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Interview in 3 days!!!

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My wife's interview is coming up this thursday May 25th in GZ. We have just finished re-reviewing everything and I'm sure we will be re-re-re-reviewing it again over the next few days. My biggest concern is a rejection due to financial support, (haven't filled taxes past few years because I've been either studying full time or living abroad) if we are rejected because of a problem with our support papers, how could we overcome that? Any idea about what the process would be or how long it might take?

Hey if anyone else is going to be down in GZ from 24-30 let us know.


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I take it you've written a letter of explanation to accompany your Affidavit of support and have the Affidavit from your sponsor, if so everything should be just fine. Your not the first who has been in this same situation.


One thing others have done before is to have your SO take your passport in with her and when the VO at the interview window asks for her passport have her hand them both to the VO. It helps him to know you are waiting with her. If nothing else it gives her a better feeling of security.


As for a possible blue slip, don't spend any time worrying about it, the odds are everything will be just fine. If by some odd chance you get one, make sure your SO gets a full understanding of what they want before she leaves the consulate.


Good luck.

Edited by LeeFisher3 (see edit history)
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Good luck on the 25th. Ditto to what was said. I think you already know this from your previous posts, but it never hurts to double check - have two affidavits, one from you and one from the joint-sponser (unless you've got significant assets to meet the requirements) plus a notarized letter of explanation as to why you didn't need to file income tax returns.

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Thanks for all the support everyone :lol: ,


Frank1538 you said "plus a notarized letter of explanation as to why you didn't need to file income tax returns."


I have the 1-864 notarized and that includes everything inside of it? Do I need to have the letter of explanation notarized as well???


Your tax return is a REQUIRED attachment for the I-864, since you didn't file you have to provide a legal statement (i.e. Notarized) as to why you are not able to provide this.


Take your I-864 and the letter that you will attach to the American Services side to have it notarized. They may charge a fee for doing this.

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Thanks for all the support everyone :cheering: ,


Frank1538 you said "plus a notarized letter of explanation as to why you didn't need to file income tax returns."


I have the 1-864 notarized and that includes everything inside of it? Do I need to have the letter of explanation notarized as well???


Your tax return is a REQUIRED attachment for the I-864, since you didn't file you have to provide a legal statement (i.e. Notarized) as to why you are not able to provide this.


Take your I-864 and the letter that you will attach to the American Services side to have it notarized. They may charge a fee for doing this.


I picked up the "notarized" requirement from http://travel.state.gov/visa/immigrants/info/info_1328.html


"What does the sponsor do when he/she was not required by law to file an income tax return during a given year?


If a sponsor was not required by law to file an income tax return, he/she should prepare a notarized statement. In this statement the sponsor should state that he/she was not required to file a tax return and give the related Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulation. The IRS 1040 Instruction Book has information on who is not required to file income tax returns."

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