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Only 7+ Months from Packet 3 to 4

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:P Well my fiancé and I have been waiting "only" 7+ months from submitting Packet 3 to receiving Packet 4 :blink: A short history: We submitted our paperwork to INS - received October 13th, 2002 and we were approved on Dec. 13th, 2002. Then over 3 ½ months later, in late March my fiancé (oh yes the lovely, patient (sometimes :) ) Qiaoji received Packet 3 and submitted it to the Embassy on about March 25th. We then waited - not to patiently - over 7 months for the name check (security clearance??) to be done by the Department of State so we could receive Packet 4 and the interview date. Well "Surprise" when we thought, ok I thought, that it'd be a few months longer, I got an early morning (late evening there) call from a very happy Chinese lady saying "call me back, Important, call me back, Important" and when I did I found she'd finally received the fourth packet and was so excited, so very excited as she thought it'd never happen. I think the Interview at the Embassy in Guangzhou is scheduled in 1 month and thus I will be going there to support her and meet all of her family - of course enjoying each others company since we've not seen each other in a long time.


So one of my questions is, were we in what they call here a "Black Hole" group? I know we have to update all the 1+ year old support paperwork such as translated birth certificates, divorce paperwork etc. to current dates; but are there any other tips I should know about the process, what support info. to take, what to do, where to go, you know all that stuff; that my mind can't quite get a hold of with all the excitement of the possibility of my sweetie actually being with me sometime soon here in America (actually Northern California)? Also do you get the visa in a few days (3?) after (if) you pass the interview like a fellow I know did or do you have to wait more time. I thought I read, awhile ago that some had to wait a long time to get the visa after successfully passing the interview. Is that over and the wait a few days now? And from what I have been hearing, it seems there are quite a few who haven't been passing the interview, because the Embassy Interviewers are hard on these lovely ladies of ours. Under pressure I might even find English hard to speak if I really wanted something and there was a harsh Interviewer looking through a screen at me :D. Ok maybe not but the pressure surely is on these ladies at the interview. Any, I mean any feedback, hints, advice etc. you who have been there care to give us/me would be greatly appreciated. What do we expect, do over there in Guangzhou? How much time should I allow before the Interview for the Medical exam thing? You know all you wise travelers, who have been there, can help me and others with your sage, "been there" words & advice. I would surely like this to go smoothly and be well planned so I could bring the "love of my life" back with me shortly after the interview. I am happy, but now the planning, cleaning and praying starts. And now I am nervous too! Sorry for being so wordy, but I’m pretty excited. Thanks, Jim

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I'm behind you in the process so I can't offer any useful answers to your questions, but I just wanted to add a word of congratulations! You've certainly had a long wait and I can see that you're pretty excited. :P I imagine I would be too in your shoes. Anyway, good luck and hope things go smoothly from here!



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Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P :blink: :) :D


I wonder if one of the problems that GZ has is that they have screwed up the order of the applications so badly that half of the applicants have had the namechecks done before the applications get to China. The other half have to have them submitted from the GZ embassy to the FBI directly.


Then, if rumors are true, the Embassy tracks data in the most user unfriendly method possible and have very limited ability to check the status of applications, or verify what needs to be followed up on.


Best of Luck,


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The original "Black Hole" generally refers to those who were interviewed in GZ after July 31, 2001, and issuance of their visa was held up indefinitely while 'new security checks due to the 9/11 attacks' were implemented. During this time, from August 2001 until late February 2002, almost no visas were issued. That 7 months seemed like years for all of us.


I think the delay that you have experienced has been occaisionally referred to as "The Pit" - the new delay that seems to have emerged between P3 and P4. The original "Black Hole" appeared after P4, at the interview. Congratulations on climbing out of "The Pit." :P

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The original "Black Hole" generally refers to those who were interviewed in GZ after July 31, 2001, and issuance of their visa was held up indefinitely while 'new security checks due to the 9/11 attacks' were implemented.  During this time, from August 2001 until late February 2002, almost no visas were issued.  That 7 months seemed like years for all of us.


I think the delay that you have experienced has been occaisionally referred to as "The Pit" - the new delay that seems to have emerged between P3 and P4.  The original "Black Hole" appeared after P4, at the interview.  Congratulations on climbing out of "The Pit." :o

AZ explained the Black Hole perfectly. We passed the interview but still got no visa. Congrats on climbing out of the netherworld and seeing some light.

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Thanks for the responses. Some advisors would say these boards which have the common man giving info are inferior and error prone; rife with myths and half truths; but I think there is mostly very, very good information from those that have been there and have the best, most up to date information and tips there are available. I will take all the good wishes with a smile and thanks to all. I really appreciate it. And will follow up on all the tips and advice. I will have to check someplace to see if my 17 month old U.S. Passport is still good and of course I guess I will have to quickly get another Chinese approval stamp in my passport for the trip which will likely be in early Dec this year. My fiance is having more trouble with the 95 Interview questions than the answers which she knows a lot of the answers, but our English language is so weird that "keeping in touch" just means communicate and this confuses her. Guess she'll be very worried and will feel quite pressured until she finally arrives here. Just thought you might like to know that I sent, finally, an engagement ring last week, before the good news about packet 4 arriving and the ring arrived, via U.S. Mail Global Express in less than 1 week and with no problems; boy was my "Wife To Be", a happy lady. Showed it to many people, relatives already and now am known to have "good taste". And mailing the ring only cost $28, about 1/2 what FEDEX and UPS wanted to ship the same thing. I thought it'd get lost (stolen?), but no problem and pretty darn quick too. So there is a lot of good news this week. Well thanks everyone and good luck to all of you. Your a good lot :D , Jim

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