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Starting to be concerned

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I first came to CFL for help and here I am still asking. I don't like the feeling I'm having about getting approved. I cannot think of one red flag that would prevent me from getting approved. I'm 99.9 % sure that everything in my petition was exactly the way they asked for it. The reason I'm concerned is that I'm seeing a lot of people over at VJ getting approvals who have way less time that I have. Any yet there are some that are in the same boat that I'm in - still waiting. Everyday I go to the CSC website and nothing changes. Is it possible that they lost my file? Does that happen often? Should I contact my Congressman? Sorry for all the questions, but I'm not sure what to do at this point. Thanks everyone for your help and your input and opinions. Ron

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I first came to CFL for help and here I am still asking. I don't like the feeling I'm having about getting approved. I cannot think of one red flag that would prevent me from getting approved. I'm 99.9 % sure that everything in my petition was exactly the way they asked for it. The reason I'm concerned is that I'm seeing a lot of people over at VJ getting approvals who have way less time that I have. Any yet there are some that are in the same boat that I'm in - still waiting. Everyday I go to the CSC website and nothing changes. Is it possible that they lost my file? Does that happen often? Should I contact my Congressman? Sorry for all the questions, but I'm not sure what to do at this point. Thanks everyone for your help and your input and opinions. Ron


I was in the same boat last year. It took a letter from my Congressman to get the approval.

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Ron, I understand how you feel. Waiting for the P2 damn near had me packing my bags and moving to China.


The word is that IMBRA has caused chaos (more than the usual) and a severe backlog at the Service Centers. Try writing the Congressman and see if they can do anything... it certainly won't hurt you or your application.


Best of Luck to you.

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Should I contact my Congressman? Sorry for all the questions, but I'm not sure what to do at this point. Thanks everyone for your help and your input and opinions. Ron


Sorry to hear of your frustrations Ron. I don't think it's ever bad to contact your Congressman, so long as you're polite and respectful with your request. If you start demanding and threatening your Congressman by withholding your vote for him if he doesn't do as you demand, then it would be problematic. But otherwise, I would suggest you contact him. Be specific with what you're asking for. Otherwise they can't help you if they don't know what you want from them.


Good luck!

Edited by SirLancelot (see edit history)
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Yes Ron I would call your congressman. They all have an aide who deals with immigration. They also have a direct number to call uscis. My congressman’s aide was able to tell me that my petition was approved a week before I received the letter. The website never has changed from receiving the imbra rfe. I think you have waited long enough. Hope you hear something soon...

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Thank you all for your opinions and words of support. I did call my Congressman's office yesterday, but it was in the afternoon of a long holiday weekend and they never called back. I will call again Tuesday and I might even go to the office as it is not far from where I live. I will see if they can help me get out of this hell hole. If they had a fair method of processing petitions, that's one thing, I can deal with that. But I can't see that there is any method at all. Thanks again. :smartass:

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Thank you all for your opinions and words of support. I did call my Congressman's office yesterday, but it was in the afternoon of a long holiday weekend and they never called back. I will call again Tuesday and I might even go to the office as it is not far from where I live. I will see if they can help me get out of this hell hole. If they had a fair method of processing petitions, that's one thing, I can deal with that. But I can't see that there is any method at all. Thanks again. :smartass:



Ron it might take a few days to actually talk to your congressman. You can check their website and send an email also. My friend you and your SO will just have to be patient with this. If your SO is anything like mine then sometimes they don't know what that word means........lol. I wish you all of the luck in this world with your case.

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Thanks, Chilton, Yuanyang, Stephen, Sir Lancelot. I love my SO and my only choice is to keep on going. Actually the lady I talked to who works for my Congressman was very nice and positive. :)

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Thanks, Chilton, Yuanyang, Stephen, Sir Lancelot. I love my SO and my only choice is to keep on going. Actually the lady I talked to who works for my Congressman was very nice and positive. :)


Good for you Ron. I was really surprised and beside myself when my congressman's aide came to my rescue. I really wish you the best :)

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Guest pushbrk

Thanks, Chilton, Yuanyang, Stephen, Sir Lancelot. I love my SO and my only choice is to keep on going. Actually the lady I talked to who works for my Congressman was very nice and positive. :)


Good for you Ron. I was really surprised and beside myself when my congressman's aide came to my rescue. I really wish you the best :)


You may only need to talk to the person in your Congressman's office that deals with such issues. They are generally empowered to act in their behalf.


You may well get faster action by finding this person and explaining exactly what kind of help you are requesting.

Edited by pushbrk (see edit history)
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Thanks, Chilton, Yuanyang, Stephen, Sir Lancelot. I love my SO and my only choice is to keep on going. Actually the lady I talked to who works for my Congressman was very nice and positive. :)


Good for you Ron. I was really surprised and beside myself when my congressman's aide came to my rescue. I really wish you the best :)


You may only need to talk to the person in your Congressman's office that deals with such issues. They are generally empowered to act in their behalf.


You may well get faster action by finding this person and explaining exactly what kind of help you are requesting.


Thanks, Mike. I hope things are going well with you and your new family.

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Thanks, Chilton, Yuanyang, Stephen, Sir Lancelot. I love my SO and my only choice is to keep on going. Actually the lady I talked to who works for my Congressman was very nice and positive. :lol:


RLS, hang in there. Over at VJ, we've seen several Marchers of CSC get approval within the last 3 days. I sincerely believe you'll be getting yours soon. :D


But yes, contact your Congressman's office again next week to followup just in case. If you can make a personal visit, I think it's even better. It'll show your genuine cause for concern even more if you pay a personal visit, though I'm not sure if you will need to make an appointment with them first before just showing up at their office.


Best wishes.

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Thanks, Chilton, Yuanyang, Stephen, Sir Lancelot. I love my SO and my only choice is to keep on going. Actually the lady I talked to who works for my Congressman was very nice and positive. :D


Ron, my friend. I do not know your age or your musical tastes, but I am suddenly reminded of a song by the Rock group Queen, who sang, " Keep Yourself Alive".


Don't give up. I sent several emails to Guz, called DOS repeatedly, and just wouldn't let my case go even though we lost one to two months compared to others pre-EMBRA. What kept us out of the August group, and possibly July was some sort of name-check snafu. Ask questions, demand answers, Ron. I have experienced your fiestiness. :roller:


You have it in you. Keep on Keepin' on. "Fight for The Right To Party!!!"


Oooops...Wrong song. :lol:



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Thank you Ed and Ying, Michael and Manyun, Sir Lancelot. I knew I would get support from you guys. Michael, I'm probably a tad too old for Queen, even though I know about them. I'm a Bob Seger, Credence, Steely Dan, and Rhythm and Blues fan. I actually play guitar and had a band at one time. I even released an album. If any CFLr's would like one, let me know. Thanks again - Ron :)

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