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Duplicate IMBRA RFE for K3

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At least you got the RFE. I am still waiting to receive the first one. Maybe today it will show up in the mail for me.


"In certain circumstances, USCIS may need to issue a second RFE to some petitioners later in the process if it is determined that other required information was not provided in the initial filing"


From http://www.myvisa.com/Visasage/k1IMBRA2.htm


Ok, I can understand how a second might be needed...but I would assume a second would have different questions...not a total duplicate.


If they wanted duplicates seems like they would have mailed them at the same time instead of 2 weeks apart. This totally makes no sense.



*purchases industrial strength Preparation H and prepares for 3rd RFE reaming*

Edited by trickyspark (see edit history)
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Yeah... I sent mine back with this letter:




I received a second I-129F K3 IMBRA supplement RFE in today’s mail 7/14/06. I have already returned the first one and have received email confirmation that USCIS received it on 7/10/06. How many of these do you need? In fact, why don’t you process the first one since you haven’t processed any cases for 12 weeks. But then, I guess you have been busy… sending out duplicate RFE’s.



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Yeah... I sent mine back with this letter:




  I received a second I-129F K3 IMBRA supplement RFE in today’s mail 7/14/06. I have already returned the first one and have received email confirmation that USCIS received it on 7/10/06. How many of these do you need? In fact, why don’t you process the first one since you haven’t processed any cases for 12 weeks. But then, I guess you have been busy? sending out duplicate RFE’s.




Lmao, I like that.


Here's mine.


Dear USCIS, NVC, DOHS, and other,


While I know you do not care that I have not seen my spouse in 9 months, and may not for 8 more, maybe longer...it is rather important to me that the people processing my paperwork take this a little more seriously. I thought I would be rewarded with a happy life when I got married, not punished and seperated with my only means of seeing my spouse quitting my job and travelling to China. I realize this is an "acceptable loss" and no one really cares if I see her again or not, the visa fees and paperwork processing charges are all that count.


I am returning this, my second RFE, which is in every way identical to the first along with an email that I received stating that you received the first RFE. I thank you.

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