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GUZ denied + kicked back 2 states

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welcome and sorry to hear of your bad luck with GUZ.  I would also recommend the lawyer route, but if you can give more information in the order it happened in this forum (excluding self-identifying information)  it would serve two strong purposes:


1.  some people here are extremely intelligent and knowledgeable, and getting others' opinions is helpful.


2.  you will be able to present the information to a lawyer in a much more coherent and lucid fashion saving time (and thus saving money) if you do take the lawyerly route.


Remember you will overcome this with perserverance.


Still haven't got this thing down yet. All I know is that I have been waiting 4 a looong time and there is no end in sight. My sis + LiWens' aunt started this and now I am hopelessly hooked. Should have payed big money but foolishly thought play by the rules,and all will work out.


Hmm, concerned about this comment; with all due respect, your sis(?) started this process with you SO? And you're now hopelessly hooked?


Revelation: there is hope...bank on it - IF(!!) this is truly the relationship you think it is and, as you have also stated, since she's now more outgoing maybe this is to your disadvantage...I've gotta wonder. :whistling:


You need to convince ME (I'm not a VO) this is what you want, again, with all due respect to the marvelous and brave decision you've made to marry a chinese. :o

Edited by JoeLiyan (see edit history)
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Guest pushbrk
welcome and sorry to hear of your bad luck with GUZ.?I would also recommend the lawyer route, but if you can give more information in the order it happened in this forum (excluding self-identifying information)?it would serve two strong purposes:


1.?some people here are extremely intelligent and knowledgeable, and getting others' opinions is helpful.


2.?you will be able to present the information to a lawyer in a much more coherent and lucid fashion saving time (and thus saving money) if you do take the lawyerly route.


Remember you will overcome this with perserverance.


Still haven't got this thing down yet. All I know is that I have been waiting 4 a looong time and there is no end in sight. My sis + LiWens' aunt started this and now I am hopelessly hooked. Should have payed big money but foolishly thought play by the rules,and all will work out.


Hmm, concerned about this comment; with all due respect, your sis(?) started this process with you SO? And you're now hopelessly hooked?


Revelation: there is hope...bank on it - IF(!!) this is truly the relationship you think it is and, as you have also stated, since she's now more outgoing maybe this is to your disadvantage...I've gotta wonder. :whistling:


You need to convince ME (I'm not a VO) this is what you want, again, with all due respect to the marvelous and brave decision you've made to marry a chinese. :o


Some important information can get lost in translation and in attempts to be brief. Frank has given you the advice you'll need in order to overcome this setback and it is quite possible in the case of a truly genuine relationship.


If you want a better handle on your chances though, you'll need to provide such details as the reasons for the blue slips, what WAS requested, what WAS submitted and what WAS NOT.


Your comments about your sister and paying big bucks are big red flags as they currenly stand. Please elaborate.

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Think I might have given the wrong impression. Paying big bucks to a lawyer. Not to buy a bride, god forbide. My little sis and her auntie work together at the U.S. post office. Coworkers yakking i have a bro oh really i have a neice... A few letters, phone calls, some photos back and forth. About six months later a trip to China for the New Year. As for the denials first more tax stuff from me- silly me thought that was all covered in the approved packet from Lincoln. Second time for documenting our on going correspondence. Then they wanted a letter from me, the classic how you two met, I would have thought that was already covered in one of the letters LiWen had taken to the Consulate for me asking them to get ahold of me if there were anything else they needed. I know I had that in at least two of them.

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I'm sure GUZ knows about the aunt. I''m not sure why that in itself would be a red flag. If so I started on the wrong foot because that info has been included in different documents sent to INS and to GUZ in the how we met paperwork. Excuse my previous posts as trying to be brief came off as flippant. Last thing on my mind, thats my defense mechanism kicking in. When frustrated I tend to go to humor.

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I'm sure GUZ knows about the aunt. I''m not sure why that in itself would be a red flag. If so I started on the wrong foot because that info has been included in different documents sent to INS and to GUZ in the how we met paperwork. Excuse my previous posts as trying to be brief came off as flippant. Last thing on my mind, thats my defense mechanism kicking in. When frustrated I tend to go to humor.


The flag comes off this scenario:


"Hey niece, I know you've been trying to get into the US. I met this lady at work who has a brother who's not married. He may be your ticket."


George, I am in no way suggesting this scenario is the least bit real, but a VO might wonder about such things if there is a relative already in the US.

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Not a problem. I'm thankful for any and all advice. Only thing is how is it possible to change a VOs mind? Seems like documentation is the only way. I'm at a loss as to how they can read minds or however they determine thumbs up or down. At this point am holding on to my reps. aide telling me that when I get the intent the drop letter and submit big folder of paperwork for rebutal he has never seen denial.

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I'm sure GUZ knows about the aunt. I''m not sure why that in itself would be a red flag. If so I started on the wrong foot because that info has been included in different documents sent to INS and to GUZ in the how we met paperwork. Excuse my previous posts as trying to be brief came off as flippant. Last thing on my mind, thats my defense mechanism kicking in. When frustrated I tend to go to humor.


1.The Family Composition Sheet requires no information of auntie.

Your SO offered the information of auntie at the interview?

Or you have submitted more information than needed to confuse VO?


It just happened some relative in America helped applicant to immigrate on a pay basis. If you and your SO were introduced by her auntie, you have to handle all the doucments and every step with care, but it's always probable (not really difficult) to convince VO a true relationship is true.


2. I know a biz owner of a single women's club. They found guys on internet for women and all of the women got passed!

Most of the women have an English vocabulary of "pee, poo, honey, money".

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Don't know if I gave the wrong impression, but in no way shape or form has money entered into this! The only time the aunt was mentioned was when LiWen went back to the consulate to drop off more paperwork describing how we had met. I went over to face to face her after talking to her and exchanging letters for 6 months.

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