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Green tea

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For years I have been struggling with high triglycerides and high cholestorol. I have eaten well and always excercised but still always struggled with high lipids and always had high blood pressure. I first met my wife in person in Feb., 2005. All she had to do is look at me and know that I had these problems (how do they do that?) :ph34r: I told her that the doctor wants to put me on medicine to treat the high lipids and she said NO CAN DO!!!!!!!!! She put me on a daily regime of green tea (from her mother's trees) and now the results are in.

My cholestorol has dropped from 280 to 174. Triglycerides from 290 to 74. Needless to say my doctor (80 years old) is amazed.

Many articles you will read have beliefs and disbeliefs about the postive effects of green tea. I am living proof of the postive effects. Also, I have managed to drop 40 pounds. Blood pressure is still a little high (thanks GZ) but not near what it was. Funny thing though, when I am in China it drops about 10 points on upper and lower numbers.

I wonder if my blood work transcripts from the last two years could be used as evidence of a bona-fide relationship? :huh:

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Good for you! I drink green tea every day. But I haven't been to see a doctor in a couple of decades so who knows if it's helping or not. As long as I can stay healthy enough to keep climbing and hiking regularly I don't worry about it.


But I do like the taste and can't stand coffee in any form so lu cha it is. I always bring tea home from China and I've found a great cha guan near my home here in the Portland area.

Edited by Ling-Curt (see edit history)
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Good for you! I drink green tea every day. But I haven't been to see a doctor in a couple of decades so who knows if it's helping or not. As long as I can stay healthy enough to keep climbing and hiking regularly I don't worry about it.


But I do like the taste and can't stand coffee in any form so lu cha it is. I always bring tea home from China and I've found a great cha guan near my home here in the Portland area.


I gave up the coffee along time ago myself. A couple of decades??????? I hope your SO has inspected you well :rolleyes: :unsure:

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Good for you! I drink green tea every day. But I haven't been to see a doctor in a couple of decades so who knows if it's helping or not. As long as I can stay healthy enough to keep climbing and hiking regularly I don't worry about it.


But I do like the taste and can't stand coffee in any form so lu cha it is. I always bring tea home from China and I've found a great cha guan near my home here in the Portland area.


I gave up the coffee along time ago myself. A couple of decades??????? I hope your SO has inspected you well :rolleyes: :unsure:



:D thoroughly. :P


I bought some green tea near the city of Shangi-la that is a very mild tea that tastes like honey. The Chinese just call it "sweet tea". I have found in in Yunan Province and at one shop in Beijing. I have not found it anywhere in the states yet.

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Good for you! I drink green tea every day. But I haven't been to see a doctor in a couple of decades so who knows if it's helping or not. As long as I can stay healthy enough to keep climbing and hiking regularly I don't worry about it.


But I do like the taste and can't stand coffee in any form so lu cha it is. I always bring tea home from China and I've found a great cha guan near my home here in the Portland area.


I gave up the coffee along time ago myself. A couple of decades??????? I hope your SO has inspected you well :unsure: :D



:P thoroughly. ;)


I bought some green tea near the city of Shangi-la that is a very mild tea that tastes like honey. The Chinese just call it "sweet tea". I have found in in Yunan Province and at one shop in Beijing. I have not found it anywhere in the states yet.


I hear ya on the "thoroughly" ;) My wife has taught me a lot about green tea. I think the most important factor is that it not be processed. The processing washes away all of the tiny hairs that carry the most nutrients. I am very fortunate that she goes to her mother's village and pulls the tea from her trees and puts it in a bag. You can see all the little tiny hairs floating in the top of the cup. She also sent me some "night tea" that puts me right to sleep :rolleyes: I doubt you will find anything in the USA that compares to what is grown in china. The stuff in the USA is all processed.

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What is the difference between green and black tea?

Both green tea and black tea come from the leaves of the plant Camellia sinensis ; however the processing that the leaves undergo to make the final tea is different. The leaves for black tea are fully oxidised while those for green teas are lightly steamed before being dried.


Yes the tea we purchase here is indeed processed but at least the green tea is only slightly so. As such it hangs on to more of its antioxidants and other lovely traits.


Did you know that tea is a member of the Camellia family? I wonder what a brew from my neighbor's camellia would taste like? Hmmmmm......

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What is the difference between green and black tea?

Both green tea and black tea come from the leaves of the plant Camellia sinensis ; however the processing that the leaves undergo to make the final tea is different. The leaves for black tea are fully oxidised while those for green teas are lightly steamed before being dried.


Yes the tea we purchase here is indeed processed but at least the green tea is only slightly so. As such it hangs on to more of its antioxidants and other lovely traits.


Did you know that tea is a member of the Camellia family? I wonder what a brew from my neighbor's camellia would taste like? Hmmmmm......

Wowwwww........ no I did not know that. I have camellias in my yard. Should I try some???????? :rolleyes:

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What is the difference between green and black tea?

Both green tea and black tea come from the leaves of the plant Camellia sinensis ; however the processing that the leaves undergo to make the final tea is different. The leaves for black tea are fully oxidised while those for green teas are lightly steamed before being dried.


Yes the tea we purchase here is indeed processed but at least the green tea is only slightly so. As such it hangs on to more of its antioxidants and other lovely traits.


Did you know that tea is a member of the Camellia family? I wonder what a brew from my neighbor's camellia would taste like? Hmmmmm......

Wowwwww........ no I did not know that. I have camellias in my yard. Should I try some???????? :rolleyes:


Check with the local .gov ag center first to learn of any unknown toxins, then if it isn't poisonous, go fer it. In survival training I was taught "if it walks talks creeps or crawls it's edible--plants? ya takes yer chances......


I know many plants make good teas--roses, chamomille, mint, nettles, fir needles, raspberrys, clover....

Edited by Ling-Curt (see edit history)
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That's cool man. My wife is also an expert on wild edible plants. She grew up this way. She told me she could find many things in my forest that are good to eat and she knows how to check for toxins. I will have to think about that one :rolleyes:


I'm a practitioner of many things and an expert at none. :unsure:

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Also, I have managed to drop 40 pounds. Blood pressure is still a little high (thanks GZ) but not near what it was.

This may just be a 'global warming' argument.. maybe GUZ is responsible for losing 40 lbs :rolleyes: sorry , couldn't resist...


Anyway.. I decided to pour myself some green tea... actually another CFL member gave it to me as a gift... chinese ladies know how to be pratical even in bestowing gifts for your health :blink:

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I went to a couple "tea tasting" shops in China. I must have tasted 15 or 20 varieties. I'll be honest with you, it was hard for me to tell one from the other. I guess, like wine, you have to acquire the taste. :rolleyes:

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Also, I have managed to drop 40 pounds. Blood pressure is still a little high (thanks GZ) but not near what it was.

This may just be a 'global warming' argument.. maybe GUZ is responsible for losing 40 lbs :ph34r: sorry , couldn't resist...


Anyway.. I decided to pour myself some green tea... actually another CFL member gave it to me as a gift... chinese ladies know how to be pratical even in bestowing gifts for your health :)

Very good David :D I would have said the same B) If GUZ doesn't give me a heart attack then I will thank them for the "global warming" that led to the weight loss ;) more evidence of a bona-fide relationship ??????????? :D

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