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9-11 Day

Guest Tony n Terrific

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Guest Tony n Terrific

When I heard of the 1st attack I was taking my son to his work place around 8:52 AM we heard this on the radio. We both thought it was a plane that flew off course. Then the next tower and then the Pentagon. I knew we where at war with an unforseen enemy. Then the Pennsylvania heroes that forced the crash of the plane so 1,000s could live.

Do you recall what you where doing on this awful day?



Edited by Tony n Terrific (see edit history)
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My Father was a baby for Pearl Harbor, JFK was a few years before me, but 9/11 was my experience. I've talked before about where I was when I learned what was happening, or about seeing the second tower get hit live. But the biggest memory was the blank stares on the faces of everyone as I had stopped to get gas on the way to work. You could here the news coming out of every car radio, on every TV, and on the traffic signs saying all airports are closed and all flights are cancelled.

And I remember President Bush standing at ground zero. When someone called out saying "I can't hear you", he replied, "I hear you, and the people who did this will hear all of us soon!" I also remember the silence at the opening ceremony for the 2002 Winter Games in Salt Lake City when a tattered flag was brought in, in front of a tearful President.

Edited by Feathers268 (see edit history)
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911 has a double meaning for me. Like most people I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when I heard the news. 5 years ago on 9/11 the day after my wife got to meet my father he died. I was and still am grateful that she got to meet him while he was alive.

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I was at work at my college, and all work stopped at my two jobs, no one could take their eyes off the TV.


My college has a memorial located at one of the entries.





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I was in Intelligence Officer school. We were preparing for a test. One of our classmembers went downstairs to the breakroom for a few minutes.


He came back up to tell us that a plane had flown into the WTC. I asked him, "Was it foggy or something? Was it a navigation malfunction?"


Then I went downstairs to watch, just in time to see the 2nd plane fly into the other tower.


Everyone knew it was terrorism at that point.


Right after the second plane hit, I turned to the person next to me and said, "That's it. This is war. No more criminal prosecution of terrorist acts."

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I was at work at a university. Had only been there for 8 months or so and was reading about it on the Internet.


It was the same sort of deal. Thought about how horrible an accident it was and how that could possibly happen.


We didn't have TV's at work, so I was reading about when the second plane hit and the pentagon hit.


I don't remember the exact sequence, but when people knew it was terrorism they started to call family and friends on the East coast to check.


Being all the way across the country in CA it was a strange feeling. I felt like I was watching a movie, but it was real. People were dying. Someone wanted to hurt my country.


I just can't imagine actually being near the world trade center or the streets of NYC while that was happening.


The collapse of both towers was horrendous.


The one thing I do think we as a country should have done is put up the new WTC structures ASAP. Each year on Sep 11 when you see the lack of progress and the BS it angers me.


Shanghai doesn't have the same restrictions or problems as building in the US, but they put up these crazy buildings all the time.


As a symbol to terrorists and to the world we really should have that site up and running. 8 years is a pretty long time.

Edited by Jaseball (see edit history)
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I saw it on TV, like most..... but my best friend from college, an AA pilot based in Wash. DC, was just starting his roll for takeoff at O'Hare when he got the emergency dispatch from AA control----"cease immediately!" All traffic stand down, all planes land asp." ...by then he had rolled to the mid point of the runway, and had to divert on a taxi-way.... having never seen a message like that in his 25 plus years of commercial aviation, and AA Dispatch not answering any questions, he cell phoned his wife, to learn the truth-----by then, an AA plane from DC had gone into the Pentagon, and Kev would soon learn----all crew on board were his colleagues and friends...

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I was at work, 30 miles north on the Hudson.


from my window, saw a plane heading south, never saw that flight path. hmmmm ahhhhh nice day.


20 minutes


secretary came runnig around squaking and babbliing like a chicken


shock and horror


Later many NYC friends describe the sonic impact they FELT on their windows, their first WTF indication.


I do not forgive the mothers and girlfriends who whelp this evil



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This was a good account about 9/11 written for today. Felt it was a good read.




Good read...brings it right back into our psyche that probably most of us have tried to subdue these past eight years.


We all want to hang on to what we felt, to never forget...yet, as time passes, so will the angst and the helpless feeling of vulnerability that we never felt before in our lifetimes and pray that we never will again.

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Guest Tony n Terrific

9-11 is to we baby boomers as Pearl was to our Parents if you are over 45. Pearl Harbor galvinized the nation to rise out of adversity and defeat the Axis Powers of Germany, Italy and Japan. We accomplishesd this two front war with victory within 3 year 8 months of Pearl Harbor against very formidable industrial powers. Today 8 years later were the Twin Towers stood they have not been rebuilt. We are still fighting an equivilant to a street gang with AK-47s, RPGs

and have spent over a trillion dollars on these street thugs. What is wrong with this picture?

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9-11 is to we baby boomers as Pearl was to our Parents if you are over 45. Pearl Harbor galvinized the nation to rise out of adversity and defeat the Axis Powers of Germany, Italy and Japan. We accomplishesd this two front war with victory within 3 year 8 months of Pearl Harbor against very formidable industrial powers. Today 8 years later were the Twin Towers stood they have not been rebuilt. We are still fighting an equivilant to a street gang with AK-47s, RPGs

and have spent over a trillion dollars on these street thugs. What is wrong with this picture?

That's really not a fare assesment of the war today vs. WWII. It was an entirly different thing. The Axis powers were whole countries with Uniformed armies, and the whole population involved. Today, it is small bands of terrorists hiding among a population who's only crime is living where they are. We just can't make broad strokes with our sword. It makes a much easier target to aim at when you can just lay waist to all you see. Also, the United States was forced to totally commit to the war effort. By all rights, most of us have continued with our lives hardly taking note of events outside our borders. In WWII, our entire economy shifted gears to put into motion the greatest military build up and support in history.

Above all of that, was the human cost. To date, military casualties is only in the 5000's. Still tragic, but in WWII we lost thousands more than that in single battles. A cost we could not even imagine today.

If we were to put the 2 conflicts on the same level, we have been highly successful. The war started on our soil. Since then, we have shifted it over seas. Also, by the definition of victory in WWII, we took Iraq in a matter of months. The continuation is from fighters flooding in from other nations. It would be as if we defeated Japan, only to have Korea and China start sending in troops to sabotage our rebuilding effort.

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