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Blue slip


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We got the blue slip, which I am very upset over. They asked all the normal questions but the problem was why my fiance is in an out of Hong Kong so much which the reason is he renew's his visa monthly, which that law in China changed a few months ago, where you could do it once every six months to now monthly. You think they would of known that, and what he has done at each of his jobs, and then how long I was at my job. Which I don't understand the question of my job, when all that was in there with the forms. They gave him a blue slip and told him to go home and write it all out and bring it back later in the day. He did that, which gave us some hope, but then when he took it back, they said they have to send it back to Homeland Security for a check, back to Washington. They said it will probably be one to three months for that.


This morning I called a State Senator of mine, that is from the same town I live in. I know him personally, hopefully something will get done, he said he was going to make a few calls and get back to me the end of the week. He doesn't understand why it is going back to Homeland Security when both of our checks came out clear. We also hired an American attorney that has an office at the consulate.


I don't know what to think, I slept a whole 2 hours last night, I have been very upset, and everytime I think of it, I start to cry. All I want to do is get into bed and go to sleep. There goes my Christmas present. Sorry just a little depressed. Everyone says have positive thoughts, I am trying, it isn't working all that well. The consulate also said they were not used to foreigners getting those types of visas.


I guess we will see what the senator says. :surrender:

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