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  • 1 year later...

Open the link posted here and go to his homepage. There you will find a link to his prices. I paid $250 for mine and it was well worth it.

I first emailed him with what I wanted with an attachment of a .jpg file showing the characters. He emailed me back saying it would be much easier for him to have the characters from a chinese word processer like NJstar or similiar. Maybe it is the way he has his cutters set up. Anyways, I did that. I think you can find a trial version of NJstar on the net somewhere.

He later emailed me back showing 3 different styles on how he could engrave the characters. I picked the one I liked best and he made the ring. He likes to post pictures of the rings he's made. There are many beautiful rings of all shapes and styles. I remember, he is located in Utah somewhere.


-good luck

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The rings look nice to me but my laopo says they're too expensive!

Beware of NJstar! I have used it before and it will put spyware on your PC.

Download Ad-Aware SE or freeware such as spy-bot. they both can to the job.

I had a nasty bug on my computer one time, badurl dot something, and spy-bot was the only software that could remove it.


My wife said the same thing about prices but I wanted something unique and searched hours before I came across this site. It had exactly what I was looking for.


It must've been fate is all I can say!............ :)

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