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I have a co-worker that just called me and said their visa was denied at the interview. VO told the SO that they don't believe they have a bonafied relationship and their case is being sent back to DHS.


My co-worker went through this process a few years ago and after his fiance arrived in USA, she decided that the relationship was a mistake and went back home after 11 days. My co-worker let immigration know that he wanted to cancel the entire process becasue his fiance went back to China.


Now the VO is saying that because his previous fiance came to USA and he did not get married to her within the 90 days, then this current K1 must not be bonafied. Whatever that means I don't know.


Anyway he plans on getting hold of King for help. He had a friend that went through some trouble earlier with the visa process and he said King was able to get his friend a visa with no problem. He thinks the cost was $3,000 and he didnt' even have to go back for a 2nd interview. King took care of everything. I think that was pretty kool.

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something is missing here... this doesn't sound right!

Edited by HanLi (see edit history)
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something is missing here... this doesn't sound right!


That's what I thought. They do have a huge age difference but I'm not sure if that is a problem. I only know that the VO told his SO something about his previous petition and the fact he never got married within the 90 day timeframe. I'm thinking the letter he sent to cancel the orginal case never got to the correct people.

Edited by IluvmyLi (see edit history)
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something is missing here... this doesn't sound right!


That's what I thought. They do have a huge age difference but I'm not sure if that is a problem. I only know that the VO told his SO something about his previous petition and the fact he never got married within the 90 day timeframe. I'm thinking the letter he sent to cancel the orginal case never got to the correct people.


the age difference shouldn't be the criteria.... there is just too big an unknown here to really try to "guess" what the issue is. The speculation can run the gamut!!


hope he can work out his situation..


good luck

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Guest ShaQuaNew
They do have a huge age difference but I'm not sure if that is a problem.


I'm curious, how huge is "huge"? We talking about 10? 20? 30? year age difference?


Age has absolutely NOTHING to do with it, unless the lady's name is Anna Nicole and he is a 95 year old billionaire. Even then, if he wants to marry her, then thats his choice.


There are times when petitioner and the beneficiary may not consider seriously enough the proof of a bona fide relationship. While a petition is reviewed by the USCIS to ensure that both have met face-to-face within the two-years required before filing, it's EXTREMELY important to compile evidence of a relationship while you're waiting for an interview. In the absence of a common language, it's even more important. VO's are trained to weed out marriage and visa fraud, and it's incumbent upon the applicants to not give them any reason to suspect it.


Having a bona fide relationship in your heart will likely not be enough in the face of a tough VO. So, mind your Ps and Qs, and compile your evidence while waiting. This evidence takes the form of:


1. A video of the two of you communicating (where there is weak or no common language).


2. Examples of emails and letters over the course of your relationship.


3. Telephone call records


4. Time dated photos depicting the two of you together


5. Passport copies showing visits


6. Boarding passes


If someone has a background of using Guangzhou and other foreign consulates like a revolving relationship door, that will certainly send up smoke signals and huge red flags.



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Guest ShaQuaNew
They do have a huge age difference but I'm not sure if that is a problem.


I'm curious, how huge is "huge"? We talking about 10? 20? 30? year age difference?


30+ yrs


That's a bunch.....

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They do have a huge age difference but I'm not sure if that is a problem.


I'm curious, how huge is "huge"? We talking about 10? 20? 30? year age difference?


30+ yrs


That's a bunch.....


Yes it is. I think he's about 60 or so and she's maybe 23.

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Well I talked to my co-worker today about his denial.


2 issues were the cause of denial. Age difference and the fact he brought over another woman 2 yrs ago and hadn't made sure the case was withdrawn.


The VO asked his SO why she wants to be with such an old man. I don't think that was very nice to say and a bit rude if you ask me.


My friend contacted King and they had a long dicussion about his case. King said he would take his case for $7,000 and to only expect about a 70% chance of success.


Another interesting thing King told my friend was that once you have been denied by the VO and told the case will be sent back to DHS, you have 2 months to bring forth the evidence and fight the decision or your case will be sent back to the states.


He is flying back to China next week for the month of May and will keep me informed of what happens.

Edited by IluvmyLi (see edit history)
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They do have a huge age difference but I'm not sure if that is a problem.


I'm curious, how huge is "huge"? We talking about 10? 20? 30? year age difference?


30+ yrs


That's a bunch.....


Yes it is. I think he's about 60 or so and she's maybe 23.


It is very natural for most people will have to stop and wonder what is a 23 year old doing marrying a 60 year old guy? Does this guy have money? Does she think he is going to leave her a will?


My SO told me a story that stuck in her mind. She was walking with her mom, when she noticed everyone was staring at a short old man who had very little odd tuffles of hair left with tall young girl. They were holding each other like lovers. My girl thinks everyone was staring because she thinks the image of them together reminder her something that would come out of a circus freak show. It just looked plain odd.


I asked my SO if she beleived that girl loved him. And she thinks that the girl must really like the money. She said the guy was not all that attractive looking and a whole head shorter than that girl. She also told me that there is no way that could have been her dad either because of the way they were holding and fondling each other.


If you ask 100 people what their very first thought that comes to mind is when they see a 60 year old man with a 23 year old girl, you're most likely going to have most people think there is some other motivation factor such as money involved for them being together.


I think the VO asked the question so bluntly on purpose to guage her response. If her response wasn't good enough to convince the VO that this setup is merely for convienience (money) or otherwise, and not because of pure love. Then he's going to want to protect the petitioner.

Edited by Jonathan (see edit history)
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The VO asked his SO why she wants to be with such an old man.  I don't think that was very nice to say and a bit rude if you ask me.


What did she answer to this question?

That question might very well have been the determining factor that could have made or break the interview.


You've got to remember, the VO has concerns, and if you haven't satisfied those concerns, then he's not going to let you through. Clearly his objection was the age difference by how he worded his question. And I'm just guessing by the results that her answer might not be enough to resolve the VO's concerns.

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It is very natural for most people will have to stop and wonder what is a 23 year old doing marrying a 60 year old guy? Does this guy have money? Does she think he is going to leave her a will?


My SO told me a story that stuck in her mind. She was walking with her mom, when she noticed everyone was staring at a short old man who had very little odd tuffles of hair left with tall young girl. They were holding each other like lovers. My girl thinks everyone was staring because she thinks the image of them together reminder her something that would come out of a circus freak show. It just looked plain odd.


I asked my SO if she beleived that girl loved him. And she thinks that the girl must really like the money. She said the guy was not all that attractive looking and a whole head shorter than that girl. She also told me that there is no way that could have been her dad either because of the way they were holding and fondling each other.


If you ask 100 people what their very first thought that comes to mind is when they see a 60 year old man with a 23 year old girl, you're most likely going to have most people think there is some other motivation factor such as money involved for them being together.


I think the VO asked the question so bluntly on purpose to guage her response. If her response wasn't good enough to convince the VO that this setup is merely for convienience (money) or otherwise, and not because of pure love. Then he's going to want to protect the petitioner.


Regarding age difference, if the guy and gal feel comfortable with each other, that's no problem.



I help to translate for a friend who is dating a guy who is 9 years older than her. My friend likes the pic of the father of her guy! She keeps on telling me his father looks younger and kinder than the guy! The guy looks older than his father and the guy seems too smart and over qualified for her. God, shall I translate everything?



I saw a 21-year-old girl dating a 64-year-old guy. She got passed. The guy told me his interesting story at the house of his future father-in-law in Hu Bei province:"Before I went to the toilet, my future father-in-law gave me a bamboo stick. For what? Drive away snakes!"

I don't think the girl loves him but everybody got what they want.



I also saw a 40-year-old woman married a 82-year-old guy. The guy is a past commander of Flying Tiger, 14th Airforce - cool. The guy is poor cuz he got his friend to co-sponsor his wife to immigrate. They love each other, I believe.


I'm not as young as in 20s or 30s and I don't appear so needy so the guy I met has a problem - he spent lots to time trying to figure out my motive.

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