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If you don't know how to use chopsticks, you may find yourself in a difficult situation at some point when no western silverware is available.


Best thing is to practice as much as you can.


One good way to do it is just buy a bag of beans and get some chopsticks. I recommend starting with the wooden disposable ones, because the roughness of the wood helps grip a little, and any success is encouraging.


Just open the bag, and practice transferring the uncooked dry beans from a bowl to a plate, and then back again. You will improve immensely in just a day or two.

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If you don't know how to use chopsticks, you may find yourself in a difficult situation at some point when no western silverware is available.


Best thing is to practice as much as you can.


One good way to do it is just buy a bag of beans and get some chopsticks.  I recommend starting with the wooden disposable ones, because the roughness of the wood helps grip a little, and any success is encouraging.


Just open the bag, and practice transferring the uncooked dry beans from a bowl to a plate, and then back again.  You will improve immensely in just a day or two.


You are right. The better quality, "slippery" ones are much harder. I bought some nice ones when I was in China and I like the wooden ones better. ;)

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haha....I remember when I was in culinary school our Asian chef instructor had us practicing all the time. We could only use chopsticks in the kitchen. You know they even make them very long for putting in or getting food from a fryer type wok! The last day we had a contest on who could remove diferent vegetables and beans from one plate to another plate the fastest. The beans were all different kinds and shapes. The vegetables were all different kinds too. They were cut in small and different shapes. I never laughed so hard. Class mates who would drop a bean on the floor had to run after it, pick it up with their chops sticks and return it to the plate. Anyway, I guess you had to be there to enjoy that humor. Well, the winner received from the chef instructor a beautiful handmade pair of chopsticks made in of course, China.

Edited by chef4u (see edit history)
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Then once you have mastered one way of holding them, change hands.


Jie about stopped breathing when she noticed I did this. :)  :ph34r:  :lol:


Ah you switched them to your left hand. A no no in many parts of the world including Asia. I'm left handed so even after eating a meal with chop sticks I'm sometimes told, "too bad you can't use chop sticks.". This happens more in Japan than in China. In China most did compliment my use.

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OH MY!!!!!! Did you see that? I just got my second gold thingie on that post!


Dan...Congrats on your second gold thingie!!! After this post I need 40 more to get my first silver!!...of course, I hope I do not get deleted :ph34r: :)


How many did you say Richard? You might want to recount that. At this point I figure 39 :lol: :rolleyes:

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OH MY!!!!!! Did you see that? I just got my second gold thingie on that post!


Dan...Congrats on your second gold thingie!!! After this post I need 40 more to get my first silver!!...of course, I hope I do not get deleted :P :roller:


How many did you say Richard? You might want to recount that. At this point I figure 39 :roller: :)


:roller: ...yea but I can cook!!...lol

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