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What's your favorite thing about China

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Probably the single thing for me is the vitality that one sees on the streets in the city after, say, 8 o'clock. While most stores and shops in the US are closing or gearing up for closing, just about everything was open in China, and the crowds and people gave the streets and "malls" a festive feel.

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The American lifestyle seems to keep people bound to their home, tv, and cars, while the Chinese lifestyle drives people outside.

Just curious to hear others share their experiences.  :greenblob:


Greener grass on the other side of the Pacific!

In the eyes of Cantonese women, American men spend more time home: fix the garage, mow the lawn, fix things in the house - just so warm!


A Cantonese man would do anything to stay away from his home and wife: tea house, shampoo, foot massage, karaoke.....Cantonese women had endured this for generations till someone invented internet :(

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I've always enjoyed the ancient history of Asia in general. I also like the street vendors, the beautiful ladies, the food, the parks, I remember this "feel" I used to get walking the streets in Japan, Okinawa, Korea, Philippines, Thailand. I still get that "FEELING" When I visit China :P The banyan trees, the Lillie's, the Tombs, I love it all. I could do without the pushing and shoving :unsure:

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Other than the family I miss the parks. Old men having a jam session with traditional instuments or playing card games and mahjong. Ball room dancing, tai chi. The parks are such a great meeting place for so many group activities. What I don't miss are some of the smells, the polution, pushy little girls trying to sell me flowers and the punks at the train station in GZ sizing me up to see if I'm an easy mark.

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Guest blsqueaky
Stay focused Mark. :toot:


I am definatly focused, about 360 degrees focused, what is on my arm with my walking, and all sides, my only problem, my head can only turn so far :yahoo: :yahoo: :toot:

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Stay focused Mark. :toot:


I am definatly focused, about 360 degrees focused, what is on my arm with my walking, and all sides, my only problem, my head can only turn so far :yahoo: :yahoo: :toot:


........I tell ya, its all them cute little butts I keep talking about...... mm, mm, mmmmmm!

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Guest blsqueaky
Stay focused Mark. :toot:


I am definatly focused, about 360 degrees focused, what is on my arm with my walking, and all sides, my only problem, my head can only turn so far :yahoo: :yahoo: :toot:


........I tell ya, its all them cute little butts I keep talking about...... mm, mm, mmmmmm!


Where I am now, it is just not the butts, but the ah, ah, ah, ohhhh never mind, time to go walking around some more, sightseeing, and also the nice little butts

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What I miss the most about China is the food....ah the food!! The presentation, the color, the Ying and Yang emphasis to each dish, the unbelievable aroma's and the taste.....mm, mm, mmmmmm!,(sorry Ken I copied paste the mm thingies from you...haha). As far as all the post so far about the girls.....well my eyes were only on one of them in China....my sweet and beautiful SO,....(I hope she see this post latter. I could use all the brownie points I can get) :ph34r:


NOTE: As far as the food part....well I am a trained chef B)

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