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Starting over ...

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Hello everyone,


I have been very busy these past few days. When I am not at work (and believe me, there are few hours that I am not at work now that I am leading a project), I have been working on Candle v1.0.


When I started the Candle For Love Website, my goal was to help reunite families. From the outset, I wanted it to be a place of respect, diversity, trust, and love. I have met so many wonderful people here on Candle, and I truly believe that together we have created a positive, and supportive environment! :D


The only downside to Candle, from my perspective, is that I will not have an opportunity to try to meet my soulmate on this site as it exists today. Candle was created with the intention of helping couples and families navigate their way through the visa delays and now bridge the cultural divide.


Sooo ... without further ado, I would like to share with all of you a special part of Candle that I have created for single people such as myself.


I actually started coding this Dating Application back in September, just after the visa delays began. It gave me a way to focus my energies in a positive direction, instead of worrying constantly about the security namechecks and the uncertainty of seemingly endless delays. :redblob:


During that time, I also began the discussion forums, which you know as Candle today. The discussion forums which use a Freeware product called Invision Board. However, the Candle Dating Application I have written entirely myself. It is thousands of lines of code and close to 50 Java/Servlet/JSP classes. :)


When the first clearances were sent to Guangzhou, I began focusing on my Chinese studies, anticipating being reunited with my fiancee and did not have time to continue working on my Dating Application.


Here is the address: www.candleforlove/com/jsp/CandleDating/index.jsp. I am also adding a link at the top of the forums page.


The search, "My Profile", photo manager are all functional. For the time being, clicking on a photo or headline will route you to the forums' profile page so you can send them a PM or email through the forums. Over the next few weeks, I will build out the rest of the application's functionality. I also hope that the single people who use the page can help make suggestions and give advice as people begin using it.


I will be honest with all of you, as honestly and integrity are very important to me. Eventually, someday down the road, I would like to set up the Dating application on a subscription basis.


The forums I will always keep free access open to anyone and everyone. Also, anybody who cannot afford a subscription but would like to participate can simply send me an email and I will set up a free account, no questions asked.


Not too long ago, there was a thread on Candle about taking up a collection to help pay for the hosting and domain name costs. Although I do sincerely appreciate and am touched by the offer, I would not feel right accepting donations. I have always worked very hard my entire life. Everything that I have, I feel that I earned by providing value ... to my employer, to the community, and to society. I humbly ask all of you to allow me to earn the ability to pay for Candle's hosting and future expansions by providing value and helping people find their soulmates.


I am asking each and every one of you to please spread the word and encourage your single friends to create profiles and start meeting people. As you can see, I have already created my profile. I know that my soulmate is out there, and someday I will find her. Although I went through a very painful learning experience, I will never allow myself to be afraid to live, to trust, and to love.





:P :D :huh:

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Guest woaipw

Excellent idea. The internet has "closed the gap" between the peoples of the world. CFL has certainly made it even tighter and has provided the forum for support, help and exchange of thoughts. Amongst the fiancee's coming to the US, the power of networking will deliver your "soul mate" to you PJ. I am sure there is a woman in China waiting for you and through the network you created, a bond will be shortly discovered on the horizon for you both. Your kink in the road will soon be a long lasting straight away.


Best wishes....

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Although I have not posted much, I have been looking over Candle for the last few months. I have read your posts, the thick and the thin, and appreciate your efforts to be honest and helpful. You are a talented and blessed man (at only 24!) and have the respect of those twice your age. Even in the dark hours, you continue to shine. Keep it up.

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Too bad you can't write an app that would provide on-line visa application, approval and printing in five minutes - just like a mortgage! :blink:


Seriously, I'm glad to see your efforts bearing fruit. Coding is sometimes a good place to lose oneself for awhile and your efforts certainly help others.


I'll direct my single friends to your site.

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I think your idea is great and am glad to see that you are busy taking, positive, optimistic steps for the future. Somewhere, way back in the bowels of the archives, there is a thread I started with a little essay I wrote entitled something like "Reflections on Love". If you can find it, I suggest you read it. I would be most interested in your thoughts about this and how it applies to your future. You have been such a blessing and inspiration to all of us PJ and you have provided, through this board, a service to all of us that is beyond price.


Good luck, best wishes, and blessings to you my friend.

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