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Fiancee wants me to get help with K1/K2 visa

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Hi Everyone,


I apologize for posting this in more than one place. I posted it in the contacts section because I already had met a few members there and we happened to start talking about this there, but I am submitting it here too in order to reach more members.


I am almost ready to file my I-129F, G-325A, etc. I have almost all of the documents now, but I am still getting answers to a few questions from my girl. After reading a number of posts, I was leaning in the direction of simply doing all of this myself (very carefully), but when I told my fiancee my intention, she became terrified. She is scared to death that her son will not be allowed to come. I have tried to reassure her, but she still is very frightened. So, now I am thinking that I need to find someone to help me with this (while I keep a close eye on how they are doing it). My girl and I have already had some very heated arguments over money. I fear if I am unwilling to pay for help, then she will see that as proof that I am cheap, that I love money more than I love her, and that I am not too concerned about her son.


Has anyone here heard of Roger Lin (offices in Nanning and Shanghai)? I recall reading a post somewhere by someone who was very impressed with him, but now I can't find the post. I like the idea of having someone there on the ground in China who can speak fluent Chinese, and who can help my girl with document gathering and filling out of forms. This would be particularly helpful with the Guangzhou part of this process. My girl is scared to death of all the various forms she has to try to deal with, and equally frightened of the interview. I have tried to calm her, and have tried to ask her questions to get all of the proper information for the I-129F, G-325A, etc., but she just doesn't understand what I am asking her, and sometimes why I am asking her things. I keep telling her it is because the American government wants to know. She says, "But in China...." Then I remind her that we are trying to bring her and her son to America, not China, so we must do everything we are asked to do. So, with all of this in mind, I emailed Mr. Lin a few days ago to request a little more information about his services, but I have not received an answer. Now, I am wondering if something happened and he did not receive my email, or if he is not very responsive when you need help.


Thanks to everyone here for any help you can give me.

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Guest ShaQuaNew

Hi Everyone,


I apologize for posting this in more than one place. I posted it in the contacts section because I already had met a few members there and we happened to start talking about this there, but I am submitting it here too in order to reach more members.


I am almost ready to file my I-129F, G-325A, etc. I have almost all of the documents now, but I am still getting answers to a few questions from my girl. After reading a number of posts, I was leaning in the direction of simply doing all of this myself (very carefully), but when I told my fiancee my intention, she became terrified. She is scared to death that her son will not be allowed to come. I have tried to reassure her, but she still is very frightened. So, now I am thinking that I need to find someone to help me with this (while I keep a close eye on how they are doing it). My girl and I have already had some very heated arguments over money. I fear if I am unwilling to pay for help, then she will see that as proof that I am cheap, that I love money more than I love her, and that I am not too concerned about her son.


Has anyone here heard of Roger Lin (offices in Nanning and Shanghai)? I recall reading a post somewhere by someone who was very impressed with him, but now I can't find the post. I like the idea of having someone there on the ground in China who can speak fluent Chinese, and who can help my girl with document gathering and filling out of forms. This would be particularly helpful with the Guangzhou part of this process. My girl is scared to death of all the various forms she has to try to deal with, and equally frightened of the interview. I have tried to calm her, and have tried to ask her questions to get all of the proper information for the I-129F, G-325A, etc., but she just doesn't understand what I am asking her, and sometimes why I am asking her things. I keep telling her it is because the American government wants to know. She says, "But in China...." Then I remind her that we are trying to bring her and her son to America, not China, so we must do everything we are asked to do. So, with all of this in mind, I emailed Mr. Lin a few days ago to request a little more information about his services, but I have not received an answer. Now, I am wondering if something happened and he did not receive my email, or if he is not very responsive when you need help.


Thanks to everyone here for any help you can give me.


Chef4U used him for his process. You might try contacting him. Everything he's told me was good. He worked very hard and did a good job.

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You should be able to file the petition yourself without any outside help. Just follow the instructions very carefully. I studied the forms for over two weeks before I filed and that was before I found Candle. I didn't have much help at all. I just carefully studied everything before I mailed it off.

You need to reassure your fiancee that you can do it yourself. That includes her and her son. No attorney is needed at this point. Make her realize that. Things will be just fine. There's P1, P2, P3, and P4. That simple!


-good luck

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I got help from a law firm for two reasons.


The first reason is because Ping felt more comfortable that way, and not because I couldn't figure out how to do it on my own. If nothing else, a decision to use a lawyer would show my commitment to her and my respect for her opinion.


Second, as I have said before, I would never agree to represent someone else in the visa process, because I am not qualified in the field. My analysis was therefore that there was no logic I could use to justify handling my own case, especially when Ping felt more comfortable with us using a qualified visa attorney.


I think you should carefully consider the wishes of your fiancee about using an attorney.


This isn't just an issue about whether you are willing to spend the money. It is also an issue about respect and communication and trying to reach a mutual agreement after you discuss the question fully with each other. It is also a test about how you will work together after you are married in order to resolve issues about which you disagree.


IMHO, the only way you lose is if you ignore your fiancee and do what you want to do. Sometimes buying peace is the best decision.

What he said.

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I got help from a law firm for two reasons.


The first reason is because Ping felt more comfortable that way, and not because I couldn't figure out how to do it on my own. If nothing else, a decision to use a lawyer would show my commitment to her and my respect for her opinion.


Second, as I have said before, I would never agree to represent someone else in the visa process, because I am not qualified in the field. My analysis was therefore that there was no logic I could use to justify handling my own case, especially when Ping felt more comfortable with us using a qualified visa attorney.


I think you should carefully consider the wishes of your fiancee about using an attorney.


This isn't just an issue about whether you are willing to spend the money. It is also an issue about respect and communication and trying to reach a mutual agreement after you discuss the question fully with each other. It is also a test about how you will work together after you are married in order to resolve issues about which you disagree.


IMHO, the only way you lose is if you ignore your fiancee and do what you want to do. Sometimes buying peace is the best decision.

What he said.







Pleeeeeze!........... :rolleyes:

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I must be honest, I DO NOT think you need the help of an attorney. The forms are simple enough, and I know us CFL'ers probably know more (atleast relevant to the Guangzhou Consulate) and care more about your success than someone who does this for money. No offense to visa attorneys, but I've read enough bad posts to think that you, us, your heart, and her patience are better at this, than a visa attorney. You and she truly have something at stake, and we all care for fellow members more than a stranger does. We have more up- to-date info than some attorney's, and we focus on Guangzhou, as opposed to the generic visa application.

My sweetheart asked me to hire an attorney and I said it was not necessary. "I would be happy to honey, but really not needed". "We have some of the best "visa minds" available, helping us"!

I asked my gal questions via e-mail, word documents and pdfs. CFL has pdfs of most, if not all, forms. Visa journey has example forms. My gal was able to translate things I sent her at her end. I double and triple-checked all of her answers to ensure she understood the questions. (to the point of being annoying...I can do that!...I'm thorough!!!)

I'd rather save the money for when it is really needed, or to be used to entertain my sweetheart when she arrives. And I am not cheap. I spend money like it is water sometimes, and have no limit as to what I would spend to get my honey here.

I relied on research, intelligence (alright, half-intelligence), CFL, passion, desire, and perseverence to file the forms. I doubt you'll get THAT from a stranger. (particularly one who does not reply to e-mails). BTW, I do not use ANY vendor, that won't answer a "pre-sales" question!!!

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My wife was scared to death about hiring a lawyer! Since we are CR1/CR2 case, I do all the paper work P-1,P-2, P-3 and probably P-4 as choice of agent. Some mistakes were made (wrong b'dates) but easily correctable. I have got alot of help on message board and/or PM-ing people such as mamabear or David Z and some times I have called NVC (for a laugh) but NVC did stop me from making some mistakes on recent I864s where they went line for line w/me. Would I use a lawyer? If I had such disposable money and found a competent person, as for the time being, I keep trudging along.

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Hi Yemmie....I'm glad I found you asking about Roger Lin. As stated above by various members that the forms to fill out are easy to complete and quite frankly can be done by yourself. However, the issue is what you and your fiancee is comfortable with. Lilyana & I had the same concerns you and your SO are experiencing. Lilyana comes from Nanning where Roger has his main office. It was very comforting to know that Lilyana & I had access to Roger at any time. Believe me, we both had many questions to ask of him. Such questions were always answered very promptly, and was very professional. He took the process from the very beginning and saw it through to the end. It appeared he would even know when we would be reciving the next packets. Lilyana was extremely happy because Roger would take the time to explain the entire k-1 process to her. Roger is Chinese and speaks fluent English. Best part of hiring Roger to file all the paper work necessary for your visa application, from start until she is in your arms State side is his price....$350.00 - $500.00 US., (the last I heard). Oh, did I mentioned his success rate is extremely high. Because he does not leave any stone uncovered. I would be happy to give you personal accounts about the stone business if you want to know more details, please PM me. Would I recommend Roger Lin....HELL YES!!!

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Guest ShaQuaNew

An important factor to remember here is having someone there in China with your partner, that understands the nuances of the paperwork, and the requirements is simply indespensible. Lan and I spent countless hours on the telephone and internet transferring paperwork back and forth. Along with this was the unknown factor. Because you can't be there to see it, there are things you just will never know.


Although I didn't use Roger, and chose to do it myself, if I had to do it again, I would use someone like Roger. Roger is NOT an attorney, but is skilled in the paperwork and knows what needs to be done. Additionally, he's fluent in both English and Chinese.

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Guest ShaQuaNew

I asked our immigration official about the usage of lawyers and the immigration process and this person told me that persons that use lawyers make the immigration official feel they have something to hide.



Let's be clear. Roger is NOT an attorney. He is simply a private person who is an entreprenuer. He saw a need, and fulfilled it. The need: virtually all the Chinese women haven't a clue how to fill out paperwork on their end. Not to mention, while the American citizen may better understand the process, there is a high liklihood that they do NOT understand the many facets of the process. Roger is NOT acting on their behalf, but simply assisting in the completion of paperwork. Makes sure all the i's are dotted and t's crossed.


This service provides more peace of mind to the American than can be expressed here. A telephone call to Roger can in turn provide you a service of having him call your partner on the telephone to explain or embellish a topic, help complete a form, or otherwise.


Again, he is NOT an attorney, simply a third party providing a service. While he assists with the forms, he is NOT acting on your behalf. For me, I wished I'd used this service as the large number of headaches and misunderstandings could have been prevented.

Edited by ShaQuaNew (see edit history)
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I asked our immigration official about the usage of lawyers and the immigration process and this person told me that persons that use lawyers make the immigration official feel they have something to hide.



Let's be clear. Roger is NOT an attorney. He is simply a private person who is an entreprenuer. He saw a need, and fulfilled it. The need: virtually all the Chinese women haven't a clue how to fill out paperwork on their end. Not to mention, while the American citizen may better understand the process, there is a high liklihood that they do NOT understand the many facets of the process. Roger is NOT acting on their behalf, but simply assisting in the completion of paperwork. Makes sure all the i's are dotted and t's crossed.


This service provides more peace of mind to the American than can be expressed here. A telephone call to Roger can in turn provide you a service of having him call your partner on the telephone to explain or embellish a topic, help complete a form, or otherwise.


Again, he is NOT an attorney, simply a third party providing a service. While he assists with the forms, he is NOT acting on your behalf. For me, I wished I'd used this service as the large number of headaches and misunderstandings could have been prevented.

Uh...pardon me but isn't that what our own CFL member, Eunice, (smilingasia), is skilled in?

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Guest ShaQuaNew

I asked our immigration official about the usage of lawyers and the immigration process and this person told me that persons that use lawyers make the immigration official feel they have something to hide.



Let's be clear. Roger is NOT an attorney. He is simply a private person who is an entreprenuer. He saw a need, and fulfilled it. The need: virtually all the Chinese women haven't a clue how to fill out paperwork on their end. Not to mention, while the American citizen may better understand the process, there is a high liklihood that they do NOT understand the many facets of the process. Roger is NOT acting on their behalf, but simply assisting in the completion of paperwork. Makes sure all the i's are dotted and t's crossed.


This service provides more peace of mind to the American than can be expressed here. A telephone call to Roger can in turn provide you a service of having him call your partner on the telephone to explain or embellish a topic, help complete a form, or otherwise.


Again, he is NOT an attorney, simply a third party providing a service. While he assists with the forms, he is NOT acting on your behalf. For me, I wished I'd used this service as the large number of headaches and misunderstandings could have been prevented.

Uh...pardon me but isn't that what our own CFL member, Eunice, (smilingasia), is skilled in?


Did Eunice move back to China? Roger is right there in China, specifically Nanning. Because he is right there, he is able to quickly respond to needs. In the end, it's up to the individual. What's often forgotten here, are the challenges that one must undergo during the process. The challenges get most difficult after the paperwork gets to China, not so much before.

Edited by ShaQuaNew (see edit history)
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I asked our immigration official about the usage of lawyers and the immigration process and this person told me that persons that use lawyers make the immigration official feel they have something to hide.



Let's be clear. Roger is NOT an attorney. He is simply a private person who is an entreprenuer. He saw a need, and fulfilled it. The need: virtually all the Chinese women haven't a clue how to fill out paperwork on their end. Not to mention, while the American citizen may better understand the process, there is a high liklihood that they do NOT understand the many facets of the process. Roger is NOT acting on their behalf, but simply assisting in the completion of paperwork. Makes sure all the i's are dotted and t's crossed.


This service provides more peace of mind to the American than can be expressed here. A telephone call to Roger can in turn provide you a service of having him call your partner on the telephone to explain or embellish a topic, help complete a form, or otherwise.


Again, he is NOT an attorney, simply a third party providing a service. While he assists with the forms, he is NOT acting on your behalf. For me, I wished I'd used this service as the large number of headaches and misunderstandings could have been prevented.

I must retract my previous post then. I did not know what Roger's role was, in this process. I commend him for his service and must agree that he would have been helpful to my SO also. I used the website that we met at, paid a little more than for Roger, and found the website to be slightly mis-informed or too generic in the Chinese visa process (one example: they insisted my K1 needed DS-230 part 2)...they were wrong.

My SO and I managed, by me e-mailing her pdf's and Word documents, but since some were not savable (wished all forms were!!!!!), she photographed finals and sent me jpgs. On some, I scanned and sent her jpgs.

Edited by michaelt (see edit history)
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Guest Rob & Jin

I got help from a law firm for two reasons.


The first reason is because Ping felt more comfortable that way, and not because I couldn't figure out how to do it on my own. If nothing else, a decision to use a lawyer would show my commitment to her and my respect for her opinion.


Second, as I have said before, I would never agree to represent someone else in the visa process, because I am not qualified in the field. My analysis was therefore that there was no logic I could use to justify handling my own case, especially when Ping felt more comfortable with us using a qualified visa attorney.


I think you should carefully consider the wishes of your fiancee about using an attorney.


This isn't just an issue about whether you are willing to spend the money. It is also an issue about respect and communication and trying to reach a mutual agreement after you discuss the question fully with each other. It is also a test about how you will work together after you are married in order to resolve issues about which you disagree.


IMHO, the only way you lose is if you ignore your fiancee and do what you want to do. Sometimes buying peace is the best decision.


:rolleyes: :whistling: my sentiments exactly

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