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AP Washington Bureau: info@AP.org


We came here from England and the continent to escape the tyrants that abused their power and invaded our privacy and our ability to allow our families to have a better life. It seems to me that the struggle continues.


Immigration, when people are out of work or working at inferior jobs, is a touchy subject when government and industry wishes to divert attention away from the real culprits. But, while we celebrate our open society, there are many of us that state that we have no sympathy for the recent and new immigrants coming to our shores. Our government has dusted off and, in a strange way, using 9/11 for additional security checks, has reenacted the Chinese Exclusionary Act that was abolished in 1944 after an official discrimination policy against one race of people had been on the books for 50 years.


Yet, it is the immigrants, legal and not legal, that create small businesses that give jobs to thousands of Americans. It is the immigrants that become great consumers and pump money into the economy. It is the immigrants that bring about new ideas to better our country. Yet, this administration would rather have millions being sent to countries like China so that husbands and fathers can support their loved ones their, rather than allowing them quick access to come here. Again we here the cry of this deceiving administration, ¡°It is in the name of national security. It is in the name of 9/11/¡±


Yes, it is easy to have a lack of sympathy for the tired and poor and downtrodden. Oops! That is what the Statue of Liberty symbolized, "Give me your tired and poor". I guess that does not include the wives, children, and fianc¨¦s of American citizens. When I hear the ignorant remarks of anti-immigration views, I think the following.


Imagine yourself as a younger man; would you have the courage to leave your family, your culture, and your security, to go to a place where you do not speak the language and might have to work in servitude for many years to pay the folks that got you there-just so that you could send money home and make a better life for your family and children. Like today, if you are a white European, there are no security checks for wives, children, and fianc¨¦s. The package is sent directly to the consulate for processing. The shoe bomber did not, and still would not, need a visa.


I guess there will not be a level playing field until we all make $80 a month worldwide and; that is soon approaching with a few making millions off of the hungry, poor, and downtrodden. Things have not changed much in 100 years either for the Chinese coming to this country or for white Middle American ideals.


It is usually the ones screaming the loudest against mixing cultures that err the most. Strom Thurman ran for president under the Dixiecrat label and at the time, had a daughter by a black woman. Do as I tell you, not as I do! Is that one of the commandments of the moral majority? We have not progressed very much in all these years and shame on us all. At the base of the Statue of liberty is a plaque:


"Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

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Thanks, Clay


These security checks, created post 9/11 were supposed to take 10 to 15 days. Now, we cannot find out who they were contracted out to and either can the Senators. It is about time that the Senators find out who they were contracted out to and who is getting the benefits from that contract. We sure as hell are not. There should be an open investigation and stop picking on the poor people that gave their lives on 9/11 as excuses to line their coffers. :) Seems that when this government wants to hide an answer it is in the name of national security or post 9/11. :o :D Contact your Senators and demand that they find out who is doing these background checks.

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AP Washington Bureau: info@AP.org


We came here from England and the continent to escape the tyrants that abused their power and invaded our privacy and our ability to allow our families to have a better life. It seems to me that the struggle continues.


Immigration, when people are out of work or working at inferior jobs, is a touchy subject when government and industry wishes to divert attention away from the real culprits.  But, while we celebrate our open society, there are many of us that state that we have no sympathy for the recent and new immigrants coming to our shores. Our government has dusted off and, in a strange way, using 9/11 for additional security checks, has reenacted the Chinese Exclusionary Act that was abolished in 1944 after an official discrimination policy against one race of people had been on the books for 50 years.


Yet, it is the immigrants, legal and not legal, that create small businesses that give jobs to thousands of Americans. It is the immigrants that become great consumers and pump money into the economy. It is the immigrants that bring about new ideas to better our country. Yet, this administration would rather have millions being sent to countries like China so that husbands and fathers can support their loved ones their, rather than allowing them quick access to come here. Again we here the cry of this deceiving administration, ¡°It is in the name of national security. It is in the name of 9/11/¡±


Yes, it is easy to have a lack of sympathy for the tired and poor and downtrodden. Oops! That is what the Statue of Liberty symbolized, "Give me your tired and poor". I guess that does not include the wives, children, and fianc¨¦s of American citizens. When I hear the ignorant remarks of anti-immigration views, I think the following.


Imagine yourself as a younger man; would you have the courage to leave your family, your culture, and your security, to go to a place where you do not speak the language and might have to work in servitude for many years to pay the folks that got you there-just so that you could send money home and make a better life for your family and children. Like today, if you are a white European, there are no security checks for wives, children, and fianc¨¦s.  The package is sent directly to the consulate for processing. The shoe bomber did not, and still would not, need a visa. 


I guess there will not be a level playing field until we all make $80 a month worldwide and; that is soon approaching with a few making millions off of the hungry, poor, and downtrodden. Things have not changed much in 100 years either for the Chinese coming to this country or for white Middle American ideals.


It is usually the ones screaming the loudest against mixing cultures that err the most. Strom Thurman ran for president under the Dixiecrat label and at the time, had a daughter by a black woman. Do as I tell you, not as I do! Is that one of the commandments of the moral majority? We have not progressed very much in all these years and shame on us all. At the base of the Statue of liberty is a plaque:


"Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Once again R2 you hit the nail right on the head. While I have my hat off to you in one hand and am wiping my eye with the other it is hard to type.


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Aloha from Hawaii,

My guess is the Chinese Exclusion is to protect other minority interests. To

be more specific a minority that has droped to second place and is threateded

by the fast growing asian minority. This means a power shift away from the

certain minority caucus. The television networks are already shifting in favor

of the growing minority groups.


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