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Different response from DOS

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I just got off phone with person at DOS info line. After being on hold for just over an hour, she looked up my case # (as per usual). After a few minutes she asked if this was for Ms. Xxxxx. I confirmed that it was. Then she asked me for my phone number to call me back in a few minutes. Almost an hour later, the same person did call me with some different information.


She said that a post was cabled to GZ, and that my fiancée should be hearing from GZ in a few days. I asked what kind of information was in the cable, was it a clearance or a request for more info or was there a problem. She did not know. I also asked if there was a cable # for the post. She did not have one.


Now, just what does this mean? What kind of info did they cable to GZ? Was it clearance or was it one of those damn 6-month hold delays? B)

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Guest LarryQun

When CA says they sent a cable, it typically means the namecheck has been cleared. The official "Secretary of State Cable" can contain one name or many (last big one in late Jan. was 1200 names). I have been told that another big cable was sent on Feb 25 containing 1700 names. As far as the line "cable was sent and you will hear from GZ in a couple of days - that's a bunch of crap. Our cable was sent to GZ on Feb 13, as an individual cable with an individual name, and to this day, GZ says they haven't recieved anything from DOS (even though I have also provided them with the actual SOS Cable #). The GZ folks just say "not cleared yet". I'm sure that eventually GZ will associate the cable message with my fiance's file, but I'm not holding my breath on it happening anytime soon.

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As far as the line "cable was sent and you will hear from GZ in a couple of days - that's a bunch of crap. Our cable was sent to GZ on Feb 13, as an individual cable with an individual name, and to this day, GZ says they haven't recieved anything from DOS (even though I have also provided them with the actual SOS Cable #). The GZ folks just say "not cleared yet".

Agreed 120%.. Bigo Buncho of Crapo.. Si senor..

We received the EMS the very same day GZ was saying.. "nope.. nothing in the records here"

So much for "thorough" case checking...

The prob is not the case data ( clearance, resub, cables..etc etc..written on cocktail napkins... The prob is the case data disseminated on several computer systems that don't talk to each other, even at the same location it seems

. Hence the "manual" linkup needed of the info.... Even that, they don't do it too well.. See the above.

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