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Registering on QQ?

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My wife says it is not a problem.


I found this QQ Faq:




Hope this helps.


QQ is great for hookers, scams and Trojan horses, user beware


It's also good for Chinese girls who want to talk to family in China.


Get ready. :huh:




you are right, many families use it in china. Ping's family uses it all the time. Many of her friends use it, much more popular in china than any of the other american programs. We are going to bring her notebook here and keep it all chinese and than my computers will stay english with a little bit of chinese support.

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QQ is great for hookers, scams and Trojan horses, user beware


LOL. Hookers? really? :huh: How did you run into them on QQ?


I used QQ while living in China. The only people who chatted with me were English students that wanted to practice their English.

Also I ran a Norton Antivirus and Norton Internet Security all the time so I avoided all the Trojan horses, virii, etc all.

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It's also good for Chinese girls who want to talk to family in China.


Get ready. :huh:


My fiancee also uses it here in America to keep in touch with family and friends.

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Our daughter actually got many of her high school friends to switch to Skype just before she left China in May. They are very happy with the chat, video, and voice.


Don't just accept QQ as a fait acompli !




Ping's friends, brothers and sisters are the problem, they will not switch. We plan to keep a computer running Chinese windows. Keep it isolated no conenction to the main home network. The other computers networked, but the chinese one just connected to the internet thru the wireless router.

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QQ has not been a problem for this household. Good Antivirus and spyware programs have kept any undesirables at bay. The other aspect is not going to anything to look for trouble and trouble usually stays away.




Myspace.com was a nightmare when my American kids were still at home when I was single. I asked Jack and Lulu to not visit myspace.com and they don't. Jack even blocks myspace on his new homebuilt PC as he realizes how bad myspace can be if used inappropriately.

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QQ works just fine. Just don't open any ads or sales links unless you have a great virus program. Don't download the music.








Download the English version will be easier, but your computer maybe won't receive written Chinese chat (need to download the Chinese version for that to work correctly).

Edited by MikeandRong (see edit history)
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