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contact with birds

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Has anyone here ever had their Chinese loved one fall ill after coming in contact with a bird in China? This happened to my wife this week and she is just now showing signs of improvement after 1 week. A bird had flew in to her as she was stepping off of a bus. She had some bread that she fed to the bird and then the bird crapped on her. The next day she was very ill. The doctor told her it was the bird that gave her the flu. She is better now thank God. But I am wanting to know if this has happened to your Chinese loved one.

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It takes 3-5 days to show symptoms after exposure to the flu. Your wife's contact with a bird was just an unrelated coincidence.

You are right ,

I was over in China working on the Avain influenza issues .I am a Veterinarian

The big worry is that the virus will mutate and be able to transfered from human to human .

There is a 3-5 day minium transmission time - for the virus .

Anyway the virus was all over China and after the government depopulated infected flocks they had most workers in highly infected premises without any personal biosecurity equipment -noboby died veryvery few became ill - no mutation of the virus .

Bottom line is that it really was and is highly highly unlikely to mutate -Hey . we did advise them on boisecurity and the Chinese Government did change things and got real tough on smugglers of birds .

Edited by notrevorich (see edit history)
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