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POE experience

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We went to a visitor line and an female officer opened the packet. While flipping pages, she asked randomly that when the wedding was planned. I told her we were not sure. After a while, she told us to go to Window 37 for special processing. While waiting in the line, we were approached by a male officer who asked what we were here for. When he found out we were k1, he was a little surprised. "They sent you here," he asked. His surprise made us nervous. He took our paper and went to a station. A few moment later, he came back and told us to follow him. He took us to a holding room. This really made us nervous now. He told us to sit and wait. We waited, waited and waited. Finally, An's name was called. The officer asked again when the wedding was planned for. I gave him the same answer but added that since we didn't have any family in the US the wedding was going to be a simple one. He smiled and inquired that it was going to a civil one, uh? I said yes. He emphasized that we had to get married within 90 days of the entry. Then he circled the 1 on An's visa and repeatedly made the point that she couldn't get out of country until she got her green card. I knew all that but just nodded to satisfy his ego. I asked for an EAD card but he said I had to apply for it to the CIS. Then he let us go.

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I think that was pretty innocuous, though. I'll bet you simply got in the wrong line, and then were led to the correct place.


They will often pull new immigrants into a room where they can be processed. We were even treated that way when using the AP.


The worst punishment for answering "I don't know" would be to be admonished that you need to get married within 90 days.


Welcome to the US.

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I am glad you had a happy outcome. Congratulations.


I guess it is just me, but I am always afraid of a power hungry government official, and would have been very worried had I been in your position at the airport.


A valid visa is no guarantee that a person will be allowed to enter the United States. A valid visa in essence only permits a person to apply for admission to the United States when they arrive at a port of entry. The almighty Department of Homeland Security makes the final decision as to whether a visa holder will be admitted to the United States.


It is so easy for a couple to discuss and agree on a wedding date before they arrive at the port of entry. Then they will have an acceptable answer ready for the question that is very likely to be asked. So what if that date must be moved by a few days or weeks because of scheduling problems or other reasons once the couple is safely in the country.


Whether it is their way of trying to show their superiority, or their way of trying to intimidate new arrivals, or their way of really trying to discover people who are coming to the United States using subterfuge, who knows. It may vary depending on who asks the question. I wouldn't take the risk, however small. June 19, we responded immediately when we were asked the question. We actually got married that day, but we knew we could change the date if we needed to. Just a suggestion that might ease some anxiety for others.

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