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Perhaps the Longest Wait is Over...

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I just wanted to let everyone know that one more GREAT victory has come our way. Nicole & Doug were original "black-hole" victims, and when the flood gates opened and the rest of us got on with our lives, they were put on hold again - this time indefinitely.


(you may remember Nicole helped Owen find travel arrangements when he went to GZ to battle on our behalf)


Thanks to the help of one of our Colorado Senator's offices, and their relentless pursuit of the FBI, a typo was found that has kept the case on hold now for almost 3 months longer than the rest of us. Unless I'm mistaken, she arrived just a few days shy of two years after the paperwork was filed.


It is proof again that you can not rest. If they hadn't pushed this hard, the typo would still be in a box somewhere in the "get to it when we have time" department. You must push, pull, and drag the case through each step, and never rest on the assurances of those who just want to get you off the phone.


The funny thing is, from this day forward they will not remember what it was like to wait all that time. They will be married tomorrow, and I wish them all the happiness in the world.


For those of you still waiting... yah, all the happiness in the world really IS just around the corner. When you are together you will know everyday how lucky you are, and that all is right in the world.

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What fantastic news for Nicole and Doug!!!! Not only did they have the misfortune of being left behind when the rest of us original "blackholers" were being cleared, but they then had to deal with SARS, like all of you who are still waiting are having to now.

In any event, PLEASE take Jon's advice on this one. He knows what he's talking about. Never, ever, ever let up on these people for one minute - especially GZ. As Owen (I believe it was him - or maybe it was Jon) so memorably stated: "Make your problem their problem."

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