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He Looked at the X-Rays!

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AOS interview today -


We arrived a little early, and had almost no wait (Houston office). A translator was with us (a friend she had met in the Beijing airport on her way here and who lives just a few miles away).


The security guard saw the large envelope, and asked "Are those x-rays?". I said yes, so he broke the seal enough to see inside that they were x-rays. Is this the first time someone's x-rays have been looked at?


Her big question was "Do you do that all day?", referring to using a computer or handheld translator. I told her repeatedly "When we need to, yes". She wanted to see us communicate, so she told the translator to not speak for awihle..


She asked, "What's your name?". Jiaying answered. She asked for some ID's - I had to point to her wallet - she got them. Then she asked "What's your address?". I had to enter that on the translator. She was flustered, I guess, but finally came up with the street name - but no number.


After that, the translator was allowed to join, and no more problem. She asked for copies of the identification, a letter from my employer (I had one from last year, plus a salary confirmation from this year), and any joint assets. We had one clear title (car) in her name, one (car) invoice with both names, a joint bank account, a joint VISA account, Sam's account, car insurance for both, and health insurance for both.


She found the vaccination supplement, but no medical report. When I told her that we hadn't gotten a new one - that the old one from Guangzhou should be good enough, she found it right away.


She went over 3 or 4 of the "Have you ever . . ." and "Do you intend . . ." questions (translation allowed) with no problem.


That was pretty much it. She told us that she needed to wait for the FBI background check to come through before approving us. We kept her EAD card and AP documents.



Reccommendations - We found a civil surgeon who would do the vaccination supplement only, for $10. If you have trouble finding one who will do that, consider getting a full exam as insurance that you will have one to show, especially if you don't have receipts or something to prove that it did take place (all we had was the xrays)


Also, review some of the personal details (like your address) with her before you go in.

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Congrats on the interview success. Hope the namecheck is quick and painless. I am always amazed at how different each AOS interview is and how some folks have even received the green card with no interview. I guess consistency is not a high priority with USCIS,

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Randy , great news !


My gut feeling about the security guy is that he was checking the contents for security issues (ie: anything else in there besides what the package is supposed to have)... reminds me of the airport messages about this...


What's most curious to me is the continued FBI checks not completed by the interview...

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