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How to avoid multiple overcomes??

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We are scheduled to submit our overcome document on 10/10. This is our first overcome and hope to be the last too. I heard a several instances in CFL here that some people actually had multiple overcomes, which is really beyond my apprehension. Why not GUZ tell us at the same time what they want? GUZ only requested for my husband's resume and we learn not to give them more information then they want. But at the same time, we would like to show them any possible information they want to see, in case they come after us again? So what should we do? Appreciate any advice.


Another question... Will the same VO (the one conducted the interview) review the overcome document we submit? Or it may go to any VO?



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We had our overcome interview in November,2005. That part was pretty standard and my wife had a different VO.


We just gave them everything they asked for in the denial documents. It was apparent to me that we had some confusion in the process as I was referred to as a citizen of England.


Copies of emails, proof of different residence for my ex. The locale of her ex and other items including statements of the evolvement of the relationship. They wanted credit card receipts of my purchase of plane tickets to China as there was question of who purchased my plane tickets.


The biggest one, which I feel was the kicker, was how and who was translating my emails to her. I was sending emails translating to rough Chinese charactor by using Babelfish by Alta Vista. I was trying to avoid having her pay 10 Yuan per email at her request and I think that raised red flags.


I just hope you have saved everything you charged, sent or have any sort of document for. Now is the time to pull out all stops and give them no reason to deny a second time.


Good Luck...

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It's really hard to give a sure-fire, categorical answer to "how to overcome in the first attempt".. the golden rule is to give them as completely as possible what they want.


I've heard of those with CCP membership as needing to provide a resume... I assume they want to establish intent of employment, ties to other activities or groups (particularly if travel abroad has occurred).


With this in mind, you could give his resume and state clearly the type of work he engages in and reasons for traveling abroad. I would not state it in a manner of justification as much as simply the facts.


Of course the risk is that you give them reason to questions something you said.. so it is a very trick issue. So, some might prefer the risk to say too little and let them ask some more out due to lack rather than from saying too much.


I think the important part, however hard, is to view this simply as an extended process for approval at this point... don't take anything personally and don't worry too much about how many times it takes (till you've hit about the fourth overcome). It could take them more than one round to be satisfied and to ask all that they want..

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There is a list of things that Guangzhou will need on your SO's interview which is reqired on her package 4... you can only get perpared by collecting anything you could think of.

I am sure that there are member's checking list in this forum you can use for a guide. No one knows what kind of decision GZ is going to make and the only thing we can do about it is get things perpared and hoping for the best.


Just my 2 cents.

Edited by rosyanne (see edit history)
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The only guaranteed method of avoiding the overcome process is to not apply for a visa. :unsure:


You do the best you can and give them what they ask, but don't get carried away thinking that more is better. If they ask for a handwritten note give them one, remembering a note is usually a single page or two, not 100.


It's not about trying to beat them at their game, but surviving the game with the rules fluctuating from time to time, and sometimes luck has as much to do with it as anything else.

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The only guaranteed method of avoiding the overcome process is to not apply for a visa. :surprise:


You do the best you can and give them what they ask, but don't get carried away thinking that more is better. If they ask for a handwritten note give them one, remembering a note is usually a single page or two, not 100.


It's not about trying to beat them at their game, but surviving the game with the rules fluctuating from time to time, and sometimes luck has as much to do with it as anything else.


I think this is generally well stated... I'll just create a dichotomy of before the interview and interview-and-forward.


In the former case, I think there is a some chance of 'beating them at their game'.. maybe I should just say, 'playing their game'... this takes some real insight and attention to the process and your individual case... but once at the interview, I do feel it's too late to 'prove your case'.. you can just satisfy their requests.

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