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The Middle Kingdom Redo

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Well here we are back where it all started, Xiamen, Fujian People's Repubic of China. This is our month to visit the house, car, family and friends in China - before Ms Jin is TOO BIG TO TRAVEL - as we are expecting our son to be born 19 Dec 2009. (Da Wei Mai Ke)


I was eagerly awaiting "Ms Jin's" reactions upon returning to her native country and back to our home in China. As always - I have not improved on my ability to "second guess" her feelings and if I were a baseball player would be relegated to the minor leagues with averages well below 20%. I still don't have her figured out -- and have arrived at the conclusion that I might not have enough years left to get above a 50% success rate.


Without putting too many words in her mouth these have been her impressions upon returning to Xiamen this last week;


1. It hot and humid here - Hawaii weather is so much better!

2. Why is everything so small (Reference to our counter top height and the size of the paper towels, plus who knows what else)

3. The drivers are rude!

4. It's dangerous to cross any intersection here!

5. Why are the prices 15 to 20% higher than when we left 9 months ago? (EDIT...not reflected in the Official China CPI. http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/90001/90...2/6675508.html)

6. The quality of items is not as good here. (Funny - I thought everything was made in China -- maybe differing standards for Chinese consumer products)

7. The foods I missed (some due to pregnancy cravings) don't taste as good as I remember - things seem different. No need to go out ...I will cook at home!

8. Why is the Ha Mi Gua - 52 Yuan --- OMG it's expensive - no need!



In general the weather has been good, blue skies and from my view, very little change in Xiamen from when we left. The drastic change is her "perception" of the things that she once took for granted and that now has been changed forever due to her travel to the US, visiting 22 states, and living there for 9 months. It's fascinating for me to see the changes I could have never predicted!


I suspect others may have similar experiences with their spouses. I know that many have expressed that their spouse often "longs" for familar China foods, places, and customs -- but what do they feel when the reality of a "return" occurs? It was most interesting for me to see this in my Jin.


Surprised as I am, she asked today - when are we going home to Hawaii!

Hawaii Mike & Jin (Posting from the Middle Kingdom)

Edited by donahso (see edit history)
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Mike, I want to say that you are one of the CFL members that I always look forward to reading. As whome? has said, it's a great and informative post. (And congrats on the coming kiddo :P)


I recently met with a professor's friend. This guy was real interesting and talked to me about his experience marrying, visa'ing, and living with his wife. They've been living together in the countryside in Texas for just under 2 years (he mentioned that he's having to file the 2-year paperwork very soon).


The reason I mention him is that he related a similar experience. His words were something along the lines of: "When she's in Texas, she misses China. When we/she goes back to China for a visit, she tells me that she misses Texas."


I think it's just one of those "grass is greener..." things. You sound like you've done an effective job on making Hawaii "Ms Jin"s second home. So now she's always missing the other. I'll wager that she will miss China as soon as you guys are home. Tell me if I lose. :) (I'll wait for your post saying "she asked today - when are we going home to China?")


Anyway, have a blast while you're there! :D

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Is there a direct flight from Hawaii to China? Everything I saw is almost worse than JFK to Beijing. !!!! :P


HAHAHAHA...your wife! I wonder how she would react if instead of PARADISE, she were to live . ... mmmm say in ... . . . New York!!!


If you live in a more realistic part of the USA!!! Like the rest of us! A little bitter cold, no good food .... Chinese takeout, no Asian community nearby :blink: :blink: :( maybe she would be more predictable!!


Although...would you like it better if she wanted to live in China???


At times..I hope I can have the opportunity to live in China. BUT, that can happen only if my wife has difficulty transitioning from China. I would hate to see my wife go thru some of the difficult immigrant issues so common in the USA.


Sounds like your having fun!!!

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Is there a direct flight from Hawaii to China? Everything I saw is almost worse than JFK to Beijing. !!!! :lol:


HAHAHAHA...your wife! I wonder how she would react if instead of PARADISE, she were to live . ... mmmm say in ... . . . New York!!!


If you live in a more realistic part of the USA!!! Like the rest of us! A little bitter cold, no good food .... Chinese takeout, no Asian community nearby :o :D ;) maybe she would be more predictable!!


Although...would you like it better if she wanted to live in China???


At times..I hope I can have the opportunity to live in China. BUT, that can happen only if my wife has difficulty transitioning from China. I would hate to see my wife go thru some of the difficult immigrant issues so common in the USA.



Sounds like your having fun!!!



We are indeed having fun.


To answer your questions - currently there are NO direct flights from Hawaii to China. However, just today Hainan Air announced 2 direct flights from Honolulu to Beijing to start in the fall. Since we are in Xiamnen - this doesn't get us here any faster than our Old route. Currently China Air has flights from Honolulu to Taipei, then to HK and HK to Xiamen - takes about 16-17 hours. Taiwan & the PRC announced two weeks ago that flights will soon begin with daily service from Taipei to Xiamen (other locations were also announced). This will be the "Holy Grail" of direct flights for Hawaii people coming to Xiamen. Taipei is directly across the straight from Xiamen. This should remove about 4 to 5 hours from our travel time if schedules are compatible.


Well - I don't know how Jin would react if we lived in the snow and cold and without Asian Markets/Resturants as you have outlined. We got a taste of part of that this past summer as we have a mountain house near LakeTahoe//Reno and things were just a tad different for her shopping in Reno vice Honolulu. We found 5 Asian Markets - they had most things but veggies were not so good. Our mountain place is about 5 minutes from Mt. Rose Ski area - we'll see how that goes when she is there and there is 5 feet of snow on the ground. (Since she is due in December - not sure she will go this year)


She probable is predictable -- I'm just incapable of predicting what or how she will view any particular topic - again it is my shortcoming and probably has nothing to do with her! Of course you're probably right about Hawaii having something to do with her perception of the US - it certainly can't hurt!

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I can't wait to see myself when Jen get's home. This trip was an obsession for a long time and now that she is there, I wonder how she is doing. Espesially in her cousin's car having just getting her CDL before leaving. I think it is a case of forgetting the bad things over time. It's like visiting the folks in Livermore and thinking back to the fun and friends of way back when. Funny thing was, back then we would talk about how we just wanted to get out of that hell hole.

If you are coming to Tahoe, just a suggestion, Sacramento has a few good supermarkets that seem to have good fresh vegees. From here, your 2 hours up I80 to the north shore.

Edited by Feathers268 (see edit history)
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