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9-11 Day

Guest Tony n Terrific

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9-11 is to we baby boomers as Pearl was to our Parents if you are over 45. Pearl Harbor galvinized the nation to rise out of adversity and defeat the Axis Powers of Germany, Italy and Japan. We accomplishesd this two front war with victory within 3 year 8 months of Pearl Harbor against very formidable industrial powers. Today 8 years later were the Twin Towers stood they have not been rebuilt. We are still fighting an equivilant to a street gang with AK-47s, RPGs

and have spent over a trillion dollars on these street thugs. What is wrong with this picture?

That's really not a fare assesment of the war today vs. WWII. It was an entirly different thing. The Axis powers were whole countries with Uniformed armies, and the whole population involved. Today, it is small bands of terrorists hiding among a population who's only crime is living where they are. We just can't make broad strokes with our sword. It makes a much easier target to aim at when you can just lay waist to all you see. Also, the United States was forced to totally commit to the war effort. By all rights, most of us have continued with our lives hardly taking note of events outside our borders. In WWII, our entire economy shifted gears to put into motion the greatest military build up and support in history.

Above all of that, was the human cost. To date, military casualties is only in the 5000's. Still tragic, but in WWII we lost thousands more than that in single battles. A cost we could not even imagine today.

If we were to put the 2 conflicts on the same level, we have been highly successful. The war started on our soil. Since then, we have shifted it over seas. Also, by the definition of victory in WWII, we took Iraq in a matter of months. The continuation is from fighters flooding in from other nations. It would be as if we defeated Japan, only to have Korea and China start sending in troops to sabotage our rebuilding effort.

Well said. Nice job.

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ur a day late

True, and must have missed the thread already in "Stateside"





Edited by dnoblett (see edit history)
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I know this is a day late, but I wanted to add my remembrances. I was living in Portland Oregon at the time. I remember watching the CBS evening news Monday night. At the end here was a teaser about an expose that would be shown Tuesday night about military jets going to low while doing flyovers over sports stadiums.


The next morning I was getting up around 5:45 AM and was taking a shower. I had the habit of turning the radio on in the morning to catch up on the news. As I got out of the shower, I heard that a plane had hit the World Trade Center. At first I thought it had been a small airplane and thought about the bomber which had hit the Empire State Building and didn't think much about it. But while getting dressed I turned the Today show on and saw WTC 1 burning. I still didn't think it was that serious, but when I saw the second plane, a large airplane, slam into the second tower, my first thought was, Did I just see what I thought I did? Second, since I had read Dept of Honor a few nights before, I almost asked myself if I watching a Tom Clancy novel come to life. From that moment on. I was glued to the TV set and watched the towers fell. On the bus to work I listened on a walkman to the latest news reports, President Bush's speech and a news conference a by mayor Vera Katz, the police and fire chiefs where they said for now Portland was safe, but the Oregon National Guard was instituting an air patrol over the city as a precaution. I went to work at Pioneer Place, a mall in downtown Portland to open the store I was working at. Just before 9 AM PST mall security told everybody that the mall was going to remain closed for the next couple of days. I called the manager to tell her and she said she already knew and was calling out district manager to let him know. I locked the till back up in the safe and went home and proceeded, much to my ex-wife's displeasure watched nothing but World Trade Center news for the next two days.

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