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Stress and Despair

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I seriously don't know where to start as I write this, if you had the same logical progression mentality as I do, you usually anticipate the worst case scenario way ahead of time with nothing but blind faith in a system that is meant to protect us and be fair and bias to at least have the compassion and/or pity to see the effort and struggles of the individual.


My wife and I was one of those "blackhole" K1 cases.


We had filed for a K1 Visa probably over 3 years ago..


We were the ill-prepared, we thought that the process would be so simple and easy.. the power of love can overcome anything right?


only to entail were months..years.. of suffering an unknown certainty. All we had were very few pictures, and the only thing that can truly be the blood and sweat of our relationship are the pages of chat logs we chat daily with.. we don't talk on the phone due to the fact the internet has SKYPE and other forms of free voice chat/webcam, and the times I do call her, they are far and few in between.. Skype invoices aren't kosher as evidence for phone calls.

We were hit with our first roadblock back then.. When my wife went to the interview, they requested a ton of things from us stating that we weren't a bonafide relationship. Fair enough. the turn around period was suppose to have been maximum 6 months to at least get a response right? wrong.


after painstakingly gathering all the evidence possible as per their request.. the worst one being self recording my me speaking Chinese which a 5 minute video took me close to 3 days :) (due to social phobia and personal problems against myself to not like to open myself out to the public scrutiny) we mailed it to the consulate.


90 days pass. inquiry - administrative processing

months pass.. inquiry - administrative processing


a year goes by.


Logically, the only option I can do was to personally go to the consulate to inquire what was going on.


We do that. being able to be with my wife (fiance then) at least gave me enough strength to carry on when I returned to the states..

We went to the consulate and was only given the reply that they would look into it.. and "there was no reason for it to have been held up for 1 year.."..


with blind faith and hope.. we kept praying that our K1 would come to bear fruit... but alas, no such realities came to pass.


another year goes by.. nothing can be done.


nobody can help.


I spoke to a lawyer.. they said because we're a K1, it doesn't hold any water... we can't use a writ of mandamus to even try to do anything about our case.. we've gone to our house of representatives.. and they said all they can do is send a letter on our behalf to see what is going on..


no surprise that the responding answer was "administrative processing."


by that time, I had personally written 100 letters to every senator in the US writing out our story..


I'm grateful that had at least heard our story and plight.. but as the world has it, the only responses we got back were "only the state appointed (NY) ones can help us". I got several similar cards and letters back but none from the NYC senators as of yet.


The only logical option is to cut our losses in this blind faith in waiting and marry and refile with the CR1 thing.


I went to the consulate a month prior and asked them one final time if our case had any changes.


The lady at the window, said it was sorry to hear it has lasted 2 years... I then asked someone has to know whats going on.. as she said she'd go to the back and ask.. returning with a "revoke back to the US". we waited 2 years for their answer.. "we stayed the course". if they had simply stated that we weren't allowed, we would have gotten married sooner. We only wanted to be together, and the sad part about this life is..


no compassion. no sympathy. no pity. no empathy.


this is the cold hard fact I've known all my life about society just wanting for it to be proved wrong...


the time we spent waiting, mean nothing in the eyes of the USCIS...

the time and dedication in waiting only to get a no response..


it's unethical.


we got married July of 2008 and started to get things ready all over again in the application process.. the strain is just too much to bear so this time we hired a lawyer to help handle preparing everything for our case. as I left back to the US, they called my wife for yet another interview.. the moment she went in, she was white sheeted and asked some more menial questions.. the worst offender being...


"why didn't you married yet?"


the intent of a K1 is to get married.. if we got married the K1 is void -_-; and because we got married, even if they did approve her at the interview, the visa would be void logically because we're already married.


we waited with blind faith for them to give us some closure to only continually get our hopes and dreams crushed and shattered underneath the weight of the world.


watching as others, much more obscene than us get passed..

hearing the testimonials that we didn't 'pay off' people or hire someone the first time around.. only makes life seem all the more bitter. as painful as those times were, we are forced to swallow and only know that at least we still have each other.



fast forward to now.. application process as the CR1 thing, my wife's interview was on August 20th.

I'm here for another month+.. granted, I'm happy that we're together again, but fate is also a cruel mistress. that on that day she'd be handed yet another blue slip.


for some reason, they checked off that she would need a co-sponsor.


all my documents are in order.. we literally brought a suitcase full of chat logs, lawyer and personally prepared documents which took literally weeks to get together to make sure things would go smoothly because we've had the experience of setback the first time around..

nothing we brought was even really looked at. (I assumed that because they already had the documents submitted by the lawyers)


Although my wife says the VO was very nice and all, as she was pointed to the Window 30.. only sadness and uncertainty ensues. It seems we have to endure further suffering for an unknown amount of time.. as she returned back to me, holding each other, we can only start collecting the requested documents as requested.


I make more than enough to support my wife and even if I didn't, I would give my all to make sure she's well taken care of...


The only thing I can do is go to the Consulate on Monday and inquire about this but I don't know what good it will do because logically, as I've asked them to help before.. they claim to not have the power to do anything.


What can I ask aside from that we got this blue sheet,

I make more than enough to support my wife, why am I required a co-sponsor now? how long is this going to take? (which the text book answer is 90 days from submission before inquiring) so thats 3 months down the drain again.. is she going to be asked for yet another interview?


My wife at least has the hopes that the requested information isn't as severe as our K1 case, but nonetheless, it puts a rock the size of Gibraltar crushing an already crushed heart.


The worst part is knowing that it's highly likely I won't be bringing my wife home with me this time around either. :(


Addem: The really annoying part is how everyone and i'll say majority of the people who are nosy and keep backstabbing into our business like they're purposely throwing salt on our already deep wounds that thinks that having a child is like a magic free pass for valid relationship. I have maybe more than higher expectations of family values that this is the one thing I can not do. I was raised without a father and I'll be damned if we have a son or daughter and my wife and child are stuck here in China while I miss out on the most important parts of my child's life... another addem being how everyone decides to chime in on how "all of a sudden, it's how things are with visas" or some other tale about how someone else got visa'd with less credentials or held for a time which doesn't even pale in comparison to our current dilemma. -_-


Sorry if this post seems very depressing, as I really don't want to come off as negative but although I'm happy that some of you people here I don't know getting pinks, it seems our trial by fire isn't yet over and unknown when our time will come.


I only wish that they had the power to make exceptions... how can anyone hold someone indefinitely 2+ years with no sort of closure or response? we've waited so long to start our lives together.. We just want our lives to start already.


Quite frankly, I don't know why I'm posting.. as no such words can offer any sort of condolence or solace.. and the only people who can do anything about it are the consulates / government whom we've been at the constant mercy of on unheard pleas for help.


I'm a hardworking honest guy with a stable job, hard enough being the only IT guy of my company, I come home to my empty room with nothing but the pitch darkness and the unfeeling blue glow of my computer and monitor.. with only the thought of solace of a happy and wonderful future with my wife as we try to give comfort that can't be translated over a phone line or written text..


All we just want to do is start our lives together as a family.


Why is fate so cruel?

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Guest Pommey

Wow :) what a nightmare trip.


On the co-sponsor issue of the blue do you make over 125% on the 2009 USCIS povery scale for the size of your houshold (including her)




did you clearly show that on your I-864?




did/do you have 3 years of Tax transcripts that support your income stated on the I-864?


Are you using assess to achieve this on your I-864 ? that changes things, ie the amount needed by assests is x2 and easily disposible.


If you pass the 125% with just income and you have the tax transcripts (easy and quickly obtained from the IRS by phone or fax) then this should be easily overcome without a co-sponsor.


If however you dont then do as they ask and get one


good luck

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Wow :) what a nightmare trip.


On the co-sponsor issue of the blue do you make over 125% on the 2009 USCIS povery scale for the size of your houshold (including her)




did you clearly show that on your I-864?




did/do you have 3 years of Tax transcripts that support your income stated on the I-864?


Are you using assess to achieve this on your I-864 ? that changes things, ie the amount needed by assests is x2 and easily disposible.


If you pass the 125% with just income and you have the tax transcripts (easy and quickly obtained from the IRS by phone or fax) then this should be easily overcome without a co-sponsor.


If however you dont then do as they ask and get one


good luck


Thanks for replying and for your concern.


I believe so.


The whole reason I hired a lawyer this time was to make sure everything was in order and there were no holes.


my I-164 should have been well enough to support my wife.


the lawyer also prepared an entire package for the VO but he never even wanted to see it.


My wife explained to him that we have the documents on hand (from my understanding, they also have documents that were originally sent to the US side, which were forwarded to the GUZ side) so us bringing all our documents were a waste of strength (1 suitcase full of our 2000+pages of chat logs, 3 other bags full of copies AND originals of ALL evidence), and from what I understand or interpretation anyways..


the only thing our VO looked at was pictures of us... nothing else was asked of her.


so basically in your response,


we already have those tax transcripts from the IRS originals AND copies.


we've prepared the kitchen sink and then some.. never would I had thought of needing a 'co-sponsor' otherwise we would have prepared for that too...


the only thing that I can say is this..


we got married in 2008.


my tax preparer stated that because my wife isn't a US resident with NO Social #, she can't be put into my tax return.


even then, if anything, any new tax updates would be in 2009 and taxes haven't been filed for 2009 yet..


back to the point at hand,



for 2008

2 14,000 > 125% 17,500


I'm filed at well over that limit for 2008.


so even if you were to use 2009 guidelines,


that's only 18,213 or something at 125%... which I'm also over that limit.


also, take into account that it's totally unfair to base it so strictly...


I took off 2 months in 2008 just so I can go back to deal with this, and get married.. and in those 2 months, I don't get vacation pay.. so VO's need to have some sympathy at the very least in my case.. 2 months off in just 2008 alone is enough to offset finances.


But I guess I'm one of those unlucky people that don't get breaks in life.



I read on forums and not sure if i remember correctly that even on here, someone with not even enough or barely making it got passed...


I don't know...


but from my logic,


There is nothing I can do..


If i go to the consulate on Monday,


unless someone can actually validate that things can be approved from my visit there.. then this is our Hail Mary shot at trying to find sympathy in our case.


I follow things by the book unfortunately..

and I can guess what their responses are by the book.

and it'll be like this..


with our blue sheet, you submit requested documents by mail,

then they'll say no we can't tell you when we can give you a response, wait 90 days before asking us... which will then turn into another maximum 6 months worse case scenario...


my wife is trying hard to be optimistic but I'm all too aware of how most of these things work... chances of finding someone who will sympathize is less than 1%...


I sent a call home to my Mother to help get documents for co-sponsorship from my uncle, but again, time is one's worst enemy.


they want the IRS to send the documents to the consulate,

that's 5-7 days wait from the day I called her.

Getting our lawyer to prepare all revised documents, and Fedex overnight just so we can mail it out asap, is another few days..

I leave in a month so..


the worst being the unspecified exact dates that they can get you an answer which can be any day to 3 months +


regardless of which,

in all likelihood, I'm going back home again to a lonely room again this trip.. just praying for the salvation that is my wife's love.

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we got married in 2008.


my tax preparer stated that because my wife isn't a US resident with NO Social #, she can't be put into my tax return.


even then, if anything, any new tax updates would be in 2009 and taxes haven't been filed for 2009 yet..


back to the point at hand,



for 2008

2 14,000 > 125% 17,500


I'm filed at well over that limit for 2008.


so even if you were to use 2009 guidelines,


that's only 18,213 or something at 125%... which I'm also over that limit.


also, take into account that it's totally unfair to base it so strictly...


I took off 2 months in 2008 just so I can go back to deal with this, and get married.. and in those 2 months, I don't get vacation pay.. so VO's need to have some sympathy at the very least in my case.. 2 months off in just 2008 alone is enough to offset finances.


But I guess I'm one of those unlucky people that don't get breaks in life.


You've already been given the expert advice/and links to the correct information - so now I will be a little more direct - sorry in advance...


I don't think this has anything to do with it but you could've filed your 2008 taxes with your wife - by getting her a Tax ID #, which is what those without a SSN use to file US taxes with. Again, I don't think this is the reason for the blue...but your accountant/tax preparer is wrong. This has been vetted many times here on CFL as well as VJ.


Second, you mention, among all the "poor me" statements that you are "well over the limit for 2008 poverty standards" as well as "2009 poverty standards". Is the amount you are over 1%, 10%, 100% or 1000%... - are you just squeaking by with minimal income or are you pulling down 2 or 3 times the poverty level a year as an IT specialist?

The difference between the just squeaking by and making "significantly more" can and probably did influence the VO. However that aside, it doesn't make much difference why it happened because it already has happened. The bottom line......


The VO gave you a blue slip and said to get a co-sponser - period. You can "whine all day about it" or you can quickly go and get the documents that the VO said you need. I see that you are headed in that direction - good.


"I took off 2 months in 2008 just so I can go back to deal with this, and get married.. and in those 2 months, I don't get vacation pay.. so VO's need to have some sympathy at the very least in my case.. 2 months off in just 2008 alone is enough to offset finances."


I just thought I would make a comment about this last paragraph....I guess what you're saying is you didn't get paid for 2008 because you took 2 months off, and if you had worked you would've made more money...I'm taking liberty here trying to understand your point. First the VO will not and does not have any "Sympathy" for your situation. You comment about "enough to offset finances" makes me think that perhaps you were quite close to the poverty level in 2008, and perhaps earlier, and if so probably caused GUZ and the VO to want you to have a co-sponser. So back to my original comment - go do what the VO asked you to do...and don't spend any effort on non-productive endeavors.


This is an easy overcome and I wish you the very best in bringing it to a quick and successful conclusion. It is a bummer that you can't finish it now - but you are very close. Good luck and God speed.

Edited by 2mike&jin (see edit history)
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Lovebane -

You write well. Easy to read/skim. I sense much strength in you. But maybe you distract yourself far too easily.


Pommey ¨C He expertly cut to the chase. Totally polite.


2mike&jin (AKA Aloha Mike) ¨C Provided your swift kick in the pants. Perhaps he held back. I stand with him.


Mike and Yan ¨C (impolite and nosey): You stick with Pommey and Aloha Mike, then your ¡°bad¡¯ luck ends. Love conquers nothing, it is a lazy excuse. What for you write dumb senators out of state???? Your pen is the tool to conquer NVC and USCIS. . Redirect your energy from ¡°woe is me¡± to ¡°Proof! As Requested¡±


Welcome to CFL. Your fortune will improve here.


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This is an easy overcome...

Mike's 'tough love' post is really on the money; The past is the past and while there were some things that could of been done, that was then and this is now.


Deal with the current blue slip issue; co-sponsorship is a straightforward request and a straightforward step... Just do it.


You only make a few thousand over the limit which averages down to a few hundred over per month; I would not call that "well over" so quickly since you don't have to get "over" the limit as much as you have to get over the VOs concern for public charge; they look at the whole financial picture and something doesn't satisfy them. Let's not worry what that might be exactly and just cut to the chase; they want a co-sponsor.

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thanks for all your replies.


one thing i'd like to comment back is that finances is something more of a private matter so that is why i'm avoiding saying specifics.


you can say I am an IT specialist since I am the sole technician for the company I work for of 8 years.. on the I-864, the employee letter even states that I worked as long as I have.


Also, you can say I am near the poverty level, but it is at least at the 125% rate. not saying i didn't get paid for the year of 2008 but 2 months off is a lot if you're near that level.




I can understand the 'hard love' approach, but when you've been shafted for 2 years+ just waiting on a dead end answer, the case in point becomes moot. I already understand the 'cruel' aspects of this world enough already so it's pointless to make posts like 'cry moar' since that's what deters people from posting to begin with.


Anyways, the logical approach is the one that I've always followed which is by the book. We've done all we were requested even during our blackhole K1 visa period..


it's totally unfair and screwed up that we got shafted as bad as we did.. and that others, whom didn't or were 'lucky' to get a pink the 'cheat' way that the world isn't more fair.


logically speaking, if someone got held up 2 years with no sort of recourse, where is the freedom / checks & balances / due process?


the USA is suppose to be a place of equality.. the way that we were shafted out of our time especially since it is suppose to be a 6 month max to get a yes/no response doesn't do much to the people who are honest hardworking people to get the short end of the stuck because some crappy people decide to go do a visa fraud.


anyways, my wife is egging me to go to bed ;) so that's all I'll post for today ^^


we do hope it's easy to overcome.. but once burnt, twice shy.

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thanks for all your replies.


one thing i'd like to comment back is that finances is something more of a private matter so that is why i'm avoiding saying specifics.


you can say I am an IT specialist since I am the sole technician for the company I work for of 8 years.. on the I-864, the employee letter even states that I worked as long as I have.


Also, you can say I am near the poverty level, but it is at least at the 125% rate. not saying i didn't get paid for the year of 2008 but 2 months off is a lot if you're near that level.




I can understand the 'hard love' approach, but when you've been shafted for 2 years+ just waiting on a dead end answer, the case in point becomes moot. I already understand the 'cruel' aspects of this world enough already so it's pointless to make posts like 'cry moar' since that's what deters people from posting to begin with.


Anyways, the logical approach is the one that I've always followed which is by the book. We've done all we were requested even during our blackhole K1 visa period..


it's totally unfair and screwed up that we got shafted as bad as we did.. and that others, whom didn't or were 'lucky' to get a pink the 'cheat' way that the world isn't more fair.


logically speaking, if someone got held up 2 years with no sort of recourse, where is the freedom / checks & balances / due process?


the USA is suppose to be a place of equality.. the way that we were shafted out of our time especially since it is suppose to be a 6 month max to get a yes/no response doesn't do much to the people who are honest hardworking people to get the short end of the stuck because some crappy people decide to go do a visa fraud.


anyways, my wife is egging me to go to bed ;) so that's all I'll post for today ^^


we do hope it's easy to overcome.. but once burnt, twice shy.



I hope you get the Co sponser and then can get on with your life and be happy. I wish you all the luck in the world with that.


You really need to let go of the past, Keeping all that in your mind will destroy you and your relationship. There is no one in particular to blame for this...it is the system. Most people learn at a very early age that life is not fair and good people do not always finish first. Accept it and move on, do what they ask and you should have no problems.

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If you make less than, say, $50,000 a year, then yes they can ask for a co-sponsor. Never assume that "enough" is enough.


Filing Jointly While Your Spouse is in China or Otherwise Ineligible for an SSN


You will need an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (
). See

issues ITINs to foreign nationals and others who have federal tax reporting or filing requirements and do not qualify for SSNs. A non-resident alien individual not eligible for a
, who is required to file a U.S. tax return only to claim a refund of tax under the provisions of a U.S. tax treaty, needs an


Documents acceptable for identification include the passport, or two of the other documents listed at
(e.g., National ID, driver's license, birth certificate). Note that these must be the original documents, or notarized copies. Since China is not a party to the Hague Convention, a copy of the document must be notarized either at a Consulate, or here in the
. Originals may be mailed in (they will be returned, although this is not recommended), or may be taken to an


Apply using Form
, which must be attached to an income tax return and mailed to the
Operation Service Center in Austin, TX. Use this address for both the
and the return instead of the one listed in the instruction book.


For your first year filing jointly, you will want to get a copy of Publication 519, U.S. Tax Guide for Aliens, particularly if the foreign spouse has income in China that needs to be reported. The First Year Choice may allow you to declare your spouse a nonresident alien for part of the year, and a resident for the rest, which
have big advantages if your spouse has substantial reported income in China.


As long as you are married on Dec 31 of that year, you should be able to file married filing jointly, even if your spouse is classified a non-resident alien for the entire year. This is usually the best option for those of
whose spouses have had no reportable income for the tax year. This option allows you to file a married filing jointly return with no complications except for the


From Publication 519:
Nonresident Spouse Treated as a Resident


If, at the end of your tax year, you are married and one spouse is a U.S. citizen or a resident alien and the other spouse is a nonresident alien, you
choose to treat the nonresident spouse as a U.S. resident.


If you make this choice, you and your spouse are treated for income tax purposes as residents for your entire tax year. Neither you nor your spouse
claim under any tax treaty not to be U.S. resident. b]You are both taxed on worldwide income.
You must file a joint income tax return for the year you make the choice, but you and your spouse
file joint or separate returns in later years.


Attach a statement, signed by both spouses, to your joint return for the first tax year for which the choice applies. It should contain the following information.

• A declaration that one spouse was a nonresident alien and the other spouse a U.S. citizen or resident alien on the last day of your tax year, and that you choose to be treated as U.S. residents for the entire tax year.


• The name, address, and identification number of each spouse. (If one spouse died, include the name and address of the person making the choice for the deceased spouse.)

The notation:
Consular offices at U.S. Embassies and Consulates overseas may not certify true copies of foreign public documents and will refer applicants to the foreign authority that issued the document.
was added to the
instructions in March, 2009. At last report, the Beijing Embassy and Shanghai consulates were willing to notarize "true copies", Guangzhou was not.
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Dear CFL,


We can't shed any light on the rumors you may have heard, but we will note that petitioner income is only one of a number of criteria that consular officers are mandated by law to weigh when considering whether there is a public charge ineligibility.


Other factors include the applicant's health, education, family status, age, language ability, and work experience.


Again, it is mandated by law that consular officers consider the totality of circumstances, and not just rely only on whether income surpasses the poverty guidelines.


So, it is quite possible that some applicants have been found to have a public charge ineligibility in spite of having a petitioner or co-sponsor with income greater than the poverty guidelines.










Rumor has it that visas are being denied due to financial evidence being requested from the petitioner even when the petitioner meets or exceeds the 125% poverty level.

Is this true?


Thank you,

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hehe it's cute for your reply since i used a word reference and your name would be a follower XD

once burnt, twice shy, and third times the charm.


wish you good luck with your fiance as well.


@Randy W . thanks..your info is helpful, I'll have to check with my lawyer and accountant.. though hopefully my wife will already be set for that once she gets here. :(


addem: since you added another post ;) thanks for that post as well.

Well, job security shouldn't be an issue since I've held my job for 8 years ongoing..


I already knows that the only thing to do is move forward..

there really isn't anything I can do to change anything since I'm just a common citizen.. by lasting this long and imo not having voiced our story back during our K1 I think is already 'manning up' and sticking to our guns.. we just kept praying and hoping for a response.


I don't know, but in my opinion, even if life is unfair, one of the basis of the USA is equality for all. it's kinda messed up when those wronged and are citizens can't even at least try to make it fair via writ of mandamus... another messed up part is not knowing if even by voicing out our story if it would further complicate our case since it comes off as a whistle blower rights protection type of thing.


meh.. it's just totally lame.. my mother keeps saying that it's as if we're on a chopping board and they can chop us up however they like.


is life. We're just wary if this isn't just a smaller piece of another larger iceberg. Well, it's mostly just me being too over analytical over the bureaucratic process i guess... just trying hard to keep a positive outlook...

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hehe it's cute for your reply since i used a word reference and your name would be a follower XD

once burnt, twice shy, and third times the charm.


wish you good luck with your fiance as well.


@Randy W . thanks..your info is helpful, I'll have to check with my lawyer and accountant.. though hopefully my wife will already be set for that once she gets here. :(


addem: since you added another post ;) thanks for that post as well.

Well, job security shouldn't be an issue since I've held my job for 8 years ongoing..


I already knows that the only thing to do is move forward..

there really isn't anything I can do to change anything since I'm just a common citizen.. by lasting this long and imo not having voiced our story back during our K1 I think is already 'manning up' and sticking to our guns.. we just kept praying and hoping for a response.

I don't know, but in my opinion, even if life is unfair, one of the basis of the USA is equality for all. it's kinda messed up when those wronged and are citizens can't even at least try to make it fair via writ of mandamus... another messed up part is not knowing if even by voicing out our story if it would further complicate our case since it comes off as a whistle blower rights protection type of thing.


meh.. it's just totally lame.. my mother keeps saying that it's as if we're on a chopping board and they can chop us up however they like.


is life. We're just wary if this isn't just a smaller piece of another larger iceberg. Well, it's mostly just me being too over analytical over the bureaucratic process i guess... just trying hard to keep a positive outlook...




It was never my intent to denegrate you. It sounds like you were doing the things you needed to do to get it done. I was trying to offer encouragement and it may have come across wrong....I apologize for that if it came off sounding bad.


I sincerely wish you and your wife the best of luck.

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