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Everyone's Interview Went Smoothly To Me.


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Am I hallucinating or does it appear that interviews are getting easier? :lol: Because these ladies are getting the nice guy to say yes! you pass! you know what i mean? I'm just glad that right now in our time it takes less then two years the maximum wait time...In the future, what if people had to wait one year for an interview? Jesus christ!!

Edited by Claire (see edit history)
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Being prepared may help in most cases.




Being prepared may not help in some cases.




Some get the interview in 7 months.




Some get it in a year or longer.




Some get the visa 2 days later.




Some get the visa 30 months later.




Some don't get the visa after all.




You just never know until you get handed the pink, blue or white.




Overall, your chance is good.

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Am I hallucinating or does it appear that interviews are getting easier? :rolleyes: Because these ladies are getting the nice guy to say yes! you pass! you know what i mean? I'm just glad that right now in our time it takes less then two years the maximum wait time...In the future, what if people had to wait one year for an interview? Jesus christ!!


Young lady you got awhile to go, read everything you can on here and visa journey. If you get too anxious and too much going all at once the wait seems just that much longer! :D

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It could be that people are better prepared, or that through more volume of cases, more people who are reasonably prepared are getting through more quickly once their case gets to GUZ.


When I was there, the guard told my SO that about 80% get pink, 20% do not. Not scientific, but he is closer to the everyday action than many of us are.


There still are plenty of blue slips. Most seem to be for information that all CFL'ers know about (i.e. bringing tax forms) but the general populace does not. When I went there for ACH, the line of people for overcomes was pretty long. And waiting for my SO, I saw plenty of people who left with blue slips.

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CFL members are connected to a tiny fraction of the women and men going thru GUZ each day but as a whole our loved ones are better prepared than most of the people going for their interviews.


We're lucky to have this forum and the info posted on it, and in the FAQs.


I know I studied every aspect of the p-3 and p-4 and interview that I could find on here. When in that stage I rarely ever even looked at Twisted Candle, AOS, or any of the other forums on here, much less spent more than maybe ten minutes posting on them. My time was spent on the task at hand.


I worked my ass off to make sure I had everthing for the interview. And I had ever bit of blue slip overcome evidence that my research showed me had ever been asked or printed on the blue slip in the FAQ's, except for the tax receipts that the IRS sends directly to the consulate. I mean EVERYDAMNTHING, and I also had four visa stamps in 9 months pasted in my passport....hell, I'd spent over 2 out of the last 9 months in China, with my girlfriend.


When I went to China, out of more than 2 months, I only went sight seeing 4 days and they were the first four days I was in China on the first trip to meet my lil' rabbit. Our time was spent getting to know each other and work our tails off for the interview and understanding the whole process leading up to it.


The last 3 months before the interview we talked twice a day and twice a day I asked her 75 interview questions...every day.


My girlfriend WAS PREPARED. Our evidence was abundant and well prepared. If she saw her VO pull out a blue slip she knew exactly what to ask and was ready to hand over anythng they could have asked for, right then and there.


We got the only damn thing we weren't prepared for...a blue slip asking for NOTHING.


My girlfriend's VO never smiled, was down right rude, unprofessional, crude, nasty, and angry with her the WHOLE interview and treated her like she was a piece of shit...and the same went for "our" 11 year old K-2 son.


My girlfriend's VO would not even look at my passport with it's 4 visa stamps, she threw all my supporting documents for my I-134 ( I am self employed) in an angry huff back at my girlfriend, would have hit her in the face with them if there wasn't a piece of glass separating them.


The VO tried her best to rattle my girlfriend, to make her lose her composure, to make her lose her train of thought, in general she TRIED to make her flunk the interview...but even though she was constantly asked to switch from english to Chinese to english, and even though the VO acted like a complete horse's ass to her, my girlfriend never showed anything but respect and composure in the face of fire from this American bent on her destruction.


My girlfriend and her son both said "Good morning" to the VO....the VO didn't even bother to look up. They both smiled...the VO snarled. My girlfriend had on a new white dress and our son had on his best clothes.


You guys girlfriends/wives who got to waltz in and get a smiling VO who treated your woman like she was part of the human race, gave them a short little interview with 3 or 4 questions, smiled and handed them their pink slip should thank your lucky stars.


This same VO could just as easily have called any one of you's girlfriend to her window from hell and your day would just as easily been turned upside down like ours was (and 4 others I've talked to who don't post on CFL but lurk here)...no matter how prepared you were.


And who do we get to complain to????? And what would happen to our case if we did complain????? What rights as an American citizen who volunteered for his country do I have?????


Nope, we get to kiss ass and wait...and wait...and wait...with total disregard from the consulate that we are human beings and not some wild fraudulent heathens that America needs to be saved from.


Yeah, tell me about being prepared... :ph34r:


tsap seui

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CFL members are connected to a tiny fraction of the women and men going thru GUZ each day but as a whole our loved ones are better prepared than most of the people going for their interviews.


We're lucky to have this forum and the info posted on it, and in the FAQs.


I know I studied every aspect of the p-3 and p-4 and interview that I could find on here. When in that stage I rarely ever even looked at Twisted Candle, AOS, or any of the other forums on here, much less spent more than maybe ten minutes posting on them. My time was spent on the task at hand.


I worked my ass off to make sure I had everthing for the interview. And I had ever bit of blue slip overcome evidence that my research showed me had ever been asked or printed on the blue slip in the FAQ's, except for the tax receipts that the IRS sends directly to the consulate. I mean EVERYDAMNTHING, and I also had four visa stamps in 9 months pasted in my passport....hell, I'd spent over 2 out of the last 9 months in China, with my girlfriend.


When I went to China, out of more than 2 months, I only went sight seeing 4 days and they were the first four days I was in China on the first trip to meet my lil' rabbit. Our time was spent getting to know each other and work our tails off for the interview and understanding the whole process leading up to it.


The last 3 months before the interview we talked twice a day and twice a day I asked her 75 interview questions...every day.


My girlfriend WAS PREPARED. Our evidence was abundant and well prepared. If she saw her VO pull out a blue slip she knew exactly what to ask and was ready to hand over anythng they could have asked for, right then and there.


We got the only damn thing we weren't prepared for...a blue slip asking for NOTHING.


My girlfriend's VO never smiled, was down right rude, unprofessional, crude, nasty, and angry with her the WHOLE interview and treated her like she was a piece of shit...and the same went for "our" 11 year old K-2 son.


My girlfriend's VO would not even look at my passport with it's 4 visa stamps, she threw all my supporting documents for my I-134 ( I am self employed) in an angry huff back at my girlfriend, would have hit her in the face with them if there wasn't a piece of glass separating them.


The VO tried her best to rattle my girlfriend, to make her lose her composure, to make her lose her train of thought, in general she TRIED to make her flunk the interview...but even though she was constantly asked to switch from english to Chinese to english, and even though the VO acted like a complete horse's ass to her, my girlfriend never showed anything but respect and composure in the face of fire from this American bent on her destruction.


My girlfriend and her son both said "Good morning" to the VO....the VO didn't even bother to look up. They both smiled...the VO snarled. My girlfriend had on a new white dress and our son had on his best clothes.


You guys girlfriends/wives who got to waltz in and get a smiling VO who treated your woman like she was part of the human race, gave them a short little interview with 3 or 4 questions, smiled and handed them their pink slip should thank your lucky stars.


This same VO could just as easily have called any one of you's girlfriend to her window from hell and your day would just as easily been turned upside down like ours was (and 4 others I've talked to who don't post on CFL but lurk here)...no matter how prepared you were.


And who do we get to complain to????? And what would happen to our case if we did complain????? What rights as an American citizen who volunteered for his country do I have?????


Nope, we get to kiss ass and wait...and wait...and wait...with total disregard from the consulate that we are human beings and not some wild fraudulent heathens that America needs to be saved from.


Yeah, tell me about being prepared... :rolleyes:


tsap seui


Sad, every time I read your story it makes me mad. I like you am a long time veteran and wonder who do we talk to or even complain about this whole goofy process!! :(

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Shen, I am just like you buddy. I get pissed every time I see storys like Steve's and Chilton's. Those GUZ people can pick anyone out of the lineup for that day and blue or white slip them. ANYONE!!!!!!!! And don't think they can't or won't, as they have the "law" and homeland security behind them and can justify anything they do, no matter the consequences to others or the insidiousness of their actions. THEY HAVE THE LAW BEHIND THEM. What do we have behind us???? Who do we complain to??? Where are our rights???? What happens to us if we do complain during the "administrative processing"??? It took me 4 months to get pissed at the lies to me and the "administrative processing", but now I am finally pissed at the government and the flag that flies over their heads.


Fortunately, at the interview, most just get the little 3 or 4 questions and breeze on by. We had every i dotted, every t crossed, and had all the regular, AND, overcome evidence, including ex's SS numbers and addresses, letter of evolution of relationship, one hour DVD of us talking in english, etc., etc., ETC.


The VO wouldn't even look at my passport with it's 4 visa stamps, just threw it back, then threw my I-134 supporting docs back at my fiancee. I now see why they have the plate glass at the interview windows....it's to protect the women being interviewed from flying objects.


Although, I was only in the Army 2 years (one year of boot, officer candidate school/helicopter pilot training and then straight to the triple canopy jungles and rice paddies of Cambodia and western South Vietnam), it's been a lifetime of nightmares...waking up trying to wipe the blood off my face so I can see to fly to the next aid station, or waking up flailing my arms as I am dreaming I am on fire falling out of the sky.


I came home from the jungle one day, I don't think I said two words on the plane ride, and the next day rifted out of the Army (as they had trained too many of us "cannon fodder" pilots....two of the best days of my life until I made that first trip to China. I had flown the day before I DEROS'ed out of country as we were in the beginnings of the NVC's "Easter Invasion" and my unit was short of aircraft commanders, and we were flying mad hours lifting troops into many hot areas, I felt sorry for the guys I left behind as they got the shit kicked out of them the next month.....I was numb on the freedom bird back to Oakland and we later got a "welcoming party" of tomatoes and crap thrown at us.


In Oakland they released me from 2 1/2 years of my commission, some jack-ass colonel told us we were idiots for leaving the Army :ph34r: yeah right...and they put me on another plane to Baltimore.


I had left America as a fresh faced kid of 20 but, one year later, when I got off the plane in Baltimore and walked into the greeting room I was a numb, gaunt faced OLD MAN with a dulled out thousand yard stare who was still in survival mode (fearful of EVERYTHING)...not hardly forty eight hours earlier I had been getting shot at flying dust-off missions into extremely hot LZ's in the Iron Triangle of Vietnam, trying to get dead and wounded ARVN soldiers to aid stations.


As I saw my elated 18 year old fiancee and my beaming parents running towards me I couldn't even take it all in as to where the hell I was....and when my girlfriend got within in 10 feet of me she suddenly stopped short and broke down crying when she saw the look of the dead in my face. I was no longer the person she had met.


I could no longer cry...or...be happy...but I had this feeling that TODAY, I'm not gonna get shot at.


tsap seui


One of these daze I'll finish the damn book...or the book will finish me

Edited by tsap seui (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...

tsap, Your story sounds very familiar. Ours was the same. We were so prepared, and then got the blue slip. The reason, we need more time. Hell, they invited us to the interview, we just didn't show up. Three months later, she got a letter inviting her back. The letter even told which weeks she could come. She picked the week after the week of the 4th of July, and guess what? They were closed. The next week, they got the visa.



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Guest Rob & Jin


This way of thinking is not unique to USCIS or DOS but the whole FEDERAL/GOVT SYSTEM.

I am a 6 year veteran of the SAS (without a doubt the most elite special forces in the world)and a nurse of 11 years having worked in many of the best trauma centers in both the UK and USA. After 9-11 I contacted the Army Reserve about joining they were very excited until they found that my nursing education was not at a DOE accredited university (why would it be it was in the UK, which invented nursing). but its a Army regulation. They said they had no choice as its a DOE stipulation and (LEGISLATED BY LAW).DOE said its a Army regulation controled by the legislator(NEEDS A CHANGE IN LAW), and the VP's office response was its a Army thing regulated by DOE (Needs the DOE and Army to request a change in law). Catch 22, the American way !!!


<_< :roller:


They all go to the same school of BS.

Edited by Rob & Jin (see edit history)
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