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Best way to check status of P3

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The only route for info I know of to check status of Packet 3 is e-mailing GZ. That's what I did anyway. Of course, that was a year ago and they were in the habit of responding fairly quickly back then. I really don't know about who to contact Stateside as I am in China and frequent calls to the States was not an option. Hopefully, as GZ clears out the backlog, their e-mail response time will improve, or at least return to what it used to be before this mess hit the fan.

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My understanding is that now they are doing the background check before sending the P4. The turnaround time is about 4 months - I guess I am trying to avoid, if I can, the situation where I wait for four months only to be told as so many have, "Gee, we don't have any record of your p3! Please send it again...." Maybe there is nothing I can do at this point...


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Guest agl88

I would recommed to call DOS to see if name check is submitted. If there is submission, GZ receives your file. That is my understanding.


Nowdays, it takes much longer from p3 to p4. I saw many people with Nov p3 are still waiting for p4. Maybe, GZ is very busy working on the white slips.

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