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Chinese Employers Accused of Goon Hiring

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They've obviously learned a thing or two about union-busting from us. :headbang:

It'll be interesting to see if the Central Gov't nips this kind of stuff in the bud before it becomes an epidemic.

Illinois Dave you love to find fault and contempt in our Countrymen. What about Tinamen Square in 1989? The Cultural Revolution that destroyed millions of lives for Mao's political gain? I am sure you where very busy reading some little red book when these lessons where given in AMERICAN SCHOOLS or maybe you had a fascination with the SDS.


Some people's penchant for divorcing themselves from reality knows no bounds. :headbang:

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Getting back to the actual topic... :headbang:


This is unfortunately a very old story in China where those in power have often used whatever means were at their disposal to get out of treating those under them fairly... :headbang:


Back on topic.:whip:

I'm just wondering, given the new labor laws that went into effect this year, whether the national leaders will make any attempt to contain this kind of abuse by the local officials/owners. Or are those new laws just window dressing?

Edited by IllinoisDave (see edit history)
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They've obviously learned a thing or two about union-busting from us. ;)

It'll be interesting to see if the Central Gov't nips this kind of stuff in the bud before it becomes an epidemic.

Illinois Dave you love to find fault and contempt in our Countrymen. What about Tinamen Square in 1989? The Cultural Revolution that destroyed millions of lives for Mao's political gain? I am sure you where very busy reading some little red book when these lessons where given in AMERICAN SCHOOLS or maybe you had a fascination with the SDS.


Some people's penchant for divorcing themselves from reality knows no bounds. :sosad:

Penchant for divorcing myself from reality? I am going to be right to the point with you. You seem to get your Jollys off to degrade the American People. What happened? Did you miss the American Dream? Someone take your lunch money away from you when you where a child? Maybe this is why you are so cynical to Our country. You are nothing less then a disgusting negative man. I know from your past posting your are an admitted Atheist and you could never be called a God fearing man. Come on frog jump on this American for awhile. A man of your stature would never talk to me to my face like this Never! You do not posess the instestinal fortitude to do so. Get on your monitor and be brave, sophisticated and intelligent. Microsoft provides editing. Just do it!

Edited by Thomas Promise (see edit history)
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Not just window dressing. At least employers are taking them very seriously. You will see more and more employees taking action protecting their rights.

Our company used to lay off employees who get pregnant, make our driver and employees work over time without extra pay ( the driver over time is capped at 36 hours but routinely log over 60 hours with no compensation for the extra over time). Things are changing, bit by bit, but each society will go through the growing pains.


Now living in China, I don't complain as much now.

We just got a huge track of land at well below market price, because after we put in the application for land bid, the government land office's printer broke and no one else can get the application forms. So the land was sold to the only bidder. You see, fixing a printer takes several weeks in China. We are not yet a developed country.

Just to be fair, the people who will be relocated from the land gets the same compensation, the lower price for land will only squeeze the profits the government get.

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Penchant for divorcing myself from reality? I am going to be right to the point with you. You seem to get your Jollys off to degrade the American People. What happened? Did you miss the American Dream? Someone take your lunch money away from you when you where a child? Maybe this is why you are so cynical to Our country. You are nothing less then a disgusting negative man. I know from your past posting your are an admitted Atheist and you could never be called a God fearing man. Come on frog jump on this American for awhile. A man of your stature would never talk to me to my face like this Never! You do not posess the instestinal fortitude to do so. Get on your monitor and be brave, sophisticated and intelligent. Microsoft provides editing. Just do it!


Well Thomas, I choose to deal in facts and reality. Deal with it. When this country merits praise, I give it. When it earns criticism, I give that as well. I made a factual comment about the history of union busting in this country that was germane to the OP. I can't help it if you're so ashamed of some of the things that happen to be a part of this country's past that you don't want them mentioned in public. Go find a site where everyone's waving the flag and playing the national anthem while they post.


As for the personal, foaming-at-the-mouth attacks in your post? I'm not going to stoop to your level. Trust me, they say a lot more about you than they do me.


You'd be surprised what someone of my "stature" would be willing to say to you in person. :sosad:


And by the way, capitalizing certain words in your posts doesn't make you any more of a patriot than anyone else. It only proves that you know where the shift key is.

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Penchant for divorcing myself from reality? I am going to be right to the point with you. You seem to get your Jollys off to degrade the American People. What happened? Did you miss the American Dream? Someone take your lunch money away from you when you where a child? Maybe this is why you are so cynical to Our country. You are nothing less then a disgusting negative man. I know from your past posting your are an admitted Atheist and you could never be called a God fearing man. Come on frog jump on this American for awhile. A man of your stature would never talk to me to my face like this Never! You do not posess the instestinal fortitude to do so. Get on your monitor and be brave, sophisticated and intelligent. Microsoft provides editing. Just do it!


Well Thomas, I choose to deal in facts and reality. Deal with it. When this country merits praise, I give it. When it earns criticism, I give that as well. I made a factual comment about the history of union busting in this country that was germane to the OP. I can't help it if you're so ashamed of some of the things that happen to be a part of this country's past that you don't want them mentioned in public. Go find a site where everyone's waving the flag and playing the national anthem while they post.


As for the personal, foaming-at-the-mouth attacks in your post? I'm not going to stoop to your level. Trust me, they say a lot more about you than they do me.


You'd be surprised what someone of my "stature" would be willing to say to you in person. ;)


And by the way, capitalizing certain words in your posts doesn't make you any more of a patriot than anyone else. It only proves that you know where the shift key is.


If you two boys can't learn to play nice in MY PRIVATE FORUM... <_< I'm going to have to use my EXTRASPECIALPLACEBOMODPOWERS on youse... :(

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Penchant for divorcing myself from reality? I am going to be right to the point with you. You seem to get your Jollys off to degrade the American People. What happened? Did you miss the American Dream? Someone take your lunch money away from you when you where a child? Maybe this is why you are so cynical to Our country. You are nothing less then a disgusting negative man. I know from your past posting your are an admitted Atheist and you could never be called a God fearing man. Come on frog jump on this American for awhile. A man of your stature would never talk to me to my face like this Never! You do not posess the instestinal fortitude to do so. Get on your monitor and be brave, sophisticated and intelligent. Microsoft provides editing. Just do it!


Well Thomas, I choose to deal in facts and reality. Deal with it. When this country merits praise, I give it. When it earns criticism, I give that as well. I made a factual comment about the history of union busting in this country that was germane to the OP. I can't help it if you're so ashamed of some of the things that happen to be a part of this country's past that you don't want them mentioned in public. Go find a site where everyone's waving the flag and playing the national anthem while they post.


As for the personal, foaming-at-the-mouth attacks in your post? I'm not going to stoop to your level. Trust me, they say a lot more about you than they do me.


You'd be surprised what someone of my "stature" would be willing to say to you in person. ;)


And by the way, capitalizing certain words in your posts doesn't make you any more of a patriot than anyone else. It only proves that you know where the shift key is.


If you two boys can't learn to play nice in MY PRIVATE FORUM... :P I'm going to have to use my EXTRASPECIALPLACEBOMODPOWERS on youse... :P


Please Please Guys do as he says!! :P I don't think we want to see Roger's placebo spread all over this board :( :P

Edited by chilton747 (see edit history)
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Not just window dressing. At least employers are taking them very seriously. You will see more and more employees taking action protecting their rights.


Tony, you probably have one of the best perspectives on this of any of us. If this does start to spread faster than businesses want it to,do you see officials,either local or central gov't, protecting the employees or putting the reins on it to keep the businesses happy?

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Not just window dressing. At least employers are taking them very seriously. You will see more and more employees taking action protecting their rights.

Our company used to lay off employees who get pregnant, make our driver and employees work over time without extra pay ( the driver over time is capped at 36 hours but routinely log over 60 hours with no compensation for the extra over time). Things are changing, bit by bit, but each society will go through the growing pains.


These issues have long been covered by old labor laws. It's not unusual for victims of these abuses to complain.

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This story reminds me of Henry Ford. I admired him as a boy and read every book I could find. Later in life he hired some goons who about wrecked the company. Earlier he gave employees higher wages than anyone and set the standard and his competitors though the was nuts.


Having tried to manage a union shop in Illinois I got a taste of unions. Never again folks. I know they had their place in their day, but it went too far and in some cases the unions had their own goons which were used on the membership. Ronnie Reagan I credit with busting them down to size and at the time it was needed I felt. I hope we have somewhat of a decent balance with labor. Haha, but then I never saw a union really try to get more jobs, just higher pay. So now the Mexicans and Chinese have those jobs.


Probably China will go through what happened in America with unions gaining power to fight greedy rich men, then going too far, as we did. Life is a struggle and lets hope some day it all balances out.


Hey unions should appeal to the gov and the workers. After all it is communal :)

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