my case.  I wasn't calling to blame anyone or put anyone on the spot.  GZ has e-mailed me to tell me that the NVC still has my case and I have verified (both personally and via the DoS) that the NVC sent my case on 8/7/2003 (the 8/8 shipment).


I explained to her that I have a chart (thank your robhon) that says that at least 16 cases have received their P3 already and they left the NVC on or after the date that mine was shipped.  She told me that GZ is handling cases in order.  So, I started quoting dates.  She stopped me and wanted to see the chart.  BTW, they know of candle, way to go PJ! :lol:..  So, I gave her the address for the chart.  She was actually surprised as the dates match what they have internally as far as overall timelines and status go (way to go robhon).  I was then told that they handle the cases on a box by box order.  I told her that there is at least one person who's case was in our box that has received his/her P3.  She told me that if that were the case, we should receive our's soon.  I pointed out that this individual received his P3 on 10/25 (someone from 001).  That pretty much drained her of reasons or excuses.


Where do I stand?  Well, I'm still stuck waiting.  I plan on having this exact same discussion with GZ early next week, though I doubt I will get any results.  I'm still going to spend the weekend writing a letter to DeMint.  I know he can't get much more information than I have, but at least I can have it on my record that I made an attempt via every avenue.  I'm going to give GZ another month or so, then start researching and moving on my contingency plans.



Nice job!

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I knew if someone at DOS or GZ looked at the data it would raise some eyebrows.


I'm sure the folks on the phone are just saying what they're told to say. But that's good. It's maybe a chink in the armour. Anyone who's human would feel bad passing along information if they know it's not accurate.

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I have a dumb question, all you guys waiting for your P3 have you thought of just making your own P3 packet and sending it to them. They apparently have no clue what they are doing so do they really know whether or not they sent one to you, I would just be curious as to what would happen.

I don't think this is a dumb question. If GZ has acknowledged receipt of the paperwork from NVC or has claimed that it sent out the P3, why not go ahead and submit the various forms.


When Jingwen had not received her P3, despite GZ's saying they had sent it, I wondered if we should just go ahead and file the P3 paperwork. Fortunately, while we were discussing this, Jingwen finally received her P3.


Based on the forms, the only difference I saw was that the DS-230 is printed on both sides. Other than that, I did not see a whole lot of difference between the actual P3 forms and those that can be downloaded.


What would be the downside if you went ahead and filed?

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Based on the forms, the only difference I saw was that the DS-230 is printed on both sides.  Other than that, I did not see a whole lot of difference between the actual P3 forms and those that can be downloaded.

Couldn't you just print the DS-230 PDF on both sides?

I don't think it even really makes that big of a difference. As I remember, some of the forms you have to file with your I-129F are two-sided but I printed those and sent them.


My only concern about sending my own P3 would be if my case was the one time that GZ decided to use a different case number. Also, as far as I know, there's no precidence for this, so I'm not sure what GZ would do if they received the P3 paperwork but there was no case in their system that matched the paperwork. Any one else have any idea how they'd handle that?

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I have a dumb question, all you guys waiting for your P3 have you thought of just making your own P3 packet and sending it to them. They apparently have no clue what they are doing so do they really know whether or not they sent one to you, I would just be curious as to what would happen.

I already tried that one.


It didn't work because if your case in not uploaded in the system, it does not exist as far as GZ is concerned.


I am sure it was put into the round file cabinet.

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I have a dumb question, all you guys waiting for your P3 have you thought of just making your own P3 packet and sending it to them. They apparently have no clue what they are doing so do they really know whether or not they sent one to you, I would just be curious as to what would happen.

I already tried that one.


It didn't work because if your case in not uploaded in the system, it does not exist as far as GZ is concerned.


I am sure it was put into the round file cabinet.

honey, our p3 was thrown into trash:((

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