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Length of Time of Divorce and New Relationship

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Does the length of time between an SO's divorce and the time she entered into a relationship (marriage or fiancee) with her SO have any bearing at interview time? I have read several accounts here and just was wondering if it raises red flags in the VO's mind. My SO has been divorced from her ex-husband for over 13 years now. I've been divorced nearly five.


We've only just begun...


As aye,



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From every thing I read the divorce time is not a red flag, they are mostly looking for evidence of a relationship.


In your case with 5 and 13 years you will not have any problems.

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Does the length of time between an SO's divorce and the time she entered into a relationship (marriage or fiancee) with her SO have any bearing at interview time? I have read several accounts here and just was wondering if it raises red flags in the VO's mind. My SO has been divorced from her ex-husband for over 13 years now. I've been divorced nearly five.


We've only just begun...


As aye,



You might be extremely concerned about what the VO will think when he sees your picture and then discovers you're masquerading as a Texan trying to hide that you are a c##n-a$$. :roller:


Native Texan.... :rolleyes: (bring it on bubba) :lol:

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Does the length of time between an SO's divorce and the time she entered into a relationship (marriage or fiancee) with her SO have any bearing at interview time? I have read several accounts here and just was wondering if it raises red flags in the VO's mind. My SO has been divorced from her ex-husband for over 13 years now. I've been divorced nearly five.


We've only just begun...


As aye,




I've read of some that were divorced for a long time, yet they were asked to bring proof of the Ex's residence, and some that were divorced for a very short time before the engagement/marriage to the beneficiary, and were not questioned at all. Me thinks that one's financial situation has a lot to do with it.

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Does the length of time between an SO's divorce and the time she entered into a relationship (marriage or fiancee) with her SO have any bearing at interview time? I have read several accounts here and just was wondering if it raises red flags in the VO's mind. My SO has been divorced from her ex-husband for over 13 years now. I've been divorced nearly five.


We've only just begun...


As aye,



You might be extremely concerned about what the VO will think when he sees your picture and then discovers you're masquerading as a Texan trying to hide that you are a c##n-a$$. :D


Native Texan.... :lol: (bring it on bubba) :lol:



Lee, Lee, Lee...


The only thing Coon Ass about me are the Coon Ass Mardi Gras cups I caught at one of the parades when I used to live in Lousyana.


I know you are upset about being denied your tourist visa to Texas. Maybe you should not have told the VO about your K-A-N-S-A-S-S connection! :blink: I'll see if I can put in a word for your with the Texas Immigration Service. I think us NATIVE TEXANS are allowed to sponsor two or three visitors a year, depending on what state you are from. But from what I hear, it's very difficult for folks from K-A-N-S-A-S-S to qualify for a Texas Immigration Service "Adopt An Immigrant Tourist" visa. Maybe next time, tell the VO, you are from New York or something... B)


Texas Born, Texas Proud! :P


As aye,



Edited by SinoTexas (see edit history)
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the most important issue that I see is that there is no past relationships with former spouses

HUH??? Is this possible??

sorry.. not really clear enough.. I meant they want to know that the former martial relationships are really over and no fraudulent activity is playing out...

I think I thought what you thought you wanted me to think--but I just couldn't resist--ya know?!

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