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Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants

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Last nights Democratic Presidential debate included talk of an Amnesty for all illegal aliens in the U.S., especially hispanic aliens, almost all agreed that an Amnesty should be granted for being in the US for 5 years not getting into trouble with the law and having worked for two years ( illegally I guess) should be eligible for permanent status.....It would be good for the counrty remarked John F Kerry D MA.


How about the thousands and thousands of people waiting for family based visas for months and years using the legal and proper system of filing with the US for status and yet still having to wait and wait and wait.....with out answers?


This is ubelievable coming to the US illegally then being rewarded by prize of permanent status.

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Last nights Democratic Presidential debate included talk of an Amnesty for all illegal aliens in the U.S., especially hispanic aliens, almost all agreed that an Amnesty should be granted for being in the US for 5 years not getting into trouble with the law and having worked for two years ( illegally I guess) should be eligible for permanent status.....It would be good for the counrty remarked John F Kerry D MA.


How about the thousands and thousands of people waiting for family based visas for months and years using the legal and proper system of filing with the US for status and yet still having to wait and wait and wait.....with out answers?


This is ubelievable coming to the US illegally then being rewarded by prize of permanent status.

AMEN! My opinion? Too much $$$ spent in administration of the visa approvals and not enough $$$ in enforcement. Why? Because illegals have "rights" once they arrive. Huh? Round 'em up and ship 'em home if they haven't jumped through the right hoops. That leaves more room for those who patiently wait their turn.


Of course, the debate was in NM last night. Had to reach out to the citizens there.

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The problem is, most Americans don't realize it takes a lot of hassal, time and money to get someone from overseas to America, even if they are Citizens.


I bet, most people believe that legal immigrants come to U.S. quickly and easily. So, therefore, they think the illegal immigrants need help now.


I have never seen a report about how much trouble it is for legal immigrants to enter U.S. The truth is, legal immigrants are much more difficult to enter U.S. than the illegal immigrants.


If they really want to release the numbers, there probably more illegal immigrants that come to U.S. than the legal immigrants each year.

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There is a difference. Our Chinese loved ones are an ocean away and half a world apart. US Immigrations can easily manage this. The illegal aliens the democrats were refering to are only across the Rio Grande and not so easily managable. Every year illegal aliens cross the border from Mexico and their numbers are increasing. By given them amnesty, the US government sees taxpayers, the democrats see votes. It is an old issue that has been going on for years. Wether it will come to be?, who knows. Most of these people are honest, hard workers seeking a better life. But there are so many of them, the government needs to do something and if the government can't stop them, then have them join the union and become taxpayers and voters like the rest of us.


mi dos centavos, gracias :unsure:

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Last nights Democratic Presidential debate included talk of an Amnesty for all illegal aliens in the U.S., especially hispanic aliens, almost all agreed that an Amnesty should be granted for being in the US for 5 years not getting into trouble with the law and having worked for two years ( illegally I guess) should be eligible for permanent status.....It would be good for the counrty remarked John F Kerry D MA.


How about the thousands and thousands of people waiting for family based visas for months and years using the legal and proper system of filing with the US for status and yet still having to wait and wait and wait.....with out answers?


This is ubelievable coming to the US illegally then being rewarded by prize of permanent status.

Questing if that people should do right things.More illegal immigrants will go to the states since they are encouraged.


I head some chinese with B1 visas stay in the states after B1 expeired and finally got permanent permission to stay,why is that?


This is riddiculous.

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Read this article



Illegal Chinese immigrants irk Taiwan

By William Foreman, Associated Press Writer, 9/6/2003


HSINCHU, Taiwan -- Two years ago, Luo, a petite 22-year-old, left the rice fields of her village in southern China and made an illegal voyage across the choppy Taiwan Strait in a stinky fishing boat.


Her plan was to make some money on this prosperous island 100 miles off China's coast. But now, Luo, who gave only her surname, is locked up in a detention camp in northern Taiwan with more than 800 other women who have become the latest sore spot in the testy relationship between China and Taiwan.


Taiwan accuses China of not being aggressive enough in cracking down on the gangsters, or "snakeheads," who are smuggling the women. Often, the women end up working in back-alley brothels or seedy hostess bars.


Taiwan is also complaining that China is too slow in taking back the illegal immigrants, who already this year have hit a nine-year high of 2,511, according to the Interior Ministry. Repatriation is irregular because the two sides don't have formal relations and rarely cooperate on such issues.


Tempers flared late last month when snakeheads dumped 20 women into the Taiwan Strait while they were being chased by the Taiwanese coast guard. Six of the women drowned and the cruelty of their deaths made front-page headlines and shocked many Taiwanese.


The incident has helped fuel the re-election campaign of President Chen Shui-bian, who accuses his opponents of being too friendly to China and ignoring the communist government's dark side. Chen has argued that Beijing was partly to blame for the women's' deaths because they were fleeing miserable lives created by the communist government.


China dismissed Chen's comments as "absurd" and "inhumane." But days later, China's state-run media reported that 13 suspected snakeheads had been arrested in the case involving the six drowned women.


The latest Taiwan-China feud seems far away from the Hsinchu Refugee Camp for mainland Chinese in this northern city. The center's quiet, shady courtyard is full of palm trees and evergreens that hide the austere barracks that house the women.


For more than a year, this has been Luo's home.


She said her troubles began when a friend introduced her to a snakehead two years ago in her village in Hunan province. She said the smuggler, who was a woman, seemed nice and promised her that she would find legal work in Taiwan.


"But as soon as we got on the boat, we knew they weren't good people," said Luo, dressed in the standard uniform of flip flops, gym shorts and a red T-shirt. "They just threw us a bottle of water and some bread, then they didn't seem to care about us anymore."


Like many of the other detainees, Luo said she was tricked into prostitution, but spoke in uncertain terms about her agreement with the snakeheads. At one point in a brief interview, she said, "I thought I was on a passenger ship. I didn't know I was immigrating illegally."


Another woman who also gave only her surname, Zhou, said she came to Taiwan from China's southern Fujian province last year to work in a factory. "I never found any work and I was arrested days later," she said.


Like several of the women, Zhou, 23, had a newborn baby which slept beside her on a small mattress covered with a white terry-cloth blanket.


The detention center's director, Lai Hsieh-yi, doesn't buy the stories. Worried about being punished at home, the women often lie or repeat the things the snakeheads coached them to say, he said.


"Just a minority of these women have been tricked," Lai said. "Most of them knew how they were going to make money."


Lai said there has been a drastic change in illegal immigration in the past five years. Men once far outnumbered women, but now women are in the vast majority. So far this year, 2,110 women have been caught, while only 401 men have been detained, he said.


The men used to come to work in Taiwan's factories, he said. But many of those plants have moved to China in search of cheaper labor.


The trip is easier for the women to finance because the snakeheads don't demand that the women pay their smuggling fees of $5,800 to $8,800 up front, Lai said. They're allowed to pay as they earn the money in brothels or bars, he said.


Taiwan has launched a new campaign to pressure China to take the women back. The government recently organized a media tour of the Hsinchu detention center and allowed journalists to watch as the women made three-minute telephone calls to their families.


As the detainees talked to their families, TV cameras and photographers huddled around them. Some journalists stuck tape recorders in their faces to record the conversations.


Before the women began dialing, Johnnason Liu, an official with the Mainland Affairs Council, an agency responsible for China policy, urged the women to ask their families to lobby for them.


"Tell your families to use any method they can to tell the Chinese government to work for your immediate return," he said.


© Copyright 2003 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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I heard on the news last night that California Govenor Davis is signing a bill to give drivers licenses to illegal aliens.

Once they get their licenses, they should also pay income taxes. :D

Excellent point! Taxes pay for roads. If they want to use them, pay for them. Illegals getting driver's licenses? Damn...what's next? Holding public office? Guess they don’t need to as long as they can manipulate those who do.


Illegal means against the law. If we know who they are, ship 'em back! How can we penalize employers who hire illegals but provide them with a privilege afforded to our citizens? What about insurance? Anyone think about that? So, now we have all these illegals and hand them car keys. When they crash into someone and destroy lives, will we give them amnesty for that too????? Can we sue? Of course we can. But no lawyer will take a case when the person’s net worth is $500.


Now, before anyone hits the racist button, please note that my comments are directed at all illegals. I read the many stories of frustration and joy on this forum and see the timelines. I admire everyone’s patience. Even when our loved ones get here, we still have AOS to face…it’s not over for a while. For others not to “earn” the right to come to this country, well…it sickens me.............I’m so glad I left CA.

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One time amnesty might be good since these people have been living in USA for at least 5 years. This is their home even though they are illegals and live in a secret life. Once they become legal, then they must pay taxes and help our economy. Also, they can't collect welfare. However, they should deport any future illegals. Make the law tough so that they won't try to come.

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I'm not too sure about his name, but he is a former congressman from California; I think it is Bob Dorman or Dornan. He said that those who come here the legal way can wait years. Why reward those who are here illegally, violating out laws? Joe Scarbrough is also a former congressman, but don't remember which state. He also supports LEGAL immigration.

Bob Dornan is from Orange County in California. Joe Scarborough is from Pensacola, Florida. From what you've shared, I certainly like their views on immigration. Entering the U.S. illegally and then being granted residency with privileges is difficult to understand. I don't get it! And here we are doing it the "right" way and we wait, and wait, and wait, and ...

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I heard on the news last night that California Govenor Davis is signing a bill to give drivers licenses to illegal aliens.

Once they get their licenses, they should also pay income taxes. ;)

Most do pay taxes but the issue is they claim 10 dependents so very little is actually taken out. However, if the IRS changed its rules to state a person should have social security numbers for each dependent, the money the government would bring in from these illegals would probably pay off our national debt.......LOL.


I live in North Carolina and they have started arresting these illegals and deporting them when they show up for driver's license. They are actually getting 30-40 a day. But the bigger issue that is coming down the line is we pay for them to be deported, we house them until they are deported, and they get deported only to swim across again and the entire episode begins again.


In order to keep them out, we need stronger border control with Mexico and without that we are really wasting our own money and making the "coyotes" (those who cross these illegals) richer.


One option to correct the problem, give them amensty provided they have no criminal record, can prove they met the minimum standards here (insurance, salary, taxes, etc) and then give them a hefty fine say $5,000 for coming into the country illegally -- after all if we did something illegally they fine us. Take the $5,000 from each applicant and reinforce our borders so that other illegals could not come in. This would create a win-win situation.

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