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It won't disappear from my mind

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I read a thread on a chinese website 2 days ago, the picture of the thread always appear on my mind.


It talks about an old man. His wife left him 10 years ago, his 25 years old son is missing. He has no job and live on 100 yuan per month from local government. I can't face the picture again, so I will just copy the thread address here.


He has to move 38 stairs with his blet feet to go out to get water. And the 38 stair is the only way to go back home. his feet has been bleted for 4 months when it appear on internet at May.


I had a dream last night.I dream that my finger are blet as his feet. I woke up with a restless heart. and I look back this thread again, I dare not to look at the pictures anymore. I dare not to look at his eyes, his feet. It feel like something pressure on my heart. Chill


When I call the phone on the thread I am told that he received alot of help from internet and people had been organised him for medical treatment.





I post it here becos I have been hanging here everyday recently, and those pictures shock me heavily. Tragedies happens in the world. Those people have the same sense as we all do. They feel pain. They feel lonely.They struggle to survive. They are suffering more than we could imagine.

Edited by WenDylanforever (see edit history)
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People from internet already get hospital for him and he will have to get the feet cut off. With the donation from internet, he will get the treatment...

It is a wonder that he is still alive with the condition that his feet were in. My gosh what happened to him and is it possible that he could even survive. The only thing I can say is God did not have plans for him to leave this earth just yet.

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China just does not have the social safety net that we enjoy in the US... :P There are many, many people without any health care...In some ways the money spent for the great show of the Olympics could have been better spent... :lol:

I have to agree, somewhat.


People often ask me (as if I am now some kind of authority on China and Chinese) what I thought of the Olympics. I tell them that they must understand that most Olympics are funded by the host city and through corporate sponsors (at least in the US) and have little by way of federal funding. Watching the Beijing Olympics was watching a display of a China Olympics where the funding was by the federal government, using all of its resources, including its military. Yes, it was quite dazzling for sure. Big deal and so what, it's over and life goes on, especially for those at the bottom who probably could not even tell you what is the Olympics.

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It's very very hard to believe that those feet are really his living feet. Perhaps one of the medical professionals on CFL could take a look.

Yikes! Amazing that gangrene or some other infection hasn't set in and killed him already. :mbounce:

I agree Jim, I'd love to hear what our resident doc (shushuweiwei) has to say. I wonder if he's ever seen anything like this?

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Guest Tony n Terrific

When you see this poor man in the condition he is suffering from you give thanks for your health. If you don't have your health you have nothing at all.

I hope he will pull through this. I think he has suffered enough as it is.

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Guest Rob & Jin

It's very very hard to believe that those feet are really his living feet. Perhaps one of the medical professionals on CFL could take a look.

Yikes! Amazing that gangrene or some other infection hasn't set in and killed him already. :yahoo:

I agree Jim, I'd love to hear what our resident doc (shushuweiwei) has to say. I wonder if he's ever seen anything like this?



Realize I'm just a 15 year ED nurse and before that a Medic in the army so I know s**t Dave :wacko: :yahoo: .


The black feet are dead (you don't say) gas gangrene possible,maybe diabetic neuropathy maybe narcotizing fasciitis maybe frost bite ,could be from ulcers that destoyed blood flow(unlikely) ? who knows could be from any number of things without a history and labs we will never know for sure. The exposed bone concerning as it , is in a way probably what has saved him from getting a serious systemic blood infection "sepsis" from the dead/dying and or infective process and tissues, but I have to say surprised he doesn't look that sick considering the potential for serious infection that still remains .

Maybe he did some home surgery to cut a gap between healthy tissue and dead, still pretty amazing.

Edited by Rob & Jin (see edit history)
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There are no muscles controlling his feet - he is balancing (if you can call it that) on his heels


Right! [And I'm not a medical expert either...] but no muscles and where you see the bone coming out above the ankles it looks too nice and clean. Not to mention gangrenous free.




Therefore, until proven wrong; I'm calling it ....























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