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Rural Land Use Rights...

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In a move to bridge the disaprity between China's 800 million rural citizens and the richer urban dwellers China will soon allow unrestricted rights to rural land "owners" to buy, sell or trade their land use rights...




I'm going to be a pineapple farmer after all... :whistling: digging them out of the rich volcanic soil of Hainan... :sweating_buckets:

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Yep, China is moving ahead. Healthcare changes coming and now this land reform. Let's hope the good old US will get moving forward soon :)

I was some what shocked when I first saw a farm in China. It didn't look like what I'm use to seeing here in the US. They were rather small compared to the big fields I see. But it could of also been the area I was in that made the farms small compared to the US.

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Guest Mike and Lily

Yep, China is moving ahead. Healthcare changes coming and now this land reform. Let's hope the good old US will get moving forward soon :yahoo:

I was some what shocked when I first saw a farm in China. It didn't look like what I'm use to seeing here in the US. They were rather small compared to the big fields I see. But it could of also been the area I was in that made the farms small compared to the US.


Almost all farming in China is still small family run operations with very little of the equipment you would usually consider essential to modern farming operations in the USA. Most are dirt poor subsistence farmers.

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In a move to bridge the disaprity between China's 800 million rural citizens and the richer urban dwellers China will soon allow unrestricted rights to rural land "owners" to buy, sell or trade their land use rights...




I'm going to be a pineapple farmer after all... :yahoo: digging them out of the rich volcanic soil of Hainan... :yahoo:

I'm going to be a dental floss tycoon. :D
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In a move to bridge the disaprity between China's 800 million rural citizens and the richer urban dwellers China will soon allow unrestricted rights to rural land "owners" to buy, sell or trade their land use rights...




I'm going to be a pineapple farmer after all... :) digging them out of the rich volcanic soil of Hainan... :blink:

I'm going to be a dental floss tycoon. :D


I thought you were going to be pulling a rickshaw??? :huh:

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When the communists came to power in 1949 one of the most important reforms they made was to put all property under state control...No one "OWNED" land but the government. Until recently this mantra was considered inviolable. The government assumed that allowing private ownership would bring back the same kinds of abuses that had plagued China for millenia with landlords and the landless masses... :( Many rural people are still pretty unsophisticated and this could come back to bite China in a big way later... :huh: Evidently they think its worth the attempt to try to lift the rural poor out of poverty by giving them control of their land...But is it??? Only time will tell... :angry:

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I saw a little bit of this on BBC the other day. One farmer built and opened a market on a small part of the land. The rest of the farmland that he owns he has rented out to other farmers. So for one it seems to be working.


It seems to already be the practice in parts of China...We have a friend on Hainan who rents land to grow pineapples...He says he can rent the land from the farmers for whatever length of time he wishes... :( He tells us that pineapples are more reliable than bananas beacuse they won't blow over in a typhoon... :angry:

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The Central Committee has finally released the plan to allow farmers to transfer ownership rights of their land to others. It will definitely NOT be a free-for-all however. Controls will be in place to make sure that needed arable land is not wasted and that urban areas will not be able to gobble up surrounding farmlands... :cheering:




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In a move to bridge the disaprity between China's 800 million rural citizens and the richer urban dwellers China will soon allow unrestricted rights to rural land "owners" to buy, sell or trade their land use rights...




I'm going to be a pineapple farmer after all... :shutup: digging them out of the rich volcanic soil of Hainan... :rolleyes:

I'm going to be a dental floss tycoon. :D


I thought you were going to be pulling a rickshaw??? :rolleyes:

Can't get insurance coverage. :(
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