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At interview on August 13, 2002 we got the white paper that told us 6 to 8 weeks or longer for the name check. It is now over 7 Months later. Then 3 times we were told by the Department of State it would take 2 to 3 weeks and each time no results. Then we were told we were cleared but DOS had to send to GZ and it would be a few more weeks. Then 5 weeks passed since that statement. Then Friday March 7 my fiancée received the following email from GZ:

Ms. Xxxx,

The Consulate has just received authorization to print your visa. The Immigrant Visa Unit will send a notice to your address today or Monday.When you return to the Consulate, you will need to bring the notice and your passport. Barring technical difficulties, you should be able to receive your visa the same day. The Consulate suggests you wait until you have your visa in hand before securing ticketed travel to the United States.


Guangzhou IV Unit


This again is a false statement to us. It is now a week past that email from them. She called GZ March 11 and they told her that it is not sent and they do not know when it will be sent. He said just wait a few more weeks. She then called on March 13 as was told it was sent but they would not give her the tracking number. The man she talked to also would not give his name. It takes 1 day for EMS from Gz to Nanning. I have written and faxed Adams but do not get answer. I am now convinced that the US Government only teaches its workers to tell lies.

So if you get the great white paper then plan for a never ending




1st NOA Jan 17, 2002

Interview August 13

still waiting

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She then called on March 13 as was told it was sent but they would not give her the tracking number.  The man she talked to also would not give his name.

Raise hell if the EMS has not arrived by 3/17 and demand to have a tracking number. If they refuse to give you one, ask them why ,since they said it was sent.

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Raise hell if the EMS has not arrived by 3/17 and demand to have a tracking number. If they refuse to give you one, ask them why ,since they said it was sent.

Yes George, you have some of their attention. So keep after them. I still believe all the Black Hole cases are in a big pile (getting smaller) in GZ, just waiting on the workers to get to work on them. Keep stirring up that pile, George.


This is further evidence that some of them are more confused than we are about our cases. It seems that different personnel and different parts of BCIS know different things about your case. This is hard for me to understand, since they all are supposedly working together and accessing the same computer network. :o :rolleyes:

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