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The question is are you bitter? :toot:


Me, I was just a poor, blue collar boy, who went to a State College.



No, I sleep with my .40 S&W Model 4013TSW, under my pillow, and my bible in my hand, so I always have pleasant dreams, and never ever 'bitter' !!



:roller: :ph34r:

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Amy, one must always maintain a sense of humor, even though mine can be very dry at times !! :lol:


Naw, my money is still on you as the true Alpha in your family....you will just let Doug 'think' he is in charge !! :roller:


Yes, I will be in GZ for my wife's interview, would not miss this for anything !!! And yes, while my lao po is a very soft/sweet woman, she is also a very educated and strong woman, so I have the best of all worlds in my Guangzhou girl !!! :lol: :ph34r: :toot:


We are all so very lucky !!! :lol:


Maybe we can all meet someday in the not too distant future !!


Best wishes always, Roger and Hongxia :D

hahaha, oh how you know women, Roger~ ;-) The less smart women take control, but the smarter ones "allow" their husbands to think that they're "in charge." HAHA!


Good, so you will personally bring your lao po HOME. =)

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Congratulations to both of you!!! :mbounce: :D :redblob: :bounce8:

Thanks, Gino! I actually just checked out your wedding banquet pictures today. Beautiful Shanghai wife~ ;-)

Geez, Amy @~@. Lulu is from Nanjing la. No "Handsome Taiwan husband" comment for me?? :D


Now get to USA and remind handsome Roger to pay for the dinner he promised :D



Amy is just so very biased, she thinks all the beautiful woman [only] come from Shanghai !!! :bounce8: :ph34r:



Gino, I did not forget....but it must be an authentic Cantonese restaurant, in one of those back alleys of S.F.'s Chinatown, not one of the restaurants where all the tourists go !!

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Amy, one must always maintain a sense of humor, even though mine can be very dry at times !! :redblob:


Naw, my money is still on you as the true Alpha in your family....you will just let Doug 'think' he is in charge !! :D


Yes, I will be in GZ for my wife's interview, would not miss this for anything !!! And yes, while my lao po is a very soft/sweet woman, she is also a very educated and strong woman, so I have the best of all worlds in my Guangzhou girl !!! :ph34r: :bounce8: :bounce8:


We are all so very lucky !!! :mbounce:


Maybe we can all meet someday in the not too distant future !!


Best wishes always, Roger and Hongxia :D

hahaha, oh how you know women, Roger~ ;-) The less smart women take control, but the smarter ones "allow" their husbands to think that they're "in charge." HAHA!


Good, so you will personally bring your lao po HOME. =)

So if i let my wife boss me around then i'm smart? :D

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I went in the first batch and ended up interviewing among the LAST 5. This is what happened:


7:10am - I walked to the line from Mr. Yang's. He was so nice, already had one of his visa tenants saving a spot for me in the long line.


around 7:30am - we all went into the building.


(from here, I forgot about time...)


when I finally heard my name being called, I went to the window to hand in my medical envelope. The speaker was very bad or maybe it's the guy's bad mandarin accent, I couldn't understand the window #, so I walked from 20 to 14, to 24, then finally to 23...facing an impatient face... haha I only had 2 English copies of the DS-156 and 157 forms, and that's actually what were asked for on the list. But the guy said since their workers are Chinese people, they want to read Chinese. So I had to fill out 2 Chinese copies of each DS-156 and 157 on the spot. Luckily I had visa photos with me.


That probably delayed my whole process. I was called for fingerprint AFTER I finished and handed in the Chinese forms, which was 30 mins later (I write slow in Chinese). By the time I finished the fingerprint, it was almost 10am I think...


Then I waited til 12:45pm, when there were only 5 people left in the room! We looked at one another, knowing that it was REALLY gonna be SOON. haha~ Then I was called the first among those last 5. It was window 25 I remember, a nice white American guy, blonde I think.


I said "Hi" and smiled.

He said "Hi" without smiling and just looking down at my papers.

I got bored and said "How are you today?"

He finally smiled and said "good." (without asking back) And asked "where did you learn English?"

I said, "In the U.S., I was there for school for 9 years."

He asked studying in what.

I answered him and also gave him the school name (Ivy League). So I guess that already set a good beginning.

Then he asked how my husband and I met, what he's currently doing, and what I'm currently doing.

He saw the big photo album I was holding out (I made it really sweet and pretty, couldn't wait to show it off. haha!), so he said "guess we'll see your pictures next." and he did SMILE when seeing the first page of our wedding picture with our marriage vow written below the pic. =)

After only 3 pages (I had 15 pages in total), he asked "have either of you ever been married before?" I gave a firm "no". Then he just began to ignore me.

So I asked, would you like to see more pictures? He replied "No, you're good."

Then I saw him taking out a PINK sheet of paper from the drawer, and I asked excitedly, "So I passed?!" And he gave a big smile and "Yes!"


NOTE: the VO did NOT ask to see any other documents besides those in the medical envelope, NOT EVEN the financial support papers. Maybe he was hungry like I was, and wanted to go to lunch ASAP... hahaha!


ANOTHER NOTE: window 22 and 23 VO's seem to be the toughest, esp. 22. Both white guys. 22 asks TONS of questions, and takes forever on everyone, such low productivity... There was this one woman with a young daugher who was stuck on 22 for almost 1 hr! And still got a white slip anyway...


AMY, told you things are easy lately, great news!!!!

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Congratulations to both of you!!! :redblob: :greenblob: :redblob: :greenblob:

Thanks, Gino! I actually just checked out your wedding banquet pictures today. Beautiful Shanghai wife~ ;-)

Geez, Amy @~@. Lulu is from Nanjing la. No "Handsome Taiwan husband" comment for me?? ;)

Now get to USA and tell uncle Roger to pay for the dinner he promised :D


Somebody in San Fransico still owes me lunch!! B)

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