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question on tourist visa

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Is anyone familiar with the process of a chinese citizen obtaining a visa to visit the usa???

My mother in law wants to come over here mid november and stay for about three months to help out with her new grandson due dec. 7th.

She lives in harbin so she would be getting it from the embassy in shen yang.

I believe you have to send her a letter of invitation ( i dont think it has to be formal) and how about the affidavit of support????I.N.S. couldnt give me any info on this they said she would have to contact the embassy but it seems its almost like the embassy in guang zhou---a constant busy signal when she tries to call :P

Id appreciate any advice or info anyone could give me :D thanks Dave :D

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I am not too familiar with the ins and outs of tourist visas. However, I think that what the person has to convince the Consulate of is that they will return to China and not stay in the US. I suspect things like owning property, having a home, a job, etc. would be taken into account. As to the affadavit of support, I am clueless. Perhaps Owen might be of some assistance here. He has had a lot of experience with the Consulate in Shenyang. :D :P :D

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I went through this process in Dec. 2001 for my fiancee. We were denied the visitor visa. THe INS. (BCIS) told me that all you need is a letter of invite that is notorized. Not so? You need the I-134, affidavide of support, also and your mother-in- law, needs all sorts of proof that she will return to China. letters from an employer, letters from family members, show proof of property owned, family ties.

If she wanted a visa for one month she may be able to go to a travel agent and apply for a tour, than leave the tour group, but that is illegal.

Because her daughter is in the States if won't be easy. Check the affidavide of support questions.

Good luck, If she wants to come in Dec. start now. Write the consulate first to see what they want to be sure and keep the answer to give to your mother-in-law when she goes.

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Yes, I do have experience with this.


The Shenyang consulate is generally much easier to deal with than is GZ, but they are notorious for issuing business visas relatively easily and being very difficult to get a tourist visa out of. The key point is convincing them that the person will be returning to China, not just overstaying the tourist visa once they make it into the US. They denied our daughters request and told her they would never issue her a tourist visa. US law actually requires them to assume that the person intends to stay in the US. It is up to the applicant to prove otherwise. Guilty until proven innocent.

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