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my SO was asked the following questions during her interview. It took place around 12:30 and there were about 20-30 people left in the hall waiting for interviews.


SO: [Walking up to the window] Oh, you must be tired.

Visa: [smiling] Alittle maybe.

[Looking over paperwork--At this time SO takes out clear plastic binder with tabbed forms, and puts my passport on top}


Visa: Can you speak English?

SO: I would like to try, but if I have a problem can I ask you to use Chinese.

[we had practised this answer, it seemed to please Mr. VisaOfficer Odie]

Visa: Yes, of course.

Who is your Husband?

SO: My Fiance is XX XX XXX.

Visa: What does he do?

SO: He teaches at XXXX XXXX in Virginia. He teaches Chinese and Japanese, so he speaks Chinese as excellent as yours, almost.[elicits a smile]


Visa: What kind of socks does he wear?

[obviously not one of our practised questions]

SO: I don't know but they are so very big....and ugly

Visa: ha ha ha.


Visa: Where did you meet?

SO: XXXXXX at XXXX college


Visa: What were you studying there?

SO: xxxxxx


Visa: Congrats you passed. and your english is excellent.




My SO when she was talking to others she had heard that clothing/personal grooming questions have become more common. Obviously the VO couldn't know the answer I guess they are looking at the reaction more than the words.


The only other observation is that if the VO looks pressed for time if your SO lets him see that all of your documents are in Felix Unger-like order he may assume that he can save some time on your application with a quick pass so when setting up documents do not just set them up for your SO but also perhaps in a way that the VO can notice the effort put in.


They did not even look at a single financial form, email, picture or passport.


Good luck all!!

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Guess that means you're about to change to the comfortable and lowcut style of socks really really soon, the VO agreed they were ugly. :roller:


Maybe he wears the white ones, Lee.


Wheel Man

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