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Chinese ship attacked by Pirates

Guest Tony n Terrific

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Chinese cargo ships make the run to China for the 'china export goods'. The pirates want the 'china export goods' ? That doesn't make sense to me, except to re-sell them in Rome with the huge illegal alien population from Africa there, pushing them fake purses around all the tourist spots. (sorry, that's just an example - there are many other things making it into Rome via regular ship cargo already, lots of fake stuff from china).


So if China really wants to expand it's trading base in Africa (pardon me, it's already on year 3 of this 5 year plan) then you're suggesting to man the cargo ships coming out of China? I think that's a great idea, Richard has it right here - there's enough spare room on a cargo ship for 2 platoons of army grunts to maintain a 24/7 watch.

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Chinese cargo ships make the run to China for the 'china export goods'. The pirates want the 'china export goods' ? That doesn't make sense to me, except to re-sell them in Rome with the huge illegal alien population from Africa there, pushing them fake purses around all the tourist spots. (sorry, that's just an example - there are many other things making it into Rome via regular ship cargo already, lots of fake stuff from china).


So if China really wants to expand it's trading base in Africa (pardon me, it's already on year 3 of this 5 year plan) then you're suggesting to man the cargo ships coming out of China? I think that's a great idea, Richard has it right here - there's enough spare room on a cargo ship for 2 platoons of army grunts to maintain a 24/7 watch.

Then again you could have one PT style boat on board the cargo ship with a crew to man it and a back up crew on the ship. The key here is to not let the pirates get within striking distance. You would launch the PT boat when you were in areas known to have pirate activities.

Edited by Corbin (see edit history)
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I'd like to see an effective international effort that results in a very clear understanding: Piracy = Death. Every time, no exceptions.



...and I was just thinking I'd start a new career :P



Seriously though, the research vessel I sailed on had pirate watch when we went through certain areas. The old PT boats with a 50 and lots of small arms were popular. :D

3'' Fifties will do a fine job also.

Tony and et all,


How about a more radical solution? Like CIWS (Close in Weapon System) courtesy of the US Navy. After all, US Navy personnel I work with today need practice, for tomorrow. They (US Navy Personnel) simply need to simply close their eyes and pretend that a Somalian boat and equipped w/pirates, twin-engine equipped is a ¡°low-flying¡± Exocet missile. The Somalian boat is merely moving slowly to avoid radar detection, so have a nice time practicing.


Now this is a pirate-deterring device, which would scare the living shit out of the most INSANE mind. The background music to the following YouTube video should be a deterrent to any ¡°wanna-be¡± pirate. After the first one or two ¡°incidents¡± with a CIWS play this music. If I were a pirate, I would be getting the Hell out of the area! Now this is a sound deterrent system!


.50 cal machine gun? Today¡¯s modern Navy, they are used to close in quarters combat or as warning shots, etc.



However, in all seriousness, I would suggest the extreme use of Predators equipped with Hellfire missiles. They cover far more ground that a surface ship. From a past expression in the US Army¡± ¡°Using Hellfire means not having say that you are sorry!¡± BTW, 5'4" in length. 7" in diameter, carrying a HEAT (High Explosive Anti-Tank charge). Basically, makes red-hash out of everything in its path that it is fired at.


Look at the following video. The ¡°black-heads¡± means that the hottest parts of the body that show up as black, to the heat sensing system FLIR (Forward looking infrared) of the Predator (unmanned aeronautical aircraft) capable of being flown from 5,000 plus miles away by USAF operators.




The ocean is a very large place. China sending 5 or more ships IMHO is a feel-good effort on their part. Commendable, but it seems to be a mere token effort.






BTW, I¡¯m waiting for the reaction from the CFL forum at large, in regard to the acquiescence from the UN, that whatever nations can strike inside of Somalian land soil proper (e.g. SEALS, Rangers, SF, Delta-Force) on suspected pirate holdouts. ¡­..


And of course, the special operations are to notify the UN before the pirate's havens are wiped out by special operations. I mean after all,¡­..


The word of an operation like this would never reach the pirates ears, before it was carried out! Would it? After all, the UN can carry a secret can¡¯t it? IDIOTS! How politically correct can you get? :ph34r: Didn¡¯t we learn from the first time in Somalia!


Before I¡¯m chastised and berated, I was in Somalia the first go around and that was a member of my unit being drug up the street, courtesy of a rope and many willing volunteers!



Edited by Cerberus (see edit history)
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Cerberus - I am big fan of any CIWS, whether it be a vulcan phalanx or the gun on a A-10 warthog. But, that's american technology. I wouldn't feel right even leasing them to the Chinese Merchant Fleet. They have something else they can use...

Edited by Darnell (see edit history)
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An A-10 is a Cannon with a fuselage built around it.

Not really that. The A-10 Tank buster is a flying weapons platform. It has a Vulcan Machine Gun on the front with wings full of missiles. Also it can maneuver like no other plane that I know of. It isn't the fastest plane around.

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Sorry, I throw it out again - I'd have big problems with american hardware on chinese cargo ships. The Chinese army and navy have LOADS of hardware suitable to task.

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An A-10 is a Cannon with a fuselage built around it.



Absolutely correct!


1) The cannon extends appropriately 1/2 of the length of the aircraft. However, it is a 30mm cannon and fires the following rounds PGU-14/B (armor Piercing and later replaced with deleted uranium rounds, causing the flap in the First Desert Storm about the rounds and scattered radiation, although the tankers weren't around to give complaints. Just bystanders after the aircraft did its job.) and APIPGU-13/B HEI (high explosive incendiary rounds) LOL! Whatever! This aircraft with its gun makes red hash out of anything in its way.

2) The pilot was an after-thought. First the gun with a fuselage around it. Then the engines and then the wings. What have we forgotten? :huh: Oh yeah! A pilot sitting in an bullet-resistant cockpit.


BTW, they are fully equipped with Maverick missiles, in the case that they find a stray tank here or there.


I actually got to see the Highway of Death when the Republican Guard was retreating and Schwarzkopf had missions for the Warthogs. This was the first time I have felt sorry for an enemy. They never stood a chance and died where they stood! Most never even had a chance to run.

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Sorry, I throw it out again - I'd have big problems with american hardware on chinese cargo ships. The Chinese army and navy have LOADS of hardware suitable to task.



Sorry, US Navy is not going to give any ship any CIWS and it is a bit more complicated than what people think. I agree with you the Chinese navy is more than capable of taking care of themselves. I was laughing at the sound deterrent devices they want to give the merchant ships. I enjoyed the last news tidbit; Molotov cocktails improvised by the Chinese crew! Gotta admire Chinese for their perseverance in the face of such odds.


Where I work today in San Diego, we service and perform maintenance on these systems.


As of today, the Chinese Navy is sending two destroyers into the area with support ships (e.g. fuel, supply and maintenance ships) The extra effort is welcomed by all forces in the area. However, as I stated previously; a token effort. 2 destroyers do not cover much ground. Ask Griz (CFL) exactly how big the ocean is and the line of horizon capabilities on any merchant, naval ship, US or otherwise. It is shocking to those people that have never seen this and realize the true expanse of what they see. Hence, aviation capabilities of ships, counter-battery measures, AWACS support with "down-looking" and forward looking radar systems, FLIRs, radar, etc, etc.


I cannot speak freely. However, I assure you that the US Navy is involved very intimately. They would take any assistance, from China, India, Thailand or a hand-fisherman in a john-boat from Oklahoma.


This issue is not national ideals and all have the same goal. These are free ships, that carry commerce for all nations and are dealing with pirates! Who truly cares what happens to the pirates?


My question still stands, that I gave previously; What about the UN authorizing any and all nations to not only conduct naval operations, but land operations against pirates; with UN approval.


Doesn't this smack of a bit of stupidity? Who really truly cares what happens to a bunch of lousy pirates. They get their comeuppance. I foresee that the world will shed very, very few tears in their demises. Therefore, who really cares about a few pirates?


Watch the public scream when soldiers are dying to eliminate a few brigands. After all; the world needs to fight a politically correct war anymore.


Here is a new novel idea. All warships, to eliminate pirates should have lawyers (on retainer, paid by taxpayers) on board, to insure that pirates rights are not violated in any sea or land operations. B) :huh:


Sounds stupid doesn't it? I assure you that this thought is already in someone's mind and those generous retainer and litigation fees!

Edited by Cerberus (see edit history)
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An A-10 is a Cannon with a fuselage built around it.

This was the first time I have felt sorry for an enemy. They never stood a chance and died where they stood! Most never even had a chance to run.

Righto, Dave. It was also certainly the first time that we stood back in our own shock and awe at what our weapons can do from afar.


Sadly, IMHO, the Warthog has been assigned to the graveyard. Never shall there be such a manned flying machine with such lethal weaponry and survivability.


The future is directed toward UCAVs and ABLs.


Like the foot soldier, maybe the Hog still has a place. :huh:

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I loved the A-10...



grrrr. anyway -


Cerberus - the thing that bothers me about 'somalian pirates' is that they are offshoots of the somalian warlords, and if we go inland to get them, we're smack into the same problem, different verse, from a few years ago when we were in somalia (UN? USA? I don't recall exactly) to go looking for terrorists... Those warlords will throw everything they gots on ground troups..


I dunno - maybe, just maybe if we send in the land forces, this time they'll have the naval support off the coast (the big list you mentioned, ya i know all of that stuff)....



I ain't no liberal, I'm all for sending in troops to pound the f*ck outta anybody - but i read it as the UN saying 'someone must help us', in that royal 'us' word tense, instead of saying 'france and china and turkey - you guys are going on tuesday' ...


ok - enough o me on this for a long bit...

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I loved the A-10...



grrrr. anyway -


Cerberus - the thing that bothers me about 'somalian pirates' is that they are offshoots of the somalian warlords, and if we go inland to get them, we're smack into the same problem, different verse, from a few years ago when we were in somalia (UN? USA? I don't recall exactly) to go looking for terrorists... Those warlords will throw everything they gots on ground troups..


I dunno - maybe, just maybe if we send in the land forces, this time they'll have the naval support off the coast (the big list you mentioned, ya i know all of that stuff)....



I ain't no liberal, I'm all for sending in troops to pound the f*ck outta anybody - but i read it as the UN saying 'someone must help us', in that royal 'us' word tense, instead of saying 'france and china and turkey - you guys are going on tuesday' ...


ok - enough o me on this for a long bit...



I respectfully disagree with you on several points. Thanks for responding. Lets make the Roger's Middle Kingdom what people expected in the first place; A place for intellectual argument (meant in the Greek language, to inform). I truly hope that this thread doesn't end up being moved to Twisted Candle.


The Somalian warlords are exactly that! Warlords over their own individual fiefdoms and that is about as far as their power goes. The warlords are not connected to the pirates (besides loose familial lineage, religion or manner of belief, respect, and favors owed) to the warlords.


That is why we ran into problems. Lack of intelligence, warlords banding together for a common cause, etc, etc.


The pirates are a totally different entity compared to the warlords and the Islamic belief in teaching of the Quran. The pirates are pirates and that is that is that . Pirates! Hold a ship for ransom for monetary gain. The warlords may see some money trickle down to them. However the big payoff will be to the pirates, in the end. After all, if you won the Mega Millions Lottery and because I PM you on this topic; will give me million dollars from your pocket? I think not.


Same principle, applies to the warlords and pirates.


I will respond more fully tomorrow it is late.


BTW Dennis, thanks so much for your kind words. I saw the horror the day I took a patrol through, in the aftermath. I saw burnt bodies still in the hatches and had attempted to escape, but were killed exactly in the positions that we saw them frozen into. Half in and half out of hatches, drivers still sitting behind steering wheels and burnt to death. I led my men out of the area. However, the memories still are there and imprinted very fully.


This was the first time I have ever seen the real carnage a Warthog can unleash onto an enemy. I should mention that the aircraft is not prejudiced and all are considered the same; Tanks, jeeps,Chevy & Ford SUVs, buses, APC's were all fair game


In consolation, the Warthog is a very old aircraft. They (USAF) have tried several times to replace it. Many countries are actively seek to purchase it and it still flies today, in support missions is USAF. In my belief; it is probably the longest flying aircraft today, with the exception of the P-51 Mustang. Several countries still deploy a the Mustang. However, the Warthog makes the Mustang look weak armaments-wise.


Take care gentlemen. I'm out of here. I have a New York Strip Sirloin done and ready!

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Guest Tony n Terrific

An A-10 is a Cannon with a fuselage built around it.



Absolutely correct!


1) The cannon extends appropriately 1/2 of the length of the aircraft. However, it is a 30mm cannon and fires the following rounds PGU-14/B (armor Piercing and later replaced with deleted uranium rounds, causing the flap in the First Desert Storm about the rounds and scattered radiation, although the tankers weren't around to give complaints. Just bystanders after the aircraft did its job.) and APIPGU-13/B HEI (high explosive incendiary rounds) LOL! Whatever! This aircraft with its gun makes red hash out of anything in its way.

2) The pilot was an after-thought. First the gun with a fuselage around it. Then the engines and then the wings. What have we forgotten? :) Oh yeah! A pilot sitting in an bullet-resistant cockpit.


BTW, they are fully equipped with Maverick missiles, in the case that they find a stray tank here or there.


I actually got to see the Highway of Death when the Republican Guard was retreating and Schwarzkopf had missions for the Warthogs. This was the first time I have felt sorry for an enemy. They never stood a chance and died where they stood! Most never even had a chance to run.

I use to sell products to the Myrtle Beach AFB that had the A-10 stationed there. This plane is a mean SOB for sure. When it is fully loaded with ordinace it is like taking a peep into hell. I sure would not want to be a grunt on the ground when this thing takes swoop at you. You will be in for a real bad day. If they could ever find you that is.

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