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Good thing I didn't start eating eating pizza

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The first batch of people where finally processed because we made life miserable for enough people. Yours was no coincidence. You got cleared becasue you were obviously going to be a pain in the ****. You were potential bad press so somebody ordered your case processed immediately. I am more convinced than ever that this is simply a matter of inadequate manpower assigned to process the namechecks. They are sitting on somebody's desk waiting to be keyed in. I am also convinced that once they get to your case it probably only takes a few minutes for the vast majority of cases.


The only way to deal effectively with bureaucrats is to make your problem their problem.

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I totally agree with you Owen. I was patient far too long. When I presented them with a credible plan of action to raise awareness, they keyed in the name.


Whatever works.


For the final stage, getting the interview date, I can assure you that I will be on them day and night until we get the appointment. I'm not taking any crap anymore.

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Absolutely folks! We may not be a huge constituency but we are all in the same boat willing to make an incredible effort to forward our cause. That's a powerful thing!


Let's all band together and focus our combined energies into one action that will benefit us all, and all who come after us.


Don't know what it is, but let's do it!!! :redblob:

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Guest Long_strider

Hmmm.....Now maybe this thread will take an interesting turn......


What are some excellent ways to be a pain the the butt to these folk so that we get the needed attention? Enough to be annoying, but not enough for them to play some type of retribution game.


Hmmmm ...Just for fun...


Top ways to get their attention...


1. fax your petition to them every day until they respond with the

correct next step.

2. Email mail them every hour on the hour from a newly created email address at yahoo, msn, excite, etc....


3. Send them copies of angry letters sent to your congress person. ( not necessary to send the letter to your congressman.)


4. Send them copies of angry letters sent to all the newspapers, national publications, and news media about the way you have been treated. Make numerous vague references to poor services. ( you don't have to send the letters to the media) only send the copy to GZ or DOS)


5. Make a video tape of a Picketing in front of the State Department where you have chained yourself to the front gate and swollen the key.


Any other good ideas? or even bad ideas?






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