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Im not sure this is the right place for this post


I have live alone in this new home for 1.5 years so I guess it's time

to start debachelorising. Im looking for ideals on what to keep and what to disregard. Im sure other guys have gone this before.


Is there a guide or a list to go by?

Are do we wait till she gets here and do this together?


Im trying to keep from having those embarrassing moments like

"where did this come from, who gave you this, you didn't tell me you had this or why would you keep this.... etc"




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Bobby, my best recommendation would be to clean out anything you have avoided disgarding, such as 10 year old kitchen stuff that has floated to the back of the drawer. If you don't you will have a very difficult time getting it out the door once she arrives, because that would be wasteful. :o


I also went through all the old clothes that I never wear and got rid of them as well. You can fill in the blank and just clean up the place.

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Im not sure this is the right place for this post


I have live alone in this new home for 1.5 years so I guess it's time

to start debachelorising. Im looking for ideals on what to keep and what to disregard. Im sure other guys have gone this before.


Is there a guide or a list to go by?

Are do we wait till she gets here and do this together?


Im trying to keep from having those embarrassing moments like

"where did this come from, who gave you this, you didn't tell me you had this or why would you keep this.... etc"





Here is an older thread that was sent to me before my SO arrived.

It may help and I know it will bring a smile to you. Good luck.



1) 'sanitize' my computer files to get rid of all those http's and news groups that could possibly be 'misunderstood'

2) get the magazines out from under the matress

3) Wash the cat

4) Return the beer-empties to the recycle-center to pay for the cat bath

5) Clean the house and especially the kitchen -- put all the knives away.

6) Collect the loose change in the sofa from my drinking budies to pay for the house-cleaner

7) wash the laundry

8) pay the bills first, so I have water to wash the laundry

9) make a seperate account on the computer for Yan (so I don't have to continue to repeat step #1 again

10) Take out the trash

11) Pay the bills so the trash will be picked up

12) Wash the car (refer to step #8)

13) clean the top of everything

14) Clean the office -- oh WTF, skip this step

15) Get new sheets, etc for the bed, and new towels for the bathroom

16) Put all my past journals in a safe place (refer to step #5)

17) Have new unused toothbrush ready in the bathroom

18) Clean the house again

19) get rid of all the things in the kitchen whose expiration date is pre-2000

20) empty the dressers to make room for Yans clothes (throwing away all my SI swimsuit mags -- ouch)

21) empty the closets to make room for Yans clothes (throwing away all my Maxim mags -- ouch)

22) Visit Home depo to buy new garbage cans (refer to steps #2, 10, 19, 20, 21)

23) fill the bird and squirl feeders, and remove the ken and barbie swimsuit figurines from the bird bath

24) remove the rubber duckie and sailboats from the bathtub

25) Clean the car -- especially checking the crevises for old condom wrappers (refer to step #5)

26) buy fresh flowers for the kitchen table

27) Have yans pictures all over the house

28) Take down that poster of Britney covering the hole in the wall from my beer-buddy (see Step #6) with a nifty Chinese wall hanging

29) Make sure the bathroom door lock works (for her, not me)

30) Move enough beer out of the fridge to make room for something besides a pizza

31) check the back of the fridge, removing anything that resembles a golf-fairway (See step #22)

32) Make sure that the TV doesn't present the Playboy Channel when she turns it on for the first time.

33) pre-pay the chinese take-out place (including tips) for 5-days of take-out so we can come out of the bedroom when we want.

34) make sure no articles of female clothing still remain in the house (unless they are her size )

35) Visit the chinese grocery store to stock up on dumplings, etc. ("It's what I always eat, dear! )

36) Clean the house again

37) Get a job

38) Pay off my tab at the local well

39) make sure the auto-timed thermostat will drop to freezing after 1AM

40) Take the plastic fish out of the fish tank and put real ones in

42) Put tin foil all around the stove to make her feel at home

43) Put plastic covers on the remotes and the diningroom chairs, and cover the table with a silly piece of vinyl

44) put the CLEAN dishes in the dish washer

45) put small toys on the car dash and hang one of those 'thingies' from the mirror

46) Clean the Cheetos dust off the A/V equipment (I can't believe you guys missed this one )

46) Clean UNDER everything including the toilet seat (thanks Don) (See step #13)

47) Review my VCR & DVD collection--trash anything beyond an R rating (see step #22) (Thanks WB)

48) Have a long talk with my cat explaining it cant sleep on my crotch anymore

49) Buy a catbed (see step #48)

50) Clean BEHIND everything (see step #25)

51) check the medicine chest and pantry for 'personal toiltries' that a man would never use (See steps #5 & 25)

52) Check the attic (see steps #51 & 34)

53) Throw out the butt-can on the porch (told her I quit) (see step #25)

54) Quit smoking (see step #53)

55) Loose 10 lbs (see step #30)

56) Accept that I am loosing my bachlorhood

57) Accept that the house will not be mine anymore (see step #56)

58) Accept that I can't watch late-nite TV anymore (see step #56)

59) Check my underbriefs, throwing out those with skidmarks

60) Buy new underbriefs (see step #59)

61) Buy a matching clock for her side of the bed

62) Accept that I can't sleep corner-to-corner in the bed anymore (see steps 56 & 48)

63) Change the airfilters in the furnace (see steps #36 & 39)

64) Install some mood-lighting throughout the house (sitting in the dark watching late-nite TV is no longer acceptable) (See steps #56, 58, & 32)

65) Buy a silk camasole & tap-pants for her (unopened) and place under her pillow (see steps #34 & 39)

66) Get a new 'return address' envelope stamp that reads 'michael and yan ...'

67) Get some fragrance candles for the empty candel-sticks (see steps #64 & 26) (thanks squeak)

68) get some mood-CD's for late nites (see step #67)

69) Clean my wok, rice-steamer, etc. (thanks squeak)

70) Practice my chinese cooking recipes (so I don't look so stupid) (see step #69)

71) Clean the carpet -- check the corners for any hairs that are not long and black (thanks squeak)

72) visit the city hall and check for marriage license details (thanks squeak)

73) Clean the 10-years of dust off the venetian blinds (have no drapes) (thanks squeak)

74) Go through old photo albums and remove all pictures of old girlfriends.

75) Have house-slippers by the door for Yans arrival (thanks Marty!)

76) Take the blankets to the cleaners to remove the cathair (see step #48)

77) Get extra keys made to the house

78) Remove anything from the freezer that resembles Mt. Everest and allow it to thaw (to make room for the frozen dumplings -- see step# 35)

79) GO TO THE FREEKIN CHINESE GROCERY STORE AND STOCK UP ON NON-AMERICAN FOOD (I can't believe everyone, including myself, missed this one) (Thanks Yan).

80) Get cash (several hundred $) in my pocket--nothing is more embarrising than being caught 'empty'

81) Clean the house!

82) Clean the house!!

83) Clean the house!!!

84) Make reservations at a good restaurant in ChinaTown for when she arrives in Boston

85) Get directions to the airport and double check her flight schedule

86) Take all that trash out to the street

87) Before going to the airport, take a shower and brush my teeth...twice

88) Make sure my fly is up

Edited by Thomas Promise (see edit history)
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Don't forget the foreboding mattress.


I have wondered this myself in respect to what I had in the previous marriage. I get the idea that as long as it is a benefit to us it is OK to keep it. But I guess with some ladies you must get a new mattress. I even wonder if she will be OK living in this house. But nothing has been said so far.

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Don't forget the foreboding mattress.


I have wondered this myself in respect to what I had in the previous marriage.  I get the idea that as long as it is a benefit to us it is OK to keep it.  But I guess with some ladies you must get a new mattress.  I even wonder if she will be OK living in this house.  But nothing has been said so far.


Hummm, I have plans on buying a new bedroom suite and a new pc

so those special News Groups "links" will hopefully go away.. LOL

And this is a new home bought in April 2005.

Nothing in here has to do with any ex.......

No old sheets, towels ect...


God help me if I have missed anything!!

Would hate to WW 3, start in The Woodlands


But I do have one question..

What the hail is the deal about (5) put knives away??

Should I lock the knives in the gun safe?

since im the only one with the combo and the key




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Hey welcome to CFL HOUSTON.


I wondered the same thing about those knives. I know you need to get a big ugly meet clever looking knife with a good sharp blade and a way to keep it sharp, because we have no man on a stool outside on the corner to sharpen it here in the US. These gals seem to be able to whittle a carrot like a master chef. In fact she looked at me like I was retarded because I could not chop as skilfully as she does.


Hey in the Woodlands she should like it just fine there I am sure. Nice area!!!


I also wonder about this new towel thing. Boy my wife has some old stuff. She will wear out everything to nothing. Also they only had one towel for each person, no more. She gave me a hand towel to use. I went and bought myself one when there. 2nf trip she was using it and I took an old one.

Edited by SheLikesME (see edit history)
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Don't forget the foreboding mattress.


I have wondered this myself in respect to what I had in the previous marriage.  I get the idea that as long as it is a benefit to us it is OK to keep it.  But I guess with some ladies you must get a new mattress.  I even wonder if she will be OK living in this house.  But nothing has been said so far.


My ill-boding mattress went into the garage on Monday.


I have 5 large boxes of stuff to go to the Goodwill. I had a housekeeper come for 7 hours cleaning everything inside and out.


I went through every drawer. if I didnt know I had something, and was indifferent, it was chucked. Lots of clothes, gnarly looking pots and pans, tupperware with that eroded look inside, misc junk and more junk. I took a worn out lounger to the dump with some other trashed out furniture.


if you have pressboard furniture reinforced with 2x4's - chuck it :draw:


beer can collection - chuck it (my brother learned this one recently)


DONT go out and buy a bunch of new stuff. If it is spartan in your house, that gives her a place to start personalizing. I didnt go out and buy new curtains, after I washed and shrunk the old ones a few months ago. This gives my wife a chance to pick something she wants... I want her to be comfortable and feel like it is her house and mine, together.


Clean, disinfect, organize, purge.


T minus 3 days and counting, until my world flips upside down once again...



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:redblob: :redblob: :redblob: :redblob: :D :D


Hey good for you MERC!!!!!!!!!!


So 3 more days, WoW!!!!!!!!


Well we would be right behind you, like you said, if it were not for this MBA thing. She has an interview in July, but looks like we will hold out for the CR-1 unless we get a wild hair and reschedule K-3 for August when she will be down that way for a class and she comes here for a 2-3 week visit, to return, finish school, then get a CR-1.


Congrads, Conrads Conrads. :redblob: :redblob: :redblob: :redblob:



Funny about that mattress. My mascott for all of this.


Hey, my ex is giving back the house I got here before the divorce. a bit of a mess but never the less. Seems my wife is OK about it. It doesn't seem to bother her about furniture and stuff. If it does she probably dismisses it in her head rather than say anything. She looks at expenses too much.


I agree with all of your cleaning out though. Man I have 13 cars I need to whittle down on, beside clean out the house again. Well now 2 houses. But I have som etime left. God Bless on the new life!!!!!!!!!!!

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My 2 yuan, if you still have a little time, find some thing she can buy in China to bring with her, new towels, bed linens, slippers, etc. It will help her feel like she is coming to a new home with a few thing familiar to her. Another wonderful item to have is a Costco membership. Jen thrives on going there. Especially when they have free food samples. :wub:

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Hey welcome to CFL HOUSTON.


I wondered the same thing about those knives.  I know you need to get a big ugly meet clever looking knife with a good sharp blade and a way to keep it sharp, because we have no man on a stool outside on the corner to sharpen it here in the US.  These gals seem to be able to whittle a carrot like a master chef.  In fact she looked at me like I was retarded because I could not chop as skilfully as she does.


Hey in the Woodlands she should like it just fine there I am sure.  Nice area!!!


I also wonder about this new towel thing.  Boy my wife has some old stuff.  She will wear out everything to nothing.  Also they only had one towel for each person, no more.  She gave me a hand towel to use.  I went and bought myself one when there.  2nf trip she was using it and I took an old one.


:wub: Thanks for your suggestion.

I'll remember bring my electric knives sharpner when I move to the States.

:wub: I feel shame I can't whittle a carrot like a master chef as your wife does. I'll remember bring my shredder tools :P

Thank you again.

Bobby's wife Emma

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My 2 yuan, if you still have a little time, find some thing she can buy in China to bring with her, new towels, bed linens, slippers, etc. It will help her feel like she is coming to a new home with a few thing familiar to her. Another wonderful item to have is a Costco membership. Jen thrives on going there. Especially when they have free food samples. :P


I have bought new bed sheets ,slippers,canvas ,nick-nack and plan buying more stuffs for our home in the States. My husband had to carry them back to the States bit by bit each time when he came to see me. :P like ants moving.

But he doesn't like chinese towels,complains about the thickness. Actually he complains about the quality of all the chinese products,except his wife and step son. :P ;)

Bobby's wife Emma

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