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Chinaisms - How the English language works

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This is one that my college students used to say:

"On the weekend I to play with my girlfriend/boyfriend/friend(s)."


I would joke with them and tell them that in America when adults say "play" it usually happens in the bedroom. :huh:


I wish i kept all the essays they wrote because a lot of them were pure comedy!


So many would plagiarize, though, and that really bothered me. I once got an essay from a student who was supposed to be writing about a foreign country. He handed in the paper and I returned it immediately with a big red F. He started to cry and ask why I didn't like it. I told him that I didn't understand GERMAN any more than he did. Apparently he just googled the name of his assigned country and copy and pasted the first article that came up. :angry:

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I always say: 'open the TV' ,actually I mean 'turn on the TV', just keeping saying it in the wrong way, glad that my LG does not really 'open the TV' for me cause I can't close it. The main reason for that is in Mandarine, 'turn on' and 'open' are the same character. we use 'kai' for opening a door as well as for turning on the light and TV. :rolleyes:

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