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Angry Eggs...

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We just bought three dozen eggs yesterday, and not a single one of them had a frown, or had anything unkind to say.






In all seriousness tho, these things scare the heck out of me. Anytime there's contaminated food i go a little nuts :redmad:


And well you should Lauren...If there is something more imortant than one's health could someone please tell me what it would be??? :bop:


And as for someone who would feed eggs they knew to be unsafe to their child to make some wierd political point... :o Well what can one say??? :huh:

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I do believe that there are people in China that will mix anything regardless what it is or how toxic just to make a yuan. The guys that were continuing to put this stuff in food products and feed products had to have seen the news concerning the health issues that is associated with it but yet these guys continued putting in into their products Why? to make money, it's all about the money.




That is the crux of the issue Larry...There are just too many people in China who would do anything to make a yuan... :ph34r: If the people's attitudes do not change to take more responsibility for each other then all the regulation in the world is not going to help... :redmad:


On our last visit to Laopo's hometown all her friends were making much of the fact that there were many public works projects going on to make the city more livable and clean...New streets, parks, etc...So one day we were walking across the bridge over the river and just ahead of us were 2 little kids eating their way through one of those big noodle containers...When they finished eating they chucked it over the side into the river...I turned to my wife and said, "To have a clean city that's what needs to change."... :bop:

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In all seriousness tho, these things scare the heck out of me. Anytime there's contaminated food i go a little nuts :P


And well you should Lauren...If there is something more imortant than one's health could someone please tell me what it would be??? :smoker:


And as for someone who would feed eggs they knew to be unsafe to their child to make some wierd political point... :blink: Well what can one say??? :blink:



Preciesly. I get so freaked out about health related things. That's why when my husband and I were forced to drink beyond our limit at our "wedding congratuations party" i was pissed. I know Chinese drink alot, and it's hard to fully describe how bad things got. But when I finally stopped because i just could NOT drink anymore, i refused the alcohol. My husband was noticeably terribly ill and almost unable to get up, they forced him to drink two shots to make up for my slack. He ended up also busting his head wide open on a table. That's when i called night over, i was sick of us being pushed towards alcohol poisoning for the sake of "celebration"


and i don't get the purposely feeding eggs to make a point either. I don't toy with any kind of health to make any kind of point. Not mine and especially not my children. Hell i usually don't even eat a food that once gave me food poisoning.


Then again i think i've alreaedy established that i'm OCD about some things lol. Health, baby names, and manners/moral behavior lol

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In all seriousness tho, these things scare the heck out of me. Anytime there's contaminated food i go a little nuts :flowers_and_kisses:


And well you should Lauren...If there is something more imortant than one's health could someone please tell me what it would be??? :xmastree:


And as for someone who would feed eggs they knew to be unsafe to their child to make some wierd political point... :( Well what can one say??? :(



Preciesly. I get so freaked out about health related things. That's why when my husband and I were forced to drink beyond our limit at our "wedding congratuations party" i was pissed. I know Chinese drink alot, and it's hard to fully describe how bad things got. But when I finally stopped because i just could NOT drink anymore, i refused the alcohol. My husband was noticeably terribly ill and almost unable to get up, they forced him to drink two shots to make up for my slack. He ended up also busting his head wide open on a table. That's when i called night over, i was sick of us being pushed towards alcohol poisoning for the sake of "celebration"


and i don't get the purposely feeding eggs to make a point either. I don't toy with any kind of health to make any kind of point. Not mine and especially not my children. Hell i usually don't even eat a food that once gave me food poisoning.


Then again i think i've alreaedy established that i'm OCD about some things lol. Health, baby names, and manners/moral behavior lol


I've gone through evenings of laopo's friends trying to get me stinko and I JUST SAY NO... :ph34r: So sorry if they don'e like it... :D

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Do you really think only melamine or protein cause problems :flowers_and_kisses: there are all kind of poison in food. not only in China. I think the whole world. who can tell me why most American people twice size as Chinese. Why there are more Crohn's desease in American than in China. or other disease I not mention. I think don;t have to over worry. You don't know when you turn to the other food, they are not even do more harm to you...

As China grows more affluent, people will get larger there also. My brother and I are taller than our parents as they are larger than their parents. It is from better nutrition. Don't place the blame on the weight problem here on the food industry. It is the fault of parents just taking the kids to resaurants too often to avoid cooking, and using TV and video games as a baby sitter.

As for China's problems, it is going to harm China's credabilty in the world market. To many in the US, "made in China" means cheap and disposable. With the FDA now requiring that supermarkets lable the country of origin on all food products, you will see a virtual boycott on food grown or prosessed in China. If people are willing to poison food meant for their own people, what will they do to food meant for export?

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I've gone through evenings of laopo's friends trying to get me stinko and I JUST SAY NO... :) So sorry if they don'e like it... :D


That night i had no choice on the alcohol because it was our "congrats" party. Liquor was just about poured into my mouth for me.


Part of me almost feels like we were being 'punished' or severely tested. Because that night was just beyond ridiculous with how much we were forced into crap that was so unhealthy. I ended up spending the whole night taking care of my husband even tho i was totally blitzed. Yes the situation did bring us closer, and got me very accepted by them, however we should've never had that happen to us.


I also don't like my husband having to smoke when he's offered cigs. I personally do not like smoking and he doesn't like it either. But he feels like he's "supposed to"


It's not just the food in china that could kill you, it seems. It's sometimes social traditions.



By the way, eggs and chickens are happier in California just like the cows. :rolleyes:


I love those commercials LOL

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I'm sorry, but I refuse to equate overeating foods that are high in salt/fat ETC with someone knowingly putting poison in food for higher profits. Americans are fat because they make poor choices in diet and eat too much. However, (unless they are stupid) they know that they are doing this, and there are thousands and thousands of healthy food choices here. In areas like California, and other places with large asian populations you could pretty much eat a 100% Chinese diet if you were so-inclined (although melamine free). I just think if the issue is poisoned food in China, then that should be the issue. There's no need for tit-for-tat, it's not about what country is better or worse, or who's dad can beat up who's.

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By the way, eggs and chickens are happier in California just like the cows. :rolleyes:



haha you lived in Modesto, so I KNOW you know how unhappy those cows can be... lol (or at least I would be unhappy too if I spent months on end trudging through 3 foot deep piles of my own poo)

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I honestly wish you and your family good health. Despite your laudable rosy outlook, it's gotta be a little daunting being on the front lines of this whole tainted food mess.


Please stay safe.



Thanks for the well wishes and cautions. Dave, apart from your wife, what are the ten things you like most about China?

As promised Jesse, I¡¯m back. Now I¡¯m not sure whether you ask for my list out of sincere curiosity or cynical skepticism. :blink: I suspect you don¡¯t believe I can come up with 10 things. :D Either way, I¡¯m happy to do it. You can find it here.





Rather than hijack this thread I thought it best to start a new one.


And for the record? I don¡¯t consider pointing out or discussing the negative aspects of China to be China-bashing or China-hating any more than I would when having the same discussions about the US. Making room for both doesn¡¯t mean sacrificing your feelings for either. :blush:

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I honestly wish you and your family good health. Despite your laudable rosy outlook, it's gotta be a little daunting being on the front lines of this whole tainted food mess.


Please stay safe.



Thanks for the well wishes and cautions. Dave, apart from your wife, what are the ten things you like most about China?

As promised Jesse, I¡¯m back. Now I¡¯m not sure whether you ask for my list out of sincere curiosity or cynical skepticism. :lol: I suspect you don¡¯t believe I can come up with 10 things. B) Either way, I¡¯m happy to do it. You can find it here.





Rather than hijack this thread I thought it best to start a new one.


And for the record? I don¡¯t consider pointing out or discussing the negative aspects of China to be China-bashing or China-hating any more than I would when having the same discussions about the US. Making room for both doesn¡¯t mean sacrificing your feelings for either. :coolthumb:


:blush: :blink: We've been through this dozens of times but some people here just cannot undesrand it... :D

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